7th Swindon Scouts Christmas Raffle
Promoted and organised by our partner @ 7th_swindon_scouts
per ticket
tickets sold
Minimum tickets sales apply. See "Details".
@ 7th_swindon_scouts
7th Swindon Scouts
90 entrants with 713 paid tickets and 0 promotion tickets.
alene stone
Jo Plumridge
Laura Firth
Liz Jarvis
Christine Stone
Ian Cooke
Stacey Billington
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
alene stone
Rachel Abbott
Jo Plumridge
Helen Ryan
Ian Cooke
Lara Necrews
Markham Dyer
Rachel Abbott
Sharon bourne
Ian Cooke
Liz Jarvis
Melissa Fawcett
Sharon bourne
Dawn Evans
Pal Parikh
Gareth Hopes
Emma Sperring
Laura Harrison
Laura McClean
Jacqui myers
Dawn Evans
Abi Casey
Cerys Howard
Eddie Myers
Fran Robinson
Melissa Fawcett
Scott Dutton
Agnieszka Begg
Ruhi Parikh
Katherine Corbett
Jen Slater
Gemma Clasper
Darren Mileham
Deb Cooke
Tatiane Medeiros
Helen Ryan
Leanne Charleston
Jacqui myers
Sharon bourne
Hayley lucy
Helen Ryan
Gareth Hopes
Tatiane Medeiros
Cerys Howard
Laura Harrison
Darren Mileham
Emma Nash
Fei Wang
Christine Stone
Liz Jarvis
Jen Slater
Agnieszka Begg
Karen Sluman
alene stone
Christine Stone
Abi Casey
Darren Mileham
Emma Sperring
Ian Cooke
Markham Dyer
Eddie Myers
alene stone
Lory Barefoot
Sian Glendenning
Sian Glendenning
Markham Dyer
Sally Wadhams
Gillian cullen
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Sian Glendenning
Ruiyi Zhang
Lydia lewis
Sharon bourne
Laura McClean
Adina Clarke
Dominika Gawin
Steve Forrest
Laura Firth
Jo Plumridge
Stan Christie
Karen Sluman
Jacqui myers
Lory Barefoot
Gemma Clasper
Laura Harrison
Regis Moreira Junior
Markham Dyer
Samantha Holland
Rachel Abbott
7th Swindon Scouts
Kerry Pfleger
Chris French
Karen Sluman
Cerys Howard
Stacey Billington
Lory Barefoot
Fran Robinson
Dominika Gawin
Leah Simpkins
Jo Plumridge
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Fei Wang
Scott Dutton
Justin Woodward
Anna Blake
Dominika Gawin
Josh Read
Lydia lewis
Justin Woodward
Steve Forrest
Stan Christie
Bethan Rapson
Clare Dyer
Darren Mileham
Gillian cullen
Lory Barefoot
Jen Slater
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Sally Wadhams
Lydia lewis
Laura Dixon
Sian Glendenning
Claire watts
Jacqui myers
Katherine Corbett
Leah Simpkins
Louise Clarke
Ian Cooke
Cerys Howard
Ian Cooke
Dawn Evans
Abi Casey
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Rachel Abbott
Gillian cullen
Preeta Dewan
Stacey Billington
Kerry Pfleger
Orla Preene
Joanna Czerczak
Sam Janes
Lory Barefoot
Karen Sluman
Sharon bourne
Adina Clarke
Anna Blake
Lory Barefoot
Laura Dixon
Rachael Kearns
Deb Cooke
Orla Preene
Anna Blake
Kerry Pfleger
Laura Harrison
Sally Wadhams
Fran Robinson
Dominika Gawin
Jacqui myers
Christine Stone
Lory Barefoot
Gillian cullen
Gillian cullen
Abi Casey
Kerry Pfleger
Navneet Bhinder
Ruhi Parikh
Anna Blake
Laura Dixon
Jacqui myers
Tatiane Medeiros
Lory Barefoot
Darren Mileham
Gareth Hopes
Anna Blake
Deb Cooke
Lydia lewis
Agnieszka Begg
Melissa Fawcett
Abi Casey
Kerry Pfleger
Louise Clarke
Lory Barefoot
Jacqui myers
Sam Janes
Lara Necrews
Sian Glendenning
Clare Dyer
Aga Krajewska
Sian Glendenning
Stan Christie
Christine Stone
Steve Jellings
Christine Stone
Liz Jarvis
Cerys Howard
Natalie Corkish
Dawn Evans
Laura Firth
Dominika Gawin
Gillian cullen
Caroline Chater
Justin Woodward
Nicola Nottage
Hayley Lucy
Sam Janes
Justin Woodward
Melissa Fawcett
Gillian cullen
Joanna Czerczak
Fei Wang
Markham Dyer
Christine Stone
Markham Dyer
Gareth Hopes
Deb Cooke
Samantha Holland
Nicola Nottage
Sharon bourne
Melissa Fawcett
Fiona McNeill
Caroline Chater
Dawn Evans
Kerry Pfleger
Tatiane Medeiros
Ruiyi Zhang
Tatiane Medeiros
Fei Wang
Agnieszka Begg
Rob Pracy-Nyman
Stacey Billington
Lydia lewis
Melissa Fawcett
Laura Firth
Kerry Pfleger
Gillian cullen
Renata Ebenezer
Liz Jarvis
Darren Mileham
Eddie Myers
Jo Plumridge
Lory Barefoot
Steve Forrest
alene stone
Nicola Nottage
Agnieszka Begg
Cerys Howard
Rasa Humphrey
Dominika Gawin
Cerys Howard
Darren Mileham
Laura McClean
Lory Barefoot
Lydia lewis
Laura Firth
Darren Mileham
Laura Harrison
Ruiyi Zhang
Rachel Abbott
Gareth Hopes
Sian Glendenning
Aga Krajewska
Dawn Evans
Sharon bourne
Emma Sperring
Dominika Gawin
Nicola Nottage
Ian Cooke
Steve Jellings
Rachel Abbott
Gillian cullen
Jo Plumridge
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Donna Fretwell
Fiona McNeill
Lory Barefoot
Jacqui myers
Abi Casey
Eddie Myers
Laura Dixon
Laura Firth
Katherine Corbett
Sam Janes
Ian Cooke
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Justin Woodward
Kelly Crawford
Nicola Wojciak
Gillian cullen
Nicola Jones
Hayley lucy
Gillian cullen
Stacey Billington
Laura Firth
Michelle Whitten-Hall
Kelly Crawford
Emma Defty
Dominika Gawin
Justin Woodward
Laura Dixon
Eddie Myers
Liz Jarvis
Emily Barnes
alene stone
Jo Plumridge
Rob Pracy-Nyman
Fiona McNeill
Katherine Corbett
Karen Sluman
Agnieszka Begg
Stacey Billington
Lory Barefoot
Claire watts
Navneet Bhinder
Cerys Howard
Fiona McNeill
Ian Cooke
Katherine Corbett
Laura Firth
Stacey Billington
Lory Barefoot
Darren Mileham
Ruhi Parikh
Rachel Abbott
Cerys Howard
Sian Glendenning
Dominika Gawin
Abi Casey
Steve Forrest
Laura Harrison
Christine Stone
Laura Dixon
Leah Simpkins
Nicola Nottage
Leah Simpkins
Adina Clarke
Chris French
Rachel Abbott
Dominika Gawin
Regis Moreira Junior
Anna Blake
Ruiyi Zhang
Liz Jarvis
Gillian cullen
Karen Sluman
Eddie Myers
Nicola Wojciak
Melissa Fawcett
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Darren Mileham
Dominika Gawin
Jacqui myers
Sally Wadhams
Abi Casey
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Emily Barnes
Rachael Kearns
Joanna Czerczak
Orla Preene
Lydia lewis
Deb Cooke
alene stone
Abi Casey
Anna Blake
Anna Blake
Dawn Evans
Sian Glendenning
Samantha Holland
Josh Read
Rasa Humphrey
Katherine Corbett
Katherine Corbett
Helen Ryan
Melissa Fawcett
Ian Cooke
Clare Dyer
Leah Simpkins
Laura McClean
Fran Robinson
Louise Clarke
Dominika Gawin
Eddie Myers
Darren Mileham
Anna Blake
Regis Moreira Junior
Clare Dyer
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Lory Barefoot
Eddie Myers
Jacqui myers
Kerry Pfleger
Laura Harrison
Laura Dixon
Bethan Rapson
Tatiane Medeiros
Donna Fretwell
Darren Mileham
Cerys Howard
Dominika Gawin
Dawn Evans
Rachel Abbott
Tatiane Medeiros
Clare Dyer
Darren Mileham
Scott Dutton
Louise Clarke
Pal Parikh
Ruhi Parikh
Ian Cooke
Lara Necrews
Emma Nash
Sam Janes
Abbey Peirce
Aga Krajewska
Hayley Lucy
Rachael Kearns
Emma Nash
Emily Barnes
Katherine Corbett
Leah Simpkins
Agnieszka Begg
Lory Barefoot
Rachael Kearns
Claire watts
Stacey Billington
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Tatiane Medeiros
Katherine Corbett
Michelle Whitten-Hall
Jen Slater
Leanne Charleston
Dominika Gawin
Caroline Chater
Darren Mileham
Charlotte Goodyear
Hayley lucy
Abi Casey
Emma Sperring
Leah Simpkins
Agnieszka Begg
Nicola Nottage
Ian Cooke
Renata Ebenezer
Clare Dyer
Lara Necrews
Tatiane Medeiros
Emily Barnes
Ian Cooke
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Donna Fretwell
Dominika Gawin
Sian Glendenning
Michelle Whitten-Hall
Jacqui myers
Markham Dyer
Sally Wadhams
Emma Defty
Rob Pracy-Nyman
Charlotte Goodyear
Lydia lewis
Emma Defty
alene stone
Liz Jarvis
Nicola Nottage
Fiona McNeill
Kelly Crawford
Nicola Nottage
Nicola Wojciak
Laura Firth
Christine Stone
Josh Read
Darren Mileham
Rob Pracy-Nyman
Stacey Billington
Kelly Crawford
Ian Cooke
Stan Christie
Jen Slater
Navneet Bhinder
Deb Cooke
Natalie Corkish
Leanne Charleston
Ian Cooke
Steve Jellings
Donna Fretwell
Dawn Evans
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Gillian cullen
Clare Dyer
Navneet Bhinder
Pal Parikh
Clare Dyer
Bethan Rapson
Kerry Pfleger
Nicola Wojciak
Dawn Evans
Kerry Pfleger
Hayley Lucy
Caroline Chater
Emily Barnes
Kelly Crawford
Dominika Gawin
Leah Simpkins
Jo Plumridge
Darren Mileham
Laura Harrison
Stacey Billington
Justin Woodward
Michelle Whitten-Hall
alene stone
Aga Krajewska
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Markham Dyer
Ian Cooke
Liz Jarvis
Aga Krajewska
Michelle Whitten-Hall
Renata Ebenezer
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Sharon bourne
Melissa Fawcett
Darren Mileham
Charlotte Goodyear
Claire watts
Deb Cooke
Gillian cullen
Orla Preene
Laura Firth
Lory Barefoot
Laura Dixon
Charlotte Goodyear
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Katherine Corbett
Bethan Rapson
Gillian cullen
Nicola Nottage
Joanna Czerczak
Stan Christie
Rasa Humphrey
Caroline Chater
Darren Mileham
Adina Clarke
Lory Barefoot
Pal Parikh
Agnieszka Begg
Emma Nash
Deb Cooke
Nicola Nottage
Clare Dyer
Darren Mileham
Nicola Jones
Samantha Holland
Eddie Myers
Darren Mileham
Lory Barefoot
Laura Dixon
Darren Mileham
Ian Cooke
Sian Glendenning
Rob Pracy-Nyman
Charlotte Goodyear
Rasa Humphrey
Fei Wang
Eddie Myers
Jacqui myers
Darren Mileham
Jacqui myers
Emma Defty
Steve Forrest
Sharon bourne
Justin Woodward
Liz Jarvis
Sian Glendenning
Karen Sluman
Dominika Gawin
Justin Woodward
Anna Blake
Helen Ryan
Agnieszka Begg
Lory Barefoot
Abbey Peirce
Gemma Clasper
Dominika Gawin
Gemma Clasper
Donna Fretwell
Orla Preene
Sian Glendenning
Laura Harrison
Dominika Gawin
Leanne Charleston
Sian Glendenning
Rachael Kearns
Leah Simpkins
Gillian cullen
Lory Barefoot
Dominika Gawin
Lydia lewis
Hayley lucy
Louise Clarke
Emma Sperring
Gemma Clasper
Natalie Corkish
Emma Defty
alene stone
Justin Woodward
Gillian cullen
Fran Robinson
Navneet Bhinder
Lara Necrews
Josh Read
Josh Read
Lory Barefoot
Steve Jellings
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Sian Glendenning
Pal Parikh
Leah Simpkins
Ruiyi Zhang
Rasa Humphrey
Laura Dixon
Rachel Abbott
Jacqui myers
Joanna Czerczak
Tatiane Medeiros
Clare Dyer
Adina Clarke
Laura Harrison
Karen Sluman
Sharon bourne
Samantha Holland
Laura McClean
Ruhi Parikh
Nicola Wojciak
Sylwia Szwechlowicz
Darren Mileham
Deb Cooke
Melissa Fawcett
Ian Cooke
Gillian cullen
Deb Cooke
Darren Mileham
Gillian cullen
Markham Dyer
Lory Barefoot
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Bethan Rapson
Darren Mileham
Karen Sluman
Emma Nash
Natalie Corkish
Gillian cullen
Mrs Andrea J Clark
Jo Plumridge
Ian Cooke
Lydia lewis
Hayley lucy
Christine Stone
Lory Barefoot
Lory Barefoot
Jacqui myers
Markham Dyer
Karen Sluman
Ian Cooke
Leanne Charleston
Jo Plumridge
Hamper No 1
Large hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Hamper No 2
Large hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Hamper No 3
Large hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Hamper No 4
Large hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Hamper No 5
Large hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Big Ted
Big Ted
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Two tickets to Roves Farm
Two tickets for an adult, child or toddler
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Show
Tickets into Jungle Kingdom
A voucher for two adults and two children (under 10yrs) for Jungle Kingdom
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Tickets for Cotswold Wildlife Park
One Adult and one Child entry for Cotswold Wildlife Park
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Voucher for two people for Blunsdon House Hotel Fitness+
One voucher entitling 2 people to use the Blunsdon House Hotel Fitness+ facilities for one day.
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper no 6
Hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper no 7
Hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper No 8
Large Hamper with drinks, chocolates and festive surprises
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper No 9
A very heavy box of drinks, chocolates and festive surprises. You won't be able to walk home with this one....
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper No 10
Another big hamper full of drink, chocolate and festive goodies
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper No 11
A smaller hamper filled with drinks
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Hamper No 12
A smaller hamper filled with drinks
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
Collection only
Collection from Christmas Event
This competition has a minimum ticket sales of 100. If this isn't reached, each prize winner will instead receive 4% of ticket sales.
Maximum amount of 25 per person.
The raffle will end at 29/11/2024 13:00 and automatically drawn at 29/11/2024 13:15 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 4% of ticket sales.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: 3ab9ad72-1877-4488-aa34-609deb641072 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 4% of ticket sales. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.