CNCS Winter Raffle!
Promoted and organised by our partner @ cncsofficial
per ticket
tickets sold
Minimum tickets sales apply. See "Details".
@ cncsofficial
Cardinal Newman Catholic School
209 entrants with 1751 paid tickets and 339 promotion tickets.
Dee Yates
Jessica Logan
Sarah Murgatroyd
Sarah Lewis
Peter logan
Jane Burroughs
Irina Anuskevic
Ann Butters
Claire Newnham
Liz Hennessy
Louise Pantry
Kelly O'Haire
Erin Judge
Jane Mawer
Fiona O’Hara
Mary Redfern
Gillian Lai
Sophie Roddick
Ana Sousa Surwald
ben fraser
Hugh Salter
Josie Kleinjan
Claudia Valent
Catherine Walsh
Shibani Dsouza
Hugh Salter
Gemma Waddington
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Rebecca Brown
Patricia Whelan
Alan Kingston
Lucy Wynne
Luke Roddick
Rob boyne
Matt Gotel
Lolita Simcock
Magdalena Sadler
Pascale Denommee
Helen Hauduc
Amy Hett
Anabela Almeida
Sarah H Reilly
Andy Hart
Lau Vlaar
Cheryl Wiggs
Louise Pantry
Heidi Hodgson
Aimee Myles
Ana Sousa Surwald
Donna Hutchinson
Lianne Brown
Mary Grey
Mrs Lisa Day
Josie Kleinjan
Derek Grant
Monica Brucculeri
Denise Kelly
Rob boyne
Ingrid McCrudden
Kelly Washington
Louise Bowie
Donna Hutchinson
Lauren Bishop
Gillian Lai
Natalie Davies
Sophie Roddick
Catriona Lane
Tina Searancke
Elizabeth Edmed
Catherine Walsh
Laura Turner
Fiona O’Hara
Christina Savvouri
Patricia Whelan
Louise Pantry
Simon Boden
Mark Porter
Lorna Marsh
Ben Fincke
Kate Jones
Denise Kelly
Natasha Sierra
Rebecca Brown
Alice Beckwith
Louis Lobo
Laura Keogh
Camila Seligson
Monica Brucculeri
Ana Sousa Surwald
Camila Seligson
Kate Hood
Kate Jones
Rob boyne
Lawrence Andrew
Gemma davies
lisa taylor
Sarah Murgatroyd
Monica Brucculeri
Lauren Bishop
Natasha Sierra
Lucy Winton
Patricia Whelan
Jane Hargreaves
Claire Jarman
Katia Lambert
Lily glynn
Ingrid McCrudden
Rob boyne
Suki Sabine
Denise Kelly
Patricia Whelan
Rob boyne
Gabrielle Morcombe
Lolita Simcock
Lucy Winton
Angela Kelly
Lucy Ferguson
Cheryl Wiggs
Fiona Churchill
Francesca Coates
Claire Jarman
Corinna Gallop
Susanna Vomero
Kate Jones
Suzie Gatt
Laura Turner
Angela Kelly
Margaret Reeves
Emma Briggs
Carmel Stevenson
Kate Hood
Mrs Michelle Barry
Elizabeth Edmed
Matt Gotel
Patricia Whelan
Raquel Snajdar
Louis Lobo
Claire Newnham
Fiona Burns
Josephine Henderson
Mary Redfern
Carmel Stevenson
Sarah Allen
Lawrence Andrew
Louis Lobo
Maria Belfort Henriques
Clare Baker
Gillian Lai
Guiming Li
Claire Jarman
Mariateresa Boffo
Claudia Bryant
Susannah Kendrick
Imogen Peel
Laura Chung
Claire Heron
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Monica Brucculeri
Mrs Michelle Barry
Daniel Harrison
Mrs Lisa Day
Rob boyne
Lucy Ferguson
Christina Savvouri
Angela Kelly
Diane Crabb
Luke Roddick
Niki Cannon
Claire Heron
Gillian Ramm
Miya franklin
Miya franklin
Raquel Snajdar
Susannah Kendrick
Hugh Salter
Kelly Washington
Ingrid McCrudden
Sarah H Reilly
Louise Fitzgerald
Liz Hennessy
Lolita Simcock
Guiming Li
Guiming Li
Louise Airey
Erin Judge
June Dore
Denise Kelly
Patricia Whelan
Laura Turner
Alan Kingston
Ana Sousa Surwald
Mariateresa Boffo
Laura Hecht
lisa taylor
graham churchyard
Daniel Harrison
Elvy Lena
Anisha Maxwell
Katherine Yeoman
Dee Parr
Derek Grant
Ana Sousa Surwald
Claire Jarman
Kat Oneill
graham churchyard
Sophie Roddick
Angela Kelly
Claire Lee
graham churchyard
Mrs Michelle Barry
Sophie Roddick
Sophie Roddick
Kate Jones
Sarah Lewis
Susannah Kendrick
Karen Behan
lisa taylor
Ben Fincke
Aneta Antolak
Anthony Fitzgerald
Tina Searancke
Claire Tennant
Sarah Murgatroyd
Lu Liu
Rachel Pearce
Donna Whittle
Anna mullans
Aafje Moore
Ben Fincke
Mark Porter
Louise Pantry
Simon Boden
Louise Batchelor
Daniel Harrison
Gabrielle Morcombe
Rob boyne
Fiona O’Hara
Dee Yates
Rob boyne
Josephine Henderson
Matt Gotel
Katrina Toner
Claire Lee
Vicky Hawking
Susannah Kendrick
Laura Nash
Gerrie grey
Laura Nash
Claire Jarman
Johanna Evans
Josie Kleinjan
Hugh Salter
Natalie Davies
ben fraser
Kate Goudy
Lawrence Andrew
Suzanne Mccann
Rob boyne
Charis Mystakidou
Phil Yeoman
Liz Hennessy
Charis Mystakidou
Gillian Lai
Alan Kingston
Monica Brucculeri
Louise Airey
Rob boyne
Max Romero
Ann Butters
Louis Lobo
Rob boyne
Jane Burroughs
Dee Parr
Amy Hett
Matt Gotel
Hugh Salter
Louise Pantry
Patricia Whelan
Louise Gibb
Gabrielle Morcombe
Claudia Valent
Monica Brucculeri
Mary Redfern
Lolita Simcock
Margaret Reeves
Jessica Logan
Jane Hargreaves
Kelly O'Haire
Katherine Yeoman
Gemma Waddington
Abbi pashley
Lianne Brown
Lily glynn
Ana Sousa Surwald
Hayley Brown
Louise Fitzgerald
Guiming Li
Matt Gotel
mrs niki faires
Wilfy Nelson
Alice Beckwith
Lolita Simcock
Camila Seligson
Katia Lambert
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
graham churchyard
Suzanne Mccann
Helen Baynes
Margaret Reeves
Rob boyne
Tara Thomas
Jessica Moore
Mary Grey
graham churchyard
Myrsini Samaroudi
Shibani Dsouza
Katia Lambert
Lucy Winton
Charis Mystakidou
Jessica Moore
Lorna Marsh
Laura Nash
Anisha Maxwell
Claire Jarman
Simon Boden
Max Romero
ben fraser
Caroline Usherwood
Angela Kelly
Mrs Michelle Barry
Claire Jarman
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Mariateresa Boffo
Louise Airey
Laura Turner
Derek Grant
Jane Mawer
Patricia Whelan
Natalie Davies
mrs niki faires
Mary Grey
Lianne Brown
Raquel Snajdar
Anna mullans
Daniel Harrison
Debbie arnold
Daniel Harrison
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Louise Airey
Monica Brucculeri
Rob boyne
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Lau Vlaar
Sarah Hadwen
Nicola Wright
Polly Wrenn
Lawrence Andrew
Maria Belfort Henriques
Camila Seligson
Claire Jarman
Derek Grant
Fiona Burns
Mariateresa Boffo
Lau Vlaar
Kate Hood
Helen Hauduc
Catherine Walsh
Louis Manning
Louise Pantry
Rebecca Brown
Simon Boden
Corinna Gallop
Ben Fincke
Jessica Logan
Louise Batchelor
Jessica Logan
Claire Jarman
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Ingrid McCrudden
Phil Yeoman
Gabrielle Morcombe
Anabela Almeida
Natasha Sierra
Julie Supple-Flynn
Camila Seligson
Gillian Ramm
Louis Lobo
Lawrence Andrew
Katherine Yeoman
Anna mullans
Lolita Simcock
Kate Hood
Matt Gotel
Jane Burroughs
Elvy Lena
Niki Cannon
June Dore
Hayley Brown
Margaret Reeves
Kelly O'Haire
Louise Fitzgerald
Claire Jarman
Jessica Logan
Anisha Maxwell
Denise Kelly
Catherine Walsh
Katia Lambert
Pascale Denommee
Laura Hecht
Emma Briggs
June Dore
June Dore
Abbi pashley
Catriona Lane
Denise Kelly
Katherine Yeoman
Lolita Simcock
lisa taylor
Denise Kelly
Patricia Whelan
Laura Keogh
Raquel Snajdar
Corinna Gallop
Matt Gotel
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Corinna Gallop
Fiona Churchill
Patricia Whelan
Claire Newnham
Ben Fincke
lucy hughes
Toni Hanson
Niki Cannon
Gemma davies
Paige Goodwin
Natasha Sierra
Patricia Whelan
Elizabeth Edmed
Louise Bowie
Natasha Sierra
Claudia Valent
Alice Beckwith
Mrs Lisa Day
Corinna Gallop
Laura Nash
Derek Grant
Kirstie Evans
Laura Hecht
Raquel Snajdar
Ruth Thomas
Melanie Capron
Heidi Hodgson
Camila Seligson
Luke Roddick
Donna Hutchinson
Susanna Vomero
Louise Batchelor
Sarah Murgatroyd
Monica Simpson
Claudia Valent
Fiona O’Hara
Niki Cannon
Polly Wrenn
Ana Sousa Surwald
Helen Baynes
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Louise Gibb
Anisha Maxwell
Ruth Thomas
Mrs Michelle Barry
Mary Grey
Lou Charman
Anna mullans
Ms Heron
Niki Cannon
Lucy Wynne
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Rob boyne
Magdalena Sadler
Amy Hett
Kate Goudy
Laura Chung
Katia Lambert
Erin Judge
Victoria Trainer
Ana Carvalho
Donna Whittle
Pascale Denommee
Laura Hecht
Claire Jarman
Sonja McGovern
Mary Redfern
Louise Fitzgerald
Lucy Wynne
Catherine McManus
Kat Oneill
Phil Yeoman
Lucy Ferguson
Sarah H Reilly
Charis Mystakidou
Kate Jones
Shibani Dsouza
Helen Cornwell
mrs niki faires
Mrs Michelle Barry
Kate Jones
Kirstie Evans
Carmel Stevenson
Lorna Marsh
Aafje Moore
Clare Baker
Kelly O'Haire
Mrs Michelle Barry
Simon Boden
Gabrielle Morcombe
Lisa Amicucci
Laura Keogh
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Lucy Wynne
Lucy Ferguson
Lolita Simcock
Guiming Li
Lolita Simcock
Sarah Murgatroyd
Luke Roddick
Kate Goudy
Sarah Murgatroyd
Sarah Allen
Louise Batchelor
Catherine McManus
Jane Noble
Melanie Capron
Natalie Davies
Fiona Churchill
Natalie Davies
Sarah Allen
Helen Hauduc
graham churchyard
Jane Burroughs
Oana Tomm
Rebecca Brown
Gillian Lai
Jane Burroughs
Corinna Gallop
Jane Burroughs
Christina Savvouri
Aneta Antolak
Jane Burroughs
Gillian Lai
Derek Grant
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Helen Hauduc
Raquel Snajdar
Josephine Henderson
Louise Batchelor
Gillian Lai
Erin Judge
Phil Yeoman
Gillian Lai
Ann Butters
Helen Hauduc
Gillian Ramm
mrs niki faires
Gillian Ramm
Clare Baker
Louise Gibb
Camila Seligson
Raquel Snajdar
mrs niki faires
Monica Simpson
Sonja McGovern
Gemma davies
Max Romero
mrs niki faires
Mariateresa Boffo
Ben Fincke
Oana Tomm
Myrsini Samaroudi
Gillian Lai
Kate Jones
Lorna Marsh
Claudia Bryant
Rachel Pearce
Suzie Gatt
Kate Goudy
Ana Carvalho
Johanna Evans
Guiming Li
Derek Grant
Derek Grant
Shibani Dsouza
Rob boyne
Victoria Trainer
Lorna Marsh
Louise Pantry
Jaroslava Addis
Elizabeth Edmed
Hayley Brown
Elvy Lena
Lawrence Andrew
Lau Vlaar
Claire Jarman
Niki Cannon
Fausta Dociute
Liz Hennessy
Lianne Brown
Cheryl Wiggs
lisa taylor
Catherine McManus
Elvy Lena
Tara Thomas
Helen Baynes
Debbie arnold
Rob boyne
Mariateresa Boffo
Suki Sabine
Corinna Gallop
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Jane Mawer
Helen Hauduc
Karen Behan
Jane Mawer
Mary Grey
Nicola Austin
Sarah Murgatroyd
Monica Simpson
Laura Keogh
Toni Hanson
Natalie Davies
Helena Herrera
Gemma Waddington
Kirstie Evans
Claudia Valent
Camila Seligson
Emma Briggs
lisa taylor
graham churchyard
Ann Butters
Aneta Antolak
AnnMarie Kleon
Luke Roddick
Melanie Capron
mrs niki faires
Monica Brucculeri
Tara Thomas
Alan Kingston
Caroline Usherwood
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Catriona Lane
Daniel Harrison
Matt Gotel
Suzie Gatt
Gerrie grey
Rob boyne
Sarah Lewis
Dee Yates
Monica Brucculeri
lisa taylor
Francesca Coates
lucy hughes
Matt Gotel
graham churchyard
Louise Pantry
Gemma Waddington
Nadia Terrazzini
Lawrence Andrew
Anthony Fitzgerald
Natalie Davies
Ben Fincke
Aafje Moore
Claire Newnham
Kelly Washington
Claire Newnham
Ruth Thomas
Claudia Valent
Gillian Ramm
Guiming Li
Charis Mystakidou
Sylvia Ross
Suzanne Mccann
Vicky Hawking
Miya franklin
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Rachel Pearce
Imogen Peel
Rachel Pearce
Ana Carvalho
Helen Hauduc
Peter logan
Gerrie grey
Claudia Valent
Niki Cannon
Claire Jarman
Ingrid McCrudden
Matt Gotel
Monica Brucculeri
Ben Fincke
Rob boyne
Anisha Maxwell
Katia Lambert
Fiona Churchill
Jane Hargreaves
Kate Jones
Louis Manning
Helen Baynes
Laura Nash
Fiona O’Hara
graham churchyard
Claire Jarman
Donna Whittle
Mrs Lisa Day
Lianne Brown
Myrsini Samaroudi
Lucy Ferguson
Victoria Trainer
Louise Gibb
Ana Sousa Surwald
Louise Airey
Susanna Vomero
Jane Hargreaves
Katrina Toner
Hayley Brown
Kate Goudy
Rob boyne
Suki Sabine
Camila Seligson
Derek Grant
Fiona O’Hara
lisa taylor
Gillian Lai
Cheryl Wiggs
Dee Parr
Polly Wrenn
Louis Manning
Corinna Gallop
Mary Grey
Alice Beckwith
Maria Belfort Henriques
Louise Pantry
Mark Porter
Helena Herrera
Donna Whittle
Miya franklin
Oana Tomm
Mary Grey
Ruth Thomas
Anisha Maxwell
Ingrid McCrudden
Helena Herrera
Mariateresa Boffo
Ana Sousa Surwald
Natasha Sierra
Kelly Washington
Magdalena Sadler
Ruth Thomas
Aafje Moore
Aneta Antolak
Claire Lee
Jane Burroughs
Helen Cornwell
Ingrid McCrudden
Abbi pashley
Niki Cannon
Max Romero
Sarah Murgatroyd
Claire Tennant
Ruth Thomas
Sylvia Ross
Gillian Lai
Louise Airey
Anisha Maxwell
Josie Kleinjan
Nicola Wright
Laura Nash
Aimee Myles
Lucy Smith
Christina Savvouri
Helen Baynes
Rob boyne
Kate Hood
Jane Hargreaves
Sally Polanski
Matt Gotel
Sarah Murgatroyd
Victoria Trainer
Ann Butters
Lily glynn
Sarah Hadwen
Wilfy Nelson
Mark Porter
Mary Grey
Sylvia Ross
Camila Seligson
Matt Gotel
Helen Hauduc
Corinna Gallop
Donna Whittle
Angela Kelly
Jim Bamford
Sarah Allen
Maria Belfort Henriques
Susannah Kendrick
Ingrid McCrudden
Sophie Roddick
Ana Sousa Surwald
Mariateresa Boffo
Kate Goudy
Mariateresa Boffo
Gillian Lai
Tina Searancke
Camila Seligson
Mrs Huxley
Derek Grant
Monica Brucculeri
Helen Hauduc
Lu Liu
Ana Carvalho
Tina Searancke
Claire Jarman
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Aafje Moore
Matt Gotel
Louise Fitzgerald
Susannah Kendrick
Mrs Lisa Day
Kate Goudy
Ben Fincke
Rob boyne
Laura Keogh
Daniel Harrison
Rob boyne
Catherine Walsh
Ann Butters
Louise Fitzgerald
Jim Bamford
Simon Boden
Dee Yates
lucy hughes
Suki Sabine
Carmel Stevenson
Claire Jarman
Claire Heron
Laura Chung
Charis Mystakidou
Lauren Bishop
Magdalena Sadler
Elizabeth Edmed
graham churchyard
Mrs Michelle Barry
Matt Gotel
Rachel Pearce
Patricia Whelan
Sarah H Reilly
Rob boyne
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Kate Jones
Catriona Lane
Richard Kerry
Mary Grey
Katia Lambert
Gillian Ramm
Gerrie grey
Lisa Amicucci
Claudia Valent
Gabrielle Morcombe
Debbie arnold
Miya franklin
Louise Gibb
Mariateresa Boffo
Johanna Evans
Tara Thomas
Luke Roddick
Rebecca Brown
Ingrid McCrudden
Luke Roddick
Gerrie grey
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Sarah Murgatroyd
Natasha Sierra
ben fraser
Kate Jones
Monica Simpson
Corinna Gallop
Shibani Dsouza
Sally Polanski
Sarah Murgatroyd
Mary Grey
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Sally Whitehead
Kate Hood
Jane Hargreaves
Josephine Henderson
Niki Cannon
Sally Whitehead
Catherine Walsh
Mary Grey
Camila Seligson
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Dee Parr
Angela Kelly
Claudia Valent
Sarah Hadwen
Corinna Gallop
Elizabeth Edmed
mrs niki faires
Sarah H Reilly
Rachel Pearce
Max Romero
Gerrie grey
June Dore
Max Romero
Lolita Simcock
Ana Carvalho
Luke Roddick
Lau Vlaar
Paige Goodwin
Ann Butters
Derek Grant
Kate Hood
Daniel Harrison
Ana Sousa Surwald
Louise Fitzgerald
Lorna Marsh
Jane Hargreaves
Wilfy Nelson
Laura Turner
Jane Hargreaves
Susannah Kendrick
Johanna Evans
Suki Sabine
Emma Briggs
Mariateresa Boffo
Helena Herrera
Claire Jarman
Mariateresa Boffo
Ana Carvalho
Lily glynn
Ben Fincke
graham churchyard
Louise Gibb
Katrina Toner
Ben Fincke
Kat Oneill
Rob boyne
Corinna Gallop
Toni Hanson
Lauren Bishop
Elizabeth Edmed
Christina Savvouri
Sarah Murgatroyd
Melanie Capron
Claudia Valent
Alice Beckwith
Nicola Wright
Laura Nash
Johanna Evans
Magdalena Sadler
Laura Chung
Claire Lee
Andy Hart
Claire Newnham
Miya franklin
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Louise Airey
Anthony Fitzgerald
Helen Hauduc
Monica Brucculeri
Amy Hett
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Mark Porter
AnnMarie Kleon
Derek Grant
Mark Porter
Sonja McGovern
Monica Simpson
Sonja McGovern
Gemma Waddington
Anna mullans
Toni Hanson
Charis Mystakidou
Corinna Gallop
Donna Whittle
Derek Grant
Ingrid McCrudden
Rob boyne
Fiona O’Hara
Mary Grey
Charis Mystakidou
Sharon Akeju
Claire Lee
Natalie Davies
AnnMarie Kleon
Kirstie Evans
Angela Kelly
Irina Anuskevic
Claire Tennant
Mariateresa Boffo
Claire Heron
Ben Fincke
Gemma davies
Aimee Myles
Jane Hargreaves
Wilfy Nelson
Camila Seligson
Anabela Almeida
Anthony Fitzgerald
Jessica Moore
Lou Charman
Ana Carvalho
Julie Supple-Flynn
Julie Supple-Flynn
Anisha Maxwell
Fiona O’Hara
Lucy Wynne
Lolita Simcock
Lucy Ferguson
Charis Mystakidou
Jessica Moore
Magdalena Sadler
Catherine Walsh
Victoria Trainer
Claire Jarman
Daniel Busuioc
Catriona Lane
Charis Mystakidou
Lu Liu
Lawrence Andrew
Kat Oneill
Ingrid McCrudden
Mark Porter
Jane Noble
Mary Redfern
Lucy Smith
Claire Lee
Monica Brucculeri
Corinna Gallop
Claudia Bryant
Rob boyne
graham churchyard
Victoria Trainer
Mark Porter
Helena Herrera
Rob boyne
Vicky Hawking
Matt Gotel
June Dore
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Claire Newnham
Kelly O'Haire
Hayley Brown
Lucy Ferguson
Sarah Lewis
Louise Airey
Gemma Waddington
Hayley Brown
Ann Butters
Jane Noble
Laura Keogh
Gillian Lai
Irina Anuskevic
Rob boyne
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Maria Belfort Henriques
Lucy Smith
Louise Batchelor
Ruth Thomas
Natalie Davies
Cheryl Wiggs
Gemma Waddington
Susannah Kendrick
Ben Fincke
Anthony Fitzgerald
Charis Mystakidou
Jessica Logan
Mrs Huxley
June Dore
Kirstie Evans
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Ana Sousa Surwald
Raquel Snajdar
Louis Manning
Ben Fincke
Anna mullans
Ana Carvalho
Diane Crabb
Richard Kerry
Simon Boden
Kelly Washington
Gemma davies
Suzanne Mccann
Charis Mystakidou
Claudia Valent
Peter logan
Louis Manning
Fiona Burns
Myrsini Samaroudi
Lucy Ferguson
Karen Behan
Jessica Moore
Alice Beckwith
Lucy Smith
Rachel Pearce
Sally Polanski
Charis Mystakidou
Nicola Austin
Corinna Gallop
Rob boyne
Kate Goudy
Monica Brucculeri
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Claire Jarman
mrs niki faires
Imogen Peel
Imogen Peel
Ben Fincke
Camila Seligson
Katia Lambert
Fausta Dociute
Claire Jarman
Sophie Roddick
Ann Butters
Hayley Brown
Mary Grey
Kate Jones
Toni Hanson
Magdalena Sadler
Corinna Gallop
Caroline Usherwood
June Dore
Anna mullans
Gabrielle Morcombe
Sarah H Reilly
Laura Nash
Lawrence Andrew
Diane Crabb
Louise Bowie
Corinna Gallop
Lily glynn
Jaroslava Addis
Anabela Almeida
Derek Grant
Francesca Coates
Simon Boden
Josie Kleinjan
Louis Manning
Dee Yates
Kat Oneill
Max Romero
Louise Airey
Aneta Antolak
graham churchyard
Magdalena Sadler
Elvy Lena
Julie Supple-Flynn
Lucy Wynne
Lucy Ferguson
Sarah Murgatroyd
Karen Behan
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Nadia Terrazzini
Gabrielle Morcombe
Erin Judge
Sarah Murgatroyd
Louis Manning
Francesca Coates
Monica Brucculeri
graham churchyard
Donna Hutchinson
Ingrid McCrudden
Elizabeth Edmed
Claire Tennant
Mary Grey
Kelly Washington
Debbie arnold
Monica Brucculeri
Gemma Waddington
Lucy Wynne
Sally Whitehead
Fausta Dociute
Peter logan
Monica Brucculeri
Louise Gibb
Tara Thomas
Catherine Walsh
Dee Parr
Helen Baynes
Lucy Wynne
Alice Beckwith
graham churchyard
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Jane Burroughs
Louise Gibb
Helen Cornwell
Ana Sousa Surwald
Gillian Ramm
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Helen Baynes
Kate Goudy
Charis Mystakidou
Lauren Bishop
Lucy Winton
Louise Fitzgerald
Claire Lee
Corinna Gallop
Charis Mystakidou
Johanna Evans
Kate Goudy
Louise Batchelor
Rob boyne
Jessica Moore
Donna Hutchinson
Jessica Moore
Claire Lee
Jessica Logan
Lucy Smith
Gemma Waddington
AnnMarie Kleon
Christina Savvouri
Erin Judge
Alice Beckwith
Lorna Marsh
Tara Thomas
Charis Mystakidou
Monica Brucculeri
Mariateresa Boffo
Katia Lambert
Lucy Smith
Jane Noble
Lisa Amicucci
Sonja McGovern
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Elvy Lena
Imogen Peel
Jessica Moore
Andy Hart
Claudia Valent
Gabrielle Morcombe
Jaroslava Addis
lucy hughes
Laura Nash
Magdalena Sadler
Paula cortes
Oana Tomm
Jaroslava Addis
Suzie Gatt
Mariateresa Boffo
Wilfy Nelson
Lu Liu
Miya franklin
Tina Searancke
Derek Grant
Anisha Maxwell
Richard Kerry
Anna mullans
Lolita Simcock
Natasha Sierra
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Lucy Wynne
Lily glynn
Claudia Valent
Gillian Ramm
Ruth Thomas
Anna mullans
Claudia Valent
Christina Savvouri
Emma Briggs
Victoria Trainer
Mrs Michelle Barry
Jessica Logan
Ana Sousa Surwald
June Dore
Rachel Pearce
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Ingrid McCrudden
Hayley Brown
Lolita Simcock
Paige Goodwin
Josephine Henderson
Claire Jarman
Ana Sousa Surwald
Phil Yeoman
Debbie arnold
Donna Whittle
Erin Judge
Catherine Walsh
Maria Belfort Henriques
Sophie Roddick
Lou Charman
Vicky Hawking
Erin Judge
Melanie Capron
Katrina Toner
Sarah H Reilly
Mariateresa Boffo
Helen Baynes
Guiming Li
Kate Hood
Max Romero
Toni Hanson
Claire Newnham
Max Romero
Lucy Smith
Rob boyne
Ana Carvalho
Mariateresa Boffo
Mariateresa Boffo
Fiona O’Hara
Magdalena Sadler
Peter logan
Susanna Vomero
Victoria Trainer
Laura Nash
Lolita Simcock
Anabela Almeida
Sarah Hadwen
Ana Sousa Surwald
Louise Fitzgerald
Louise Batchelor
Abbi pashley
Kat Oneill
Claire Jarman
Gerrie grey
Heidi Hodgson
Jane Mawer
June Dore
Donna Whittle
Nadia Terrazzini
Katia Lambert
Ben Fincke
Maria Belfort Henriques
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Camila Seligson
Anthony Fitzgerald
Mary Grey
Kate Jones
Ruth Thomas
Denise Kelly
Louis Manning
Mary Grey
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Alice Beckwith
Vicky Hawking
Karen Behan
Nicola Wright
Katherine Yeoman
Christina Savvouri
Nicola Austin
Margaret Reeves
Caroline Usherwood
Gillian Ramm
Matt Gotel
Polly Wrenn
Heidi Hodgson
Mark Porter
Mary Grey
Jane Noble
Fiona Burns
Louise Batchelor
Erin Judge
Ingrid McCrudden
Camila Seligson
Gillian Lai
Max Romero
Tara Thomas
Donna Whittle
Claudia Bryant
Catherine McManus
Lawrence Andrew
Lucy Smith
Rob boyne
Anisha Maxwell
Suzie Gatt
Mrs Michelle Barry
Ann Butters
Derek Grant
Lolita Simcock
Cheryl Wiggs
Lucy Winton
Susannah Kendrick
Charis Mystakidou
Jane Hargreaves
Sally Polanski
Lolita Simcock
Lu Liu
Richard Kerry
graham churchyard
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Sarah Lewis
Diane Crabb
Lisa Amicucci
Pascale Denommee
Sally Polanski
Ana Sousa Surwald
Alice Beckwith
Mrs Huxley
Miya franklin
Gillian Lai
Claudia Valent
Claudia Valent
Claire Newnham
Daniel Harrison
Christina Savvouri
Catherine McManus
Louise Fitzgerald
Claire Tennant
Diane Crabb
Rachel Pearce
Suzanne Mccann
Aimee Myles
Carmel Stevenson
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Ruth Thomas
graham churchyard
Charis Mystakidou
Kelly Washington
Louis Manning
Sarah Murgatroyd
Irina Anuskevic
graham churchyard
ben fraser
Camila Seligson
Jessica Moore
Gerrie grey
Gerrie grey
Raquel Snajdar
Gabrielle Morcombe
Claire Jarman
Nicola Austin
Elizabeth Edmed
Andy Hart
Rob boyne
Luke Roddick
Paige Goodwin
Lolita Simcock
Rob boyne
Sophie Roddick
Lucy Smith
Helen Cornwell
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Alan Kingston
Lisa Amicucci
Louise Gibb
Claire Lee
Natasha Sierra
Elvy Lena
Rob boyne
Sarah H Reilly
Ana Sousa Surwald
Mariateresa Boffo
Sally Whitehead
Victoria Trainer
Lolita Simcock
Elizabeth Edmed
Caroline Usherwood
Susannah Kendrick
Shibani Dsouza
Clare Baker
lisa taylor
Julie Supple-Flynn
Miya franklin
Maria Belfort Henriques
Richard Kerry
Niki Cannon
Helen Baynes
Sarah H Reilly
Elvy Lena
Mrs Huxley
Fausta Dociute
Angela Kelly
Melanie Capron
Camila Seligson
Claudia Valent
Toni Hanson
Corinna Gallop
Suzie Gatt
Nicola Wright
Gillian Lai
Elvy Lena
Louise Batchelor
Louise Airey
Fiona O’Hara
Paula cortes
Charis Mystakidou
Tara Thomas
Sarah Hadwen
Ben Fincke
Daniel Harrison
Mary Grey
Diane Crabb
Sarah Allen
Sophie Roddick
Raquel Snajdar
Jessica Logan
Pascale Denommee
Cheryl Wiggs
Liz Hennessy
Helen Cornwell
Aimee Myles
Shibani Dsouza
Matt Gotel
Shibani Dsouza
Victoria Trainer
Kate Hood
Donna Whittle
Sylvia Ross
lisa taylor
Ben Fincke
Lucy Smith
Kate Hood
Mary Grey
Corinna Gallop
Fiona Churchill
Sally Whitehead
Cheryl Wiggs
Abbi pashley
Lou Charman
Rob boyne
Kelly Washington
Clare Baker
Camila Seligson
Sylvia Ross
Derek Grant
Rob boyne
Elvy Lena
Polly Wrenn
Claudia Valent
Lolita Simcock
Gillian Lai
Amy Hett
Nicola Austin
Lucy Ferguson
Gillian Lai
Louis Manning
Camila Seligson
Claire Lee
AnnMarie Kleon
graham churchyard
Derek Grant
Shibani Dsouza
Simon Boden
Jessica Moore
Gillian Lai
Lorna Marsh
Susanna Vomero
Matt Gotel
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Claudia Valent
Katrina Toner
Laura Hecht
Christina Savvouri
Lorna Marsh
Shibani Dsouza
Gillian Ramm
Derek Grant
Louise Bowie
Miya franklin
graham churchyard
Jim Bamford
Ben Fincke
Cheryl Wiggs
Jaroslava Addis
Gerrie grey
Ana Carvalho
Angela Kelly
Irina Anuskevic
Claudia Bryant
mrs niki faires
Claire Jarman
Claire Jarman
Tara Thomas
Ana Sousa Surwald
Helen Baynes
Fausta Dociute
Luke Roddick
Mrs Huxley
Lorna Marsh
Laura Chung
Rachel Pearce
Ingrid McCrudden
Mary Grey
Natalie Davies
Erin Judge
Jim Bamford
Denise Kelly
Simon Boden
Jim Bamford
Charis Mystakidou
Ana Sousa Surwald
Rob boyne
Nadia Terrazzini
Matt Gotel
Louise Bowie
Gemma Waddington
Jessica Logan
Ben Fincke
Tara Thomas
Toni Hanson
Fiona Burns
Lolita Simcock
Guiming Li
Monica Brucculeri
Nadia Terrazzini
Paige Goodwin
Heidi Hodgson
Claudia Valent
Maria Belfort Henriques
Oana Tomm
Cheryl Wiggs
Claire Newnham
Myrsini Samaroudi
Toni Hanson
Guiming Li
Gillian Lai
lucy hughes
Anna mullans
Lucy Wynne
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Natasha Sierra
Kelly Washington
Mariateresa Boffo
Denise Kelly
Mark Porter
Maria Belfort Henriques
Andy Hart
Catherine Walsh
Jaroslava Addis
Derek Grant
Kelly Washington
Lou Charman
Francesca Coates
Matt Gotel
Louise Gibb
Jane Burroughs
Toni Hanson
Sarah H Reilly
Louise Pantry
Monica Brucculeri
Claire Jarman
Claire Jarman
Claire Jarman
Claire Jarman
Claire Jarman
Catherine McManus
Louise Gibb
Louise Gibb
Mary Redfern
Toni Hanson
Toni Hanson
Dee Parr
Ann Butters
Ann Butters
Ingrid McCrudden
Ingrid McCrudden
Ingrid McCrudden
Jessica Logan
Jessica Logan
Jane Burroughs
Jane Burroughs
Kate Goudy
Kate Goudy
Patricia Whelan
Patricia Whelan
Sarah Murgatroyd
Sarah Murgatroyd
Sarah Murgatroyd
Maria Belfort Henriques
Maria Belfort Henriques
Gemma davies
Lauren Bishop
Sarah Lewis
Kirstie Evans
Katherine Yeoman
Donna Whittle
Carmel Stevenson
Derek Grant
Derek Grant
Derek Grant
Derek Grant
Johanna Evans
Angela Kelly
Angela Kelly
Laura Nash
Laura Nash
Miya franklin
Miya franklin
Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore
Sarah Nahome-Goldenberg
Emma Briggs
Sally Polanski
Heidi Hodgson
Sarah Hadwen
Nicola Austin
Raquel Snajdar
Raquel Snajdar
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Claire Musimurimwa-smith
Sarah Allen
June Dore
June Dore
Claudia Valent
Claudia Valent
Claudia Valent
Claudia Valent
Charis Mystakidou
Charis Mystakidou
Charis Mystakidou
Charis Mystakidou
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Rob boyne
Francesca Coates
Andy Hart
Catriona Lane
Tina Searancke
Peter logan
Aimee Myles
Corinna Gallop
Corinna Gallop
Donna Whittle
Gabrielle Morcombe
Gabrielle Morcombe
Tara Thomas
Tara Thomas
Lorna Marsh
Lorna Marsh
Lucy Smith
Lucy Smith
Monica Simpson
Claire Tennant
Matt Gotel
Matt Gotel
Matt Gotel
Matt Gotel
Cheryl Wiggs
Cheryl Wiggs
Jaroslava Addis
Mariateresa Boffo
Mariateresa Boffo
Mariateresa Boffo
Mariateresa Boffo
Oana Tomm
Richard Kerry
Monica Brucculeri
Monica Brucculeri
Monica Brucculeri
Monica Brucculeri
Gillian Ramm
Gillian Ramm
Guiming Li
Guiming Li
Suzanne Mccann
Ana Sousa Surwald
Ana Sousa Surwald
Ana Sousa Surwald
Ana Sousa Surwald
Hayley Brown
Lolita Simcock
Lolita Simcock
Lolita Simcock
Lolita Simcock
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Lydia Townsend-Seddon
Sylvia Ross
Diane Crabb
Aneta Antolak
Lucy Winton
Gillian Lai
Gillian Lai
Gillian Lai
Gillian Lai
Simon Boden
Simon Boden
Sally Whitehead
Ruth Thomas
Ruth Thomas
Niki Cannon
Niki Cannon
Victoria Trainer
Victoria Trainer
Susannah Kendrick
Susannah Kendrick
Abbi pashley
Louise Batchelor
Louise Batchelor
Rebecca Brown
Louis Manning
Louis Manning
Jane Noble
Anisha Maxwell
Anisha Maxwell
Nadia Terrazzini
Max Romero
Max Romero
Daniel Harrison
Daniel Harrison
Fausta Dociute
Jane Hargreaves
Jane Hargreaves
Kate Hood
Kate Hood
Ben Fincke
Ben Fincke
Ben Fincke
Ben Fincke
Lou Charman
Dee Yates
Jane Mawer
Sophie Roddick
Sophie Roddick
Myrsini Samaroudi
Arthur et Paolo DURAND
Luke Roddick
Luke Roddick
Mark Porter
Mark Porter
Denise Kelly
Denise Kelly
Laura Chung
Melanie Capron
Natasha Sierra
Natasha Sierra
Kelly Washington
Kelly Washington
Shibani Dsouza
Shibani Dsouza
ben fraser
Anabela Almeida
Magdalena Sadler
Magdalena Sadler
Elvy Lena
Elvy Lena
Margaret Reeves
Louise Pantry
Louise Pantry
Catherine Walsh
Catherine Walsh
lucy hughes
Clare Baker
Lucy Ferguson
Lucy Ferguson
Erin Judge
Erin Judge
Suzie Gatt
Polly Wrenn
Fiona Churchill
Louise Fitzgerald
Louise Fitzgerald
Corinna Gallop
Corinna Gallop
Julie Supple-Flynn
Camila Seligson
Camila Seligson
Camila Seligson
Camila Seligson
Sarah H Reilly
Sarah H Reilly
Karen Behan
Claudia Bryant
Madalena Afonso Dias Leitao
Mrs Huxley
Alan Kingston
Lau Vlaar
Lucy Wynne
Lucy Wynne
Mrs Michelle Barry
Mrs Michelle Barry
Lianne Brown
Sonja McGovern
Paige Goodwin
Helen Cornwell
Alice Beckwith
Alice Beckwith
Elizabeth Edmed
Elizabeth Edmed
Laura Turner
Claire Lee
Claire Lee
Mrs Lisa Day
Fiona O’Hara
Fiona O’Hara
Gemma Waddington
Gemma Waddington
Helena Herrera
Susanna Vomero
lisa taylor
lisa taylor
Ana Carvalho
Ana Carvalho
Claire Newnham
Claire Newnham
Fiona Burns
Donna Hutchinson
Josie Kleinjan
Anna mullans
Anna mullans
Caroline Usherwood
Mary Grey
Mary Grey
Mary Grey
Mary Grey
graham churchyard
graham churchyard
graham churchyard
graham churchyard
Amy Hett
Louis Lobo
Helen Baynes
Helen Baynes
AnnMarie Kleon
Christina Savvouri
Christina Savvouri
Josephine Henderson
Hugh Salter
Gerrie grey
Gerrie grey
Pascale Denommee
Rachel Pearce
Rachel Pearce
mrs niki faires
mrs niki faires
Phil Yeoman
Lawrence Andrew
Lawrence Andrew
Laura Keogh
Kate Jones
Kate Jones
Jim Bamford
Aafje Moore
Louise Airey
Louise Airey
Kristy Braswell-Ralston
Liz Hennessy
Katia Lambert
Katia Lambert
Lu Liu
Anthony Fitzgerald
Vicky Hawking
Wilfy Nelson
Suki Sabine
Irina Anuskevic
Kelly O'Haire
Natalie Davies
Natalie Davies
Louise Bowie
Debbie arnold
Katrina Toner
Imogen Peel
Helen Hauduc
Helen Hauduc
Lisa Amicucci
Laura Hecht
The Old Market Friends Membership (for two people) | Worth £40
As one of TOM’s Friends, you'll be supporting one of Brighton and Hove's most vibrant venues, whilst helping us continue to bring exciting and innovative events to our local and wider community. Benefits include…
Priority booking for selected events
Exclusive discounts on up to two tickets for selected events.
10% discount at TOM’s Bar (on presenting your membership card)
TOM’s Friends bespoke emails, with news, priority booking information and exclusive ticket offers
Invitations to exclusive TOM’s Friends events
Discounts with TOM Friends Partners
Every membership fee goes into keeping the building running at the highest possible standard, as well as supporting our new and exciting programme. It helps us push boundaries and deliver experiences you’ll remember for a long time.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Priority booking for selected events
Exclusive discounts on up to two tickets for selected events.
10% discount at TOM’s Bar (on presenting your membership card)
TOM’s Friends bespoke emails, with news, priority booking information and exclusive ticket offers
Invitations to exclusive TOM’s Friends events
Discounts with TOM Friends Partners
Every membership fee goes into keeping the building running at the highest possible standard, as well as supporting our new and exciting programme. It helps us push boundaries and deliver experiences you’ll remember for a long time.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Brighton Boulder - First time climb intro session | Worth £24
Prize voucher valid for:
- 2 x Adult Climbers (aged 16+)
- 1 x Adult Supervisor (18+) and up to 2 children (7+)
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
- 2 x Adult Climbers (aged 16+)
- 1 x Adult Supervisor (18+) and up to 2 children (7+)
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
4 x All-Day Unlimited Ride Wristbands for Brighton Palace Pier | Worth £50
4 x All-Day Unlimited Ride Wristbands for Brighton Palace Pier
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
Lazer Zone 2 x 'Mini-mission' entry vouchers | Worth £19.50
Lazer Zone 2 x 'Mini-mission' entry vouchers
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
Prize will be sent by email
UK delivery included
Wall Feature | Worth £150
(materials to be supplied by winner)
Collection only
(materials to be supplied by winner)
Collection only
Fortnum and Mason Hamper | Worth £90
McHugh Concrete have donated a Fortnum and Mason Hamper worth £90.
Prize can be collected from the School
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Prize can be collected from the School
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Donatellos Voucher | Worth £40
£ Voucher for Donatellos restaurant in Brighton
Voucher will be sent via email
UK delivery included
Voucher will be sent via email
UK delivery included
Kingswood Activity Day
A day visit for up to 15 participants at a Kingswood activity centre of the winner's choosing. Visit would include 4 x 90min activities of their choice (Zipwire, Leap of Faith, Crate Stack, Jacobs Ladders, Abseiling, 3G swing, Climbing to name a few) and would also provide lunch.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Family Ticket to School Performance - Sweeney Todd
2 x Adults and 2 x Children tickets to the school performance of Sweeney Todd
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Nutrition Advice Session | Worth £70
A personal, warm but science- based approach to achieving your health goals!
Chantelle sees a variety of people in her practice and have a keen interest in promoting children’s health and well -being. She has had great success in turning around ‘fussy eaters’ who find mealtimes a misery and helping these families regain a sense of calm in the kitchen and so achieving a happier stress-free environment.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Chantelle sees a variety of people in her practice and have a keen interest in promoting children’s health and well -being. She has had great success in turning around ‘fussy eaters’ who find mealtimes a misery and helping these families regain a sense of calm in the kitchen and so achieving a happier stress-free environment.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Fish Galore Vouchers | Worth £25
With over 40 years of experience, Fish Galore is ideally placed to offer a fish and seafood outlet that provides quality fresh and local produce at great prices.
Based close to the seafront in central Hove, the business is committed to providing sustainably sourced fish for their customers, ensuring they can vouch for the provenance of everything sold including line-caught, MSC-labelled and sustainable fished products.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Based close to the seafront in central Hove, the business is committed to providing sustainably sourced fish for their customers, ensuring they can vouch for the provenance of everything sold including line-caught, MSC-labelled and sustainable fished products.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Girl Talk Hairdressers voucher | worth £24
We are a very friendly local hair salon that welcome men and women of all ages for most aspects of hair dressing.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Beautiful Print by Katty McMurray
Katty McMurray
There is an honest simplicity to Katty McMurray's work. Her ability to evoke the essence of a place or moment through her spontaneous style of sketching and bold oil paintings has attracted a list of collectors from around the world.
Graduating from the Chelsea School of Art (1988-1991) the artist's early work was inspired by her extensive travels throughout Morocco, Zanzibar, China, Vietnam and Europe and is characterised by the use of intensely rich colour palettes and intricate compositions. Throughout the last decade Katty has drawn inspiration from travels in Europe and closer to home, resulting in a restorative and quieter collection of still lives in situ, and large Vistas.
'Katty's landscapes and seascapes are deceptively simple and serenely evocative. Cool blue-greys and earthy shades infuse her work, even close to home she gives a fresh perspective' The Latest.
Katty's work stems from her spontaneous, continuous clean lines of her drawings. Collaborating with the prestigious silkscreen printers Artizan Editions, over fifty releases of her drawings have been published to date. Katty has exhibited extensively throughout the UK and London Art Fairs, and has been commissioned for several high profile commissions including Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Brighton Festival Poster, The Hoxton Hotel and most recently as an integral part of the new Brighton Hospital.
Katty is one of the founding artists of the Two Kats and a Cow Gallery which features a permanent exhibition of her work.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
There is an honest simplicity to Katty McMurray's work. Her ability to evoke the essence of a place or moment through her spontaneous style of sketching and bold oil paintings has attracted a list of collectors from around the world.
Graduating from the Chelsea School of Art (1988-1991) the artist's early work was inspired by her extensive travels throughout Morocco, Zanzibar, China, Vietnam and Europe and is characterised by the use of intensely rich colour palettes and intricate compositions. Throughout the last decade Katty has drawn inspiration from travels in Europe and closer to home, resulting in a restorative and quieter collection of still lives in situ, and large Vistas.
'Katty's landscapes and seascapes are deceptively simple and serenely evocative. Cool blue-greys and earthy shades infuse her work, even close to home she gives a fresh perspective' The Latest.
Katty's work stems from her spontaneous, continuous clean lines of her drawings. Collaborating with the prestigious silkscreen printers Artizan Editions, over fifty releases of her drawings have been published to date. Katty has exhibited extensively throughout the UK and London Art Fairs, and has been commissioned for several high profile commissions including Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Brighton Festival Poster, The Hoxton Hotel and most recently as an integral part of the new Brighton Hospital.
Katty is one of the founding artists of the Two Kats and a Cow Gallery which features a permanent exhibition of her work.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
£60 worth of wine
A donation from the Finke Family!
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Mini Hamper by Favorina
Mini Hamper by Favorina
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Wicked LUSH Box
Wicked themed bath goodies from LUSH
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Surprise Gift
An exciting gift wrapped up with an element of surprise
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Surprise Gift
An exciting gift wrapped up with an element of surprise
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Surprise Gift
An exciting gift wrapped up with an element of surprise
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Surprise Gift
An exciting gift wrapped up with an element of surprise
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Surprise Gift
An exciting gift wrapped up with an element of surprise
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Sussex Aesthetics Voucher | Worth £50
At Sussex Aesthetics, we understand the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. That's why we offer a wide range of non-invasive treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty and boost your self-confidence.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Real Madrid T-Shirt
Real Madrid T-Shirt
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Blacksmith Arms Meal Voucher | Worth £25
We want our pub to be the hub of the local community, a home away from home for our locals where food, drink and service are always exceptional.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Stanley Quencher Tumbler | Worth £40
This Quencher H2.0 is generously sized (but not oversized) with an easy-carry, comfort-grip handle and a narrow base that will fit most cup holders. Long day of meetings? Rowing class? Trip out of town? Our durable 30 oz tumbler, made with recycled stainless steel, is up to the hydration challenge. The double-wall vacuum insulation will keep your water cold for 9 hours and iced for 40 hours. And to cap things off, there’s an advanced FlowState™ lid that features a rotating cover with three positions: a straw opening designed to resist splashes with a seal that holds the reusable straw in place, a drink opening, and a full-cover top.
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Classic Lego 900pcs | Worth £60
Includes a perfect mix of LEGO bricks and pieces for creating classic toys, including eyes, wheels, windows doors and hinges
Features bright and colorful LEGO bricks and pieces that allow for open-ended creative play
This construction toy provides 3 levels of building complexity for budding LEGO builders
This 900-piece LEGO building set offers an age-appropriate build and play experience for ages 4+
Comes with a brick separator to make building and rebuilding easier
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Features bright and colorful LEGO bricks and pieces that allow for open-ended creative play
This construction toy provides 3 levels of building complexity for budding LEGO builders
This 900-piece LEGO building set offers an age-appropriate build and play experience for ages 4+
Comes with a brick separator to make building and rebuilding easier
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Mixture of Goodies
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Mixture of Goodies
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Mixture of goodies
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Clementine Gin
Clementine Gin
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Aberlour Whisky
Aberlour Whisky
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Raspberry and Rose Gin
Raspberry and Rose Gin
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Rhubarb and Rosehip
Rhubard and Rosehip
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Marks and Spencers Voucher | Worth £20
Marks and Spencers Voucher | Worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
4 x Hot drink/bread vouchers for GAILS BAKERY
To be used by 15th December
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
4 x Hot drink/bread vouchers for GAILS BAKERY
To be used by 15th December
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
4 x Hot drink/bread vouchers for GAILS BAKERY
To be used by 15th December
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
4 x Hot drink/bread vouchers for GAILS BAKERY
To be used by 15th December
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
4 x Hot drink/bread vouchers for GAILS BAKERY
To be used by 15th December
Collection only
Collection from Hove
Collection only
Collection from Hove
This competition has a minimum ticket sales of 10. If this isn't reached, each prize winner will instead receive 2% of ticket sales.
Maximum amount of 125 per person.
The raffle will end at 05/12/2024 06:00 and automatically drawn at 05/12/2024 06:15 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 2% of ticket sales.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: 4b889a98-0c0a-4c21-9aa8-186b6e9233a0 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 2% of ticket sales. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.