100% of the host's profit goes directly to the charity Minchinhampton School PTA.
Minch PTA Christmas Raffle 2024
Promoted and organised by our partner @ minchinhampton_pta
per ticket
tickets sold
GLIDER FLIGHT • HOTEL STAY • FAMILY DAYS OUT • RESTAURANT VOUCHERS • WINE …and SO MANY MORE fantastic prizes from local businesses and friends! Minchinhampton School PTA are excited to bring you this fantastic range of gifts, treats and services generously donated by local business owners and supporters of Minchinhampton Primary Academy.
Please take the time to read about all the brilliant prizes there are on offer, buy lots of tickets, and get your friends and family to buy some too!
@ minchinhampton_pta
Minchinhampton School PTA
Raising funds, enhancing childhood and building communities for Minchinhampton Primary Academy. Registered charity no. 1118308
131 entrants with 1507 paid tickets and 0 promotion tickets.
Joanna Martin
Ann Gude
Tracey Hughes
Rachael Wickett
Sharon Balchin
Gillian Lamb
Josie Steel
Lesley Swann
Millie Kidson
Lucy Martin
John Fivash
Pauline Marney
Lucy Reid
Natasha Du Rose
John Banks
Charlotte Matthews
Sarah Dowling
Hollie Hayes
Phoebe Andrews
Lucy Godfrey
Liz Marney
Sue Beattie
Samantha Beckett
Liz Bruce
Millie Kidson
Emma Gant
Alder-Lundmark Family
Lauren Overthrow
Nicola Gude
Kate Hull
Gillian Lamb
Lesley Swann
Sharon Balchin
Alder-Lundmark Family
Aneta Stankiewicz
Annie Smith
Simon Fortnam
Sue Beattie
Emma Robertson
Simon James
John Banks
Jon Neighbour
Gemma James
Sue Beattie
Sue Beattie
Sue Wharton
Tracey Hughes
Gillian Lamb
John Robertson
Lorraine Smith
Annie Smith
Rachael Wickett
Samantha Beckett
Alex Chong
Sally Bunce
Hollie Hayes
Lesley Swann
Claire Davis
Alex Chong
Simon Fortnam
Gemma James
Ruth Dickson
Nicole Bowler
Donna Russell
Millie Kidson
Hannah Waite
Emma Robertson
Lucy Godfrey
Andrew Roberts
Simon James
Clare Niesigh-Rose
Donna Burt
Abi Hewson
Rebecca Birch
Rebecca Pavey
Alexandra Slater
Sandra Sawyer
Annie Smith
Wendy hannis
Sue Beattie
Sue Beattie
Kate Robertson
Natasha Du Rose
Kate Hull
Beth Stirling jones
Emma Payne
Ariane Bunce
Nicola Swann
Sandra Sawyer
Alex Chong
Carole Polley
Lorraine Smith
Mrs Lucy Roberts
Millie Kidson
Charlotte Matthews
Catherine Francis
Andrew Roberts
Pauline Marney
Mrs Gillian Horner
Sandra Sawyer
Ben Davies
Sarah Kidson
Ben Davies
Emily miles
Keeley Ward
Sarah Dowling
Millie Kidson
Sue Beattie
Angela Clarke
Alex Sheen
Shirley Ransom
Liz Marney
Annie Smith
Sharon Balchin
Amy Kingscote
Alex Chong
Simon Fortnam
Maggie Mclinden
Sue Wharton
Jane Chong
Beth Stirling jones
Wendy hannis
Jeff Cross
Sue Beattie
Victoria Armstrong
Sue Beattie
Sarah Jones
Samantha Beckett
Claire Davis
Annie Smith
Alex Chong
Amy Mobley
Ziska Dodd
Tracey Hughes
Liz Marney
Alison Sampson
Liz Marney
Sarah Jones
Jane Chong
Sue Beattie
Beth Stirling jones
Alex Chong
Louise Leggett
Alex Sheen
Simon James
Sarah Dowling
Ann Gude
Emma Grigg
Helen Thompson
David Wood
Sharon Balchin
Hollie Hayes
Emma Gant
Sarah Kidson
John Fivash
Richard Wathern
Alex Chong
Emma Gant
Sue Beattie
Rachael Wickett
Victoria Fivash
Rachael Wickett
Jamie Goode
Lucy Reid
Keeley Ward
Sue Beattie
John Robertson
Amber Stanley
Sue Beattie
Sarah Read
Emma Austin
Victoria Fivash
Ruth Dickson
Sandra Sawyer
Hannah Waite
Sharon Balchin
Kate Robertson
Sarah Jones
John Banks
Keeley Ward
Sophie Hill
Simon Fortnam
Amy Seal
Victoria Fivash
Liz Marney
Emma Robertson
Ann Gude
Aneta Stankiewicz
Sarah Watkins
Madeleine Lewis
Carole Polley
Liz Marney
Simon Fortnam
Danielle Francis
Beth Stirling jones
Donna Burt
Catherine Francis
Liz Dow-Clark
Lucy Martin
Beth Stirling jones
Elspeth Vincent
Sandra Sawyer
Victoria Armstrong
Kathryn Cleland
Pauline Marney
Jane Hoogewerf
Victoria Fivash
Lorraine Smith
Emma Grigg
Kate Robertson
Rebecca Woodward
Annie Smith
Catherine Francis
Simon James
Jane Hoogewerf
Amy Mobley
Ruth Dickson
Helen Thompson
Sophie Hill
Sue Beattie
Emma Grigg
Sarah Jones
Holly whitbread
Liz Bruce
Ariane Bunce
Ann Gude
Jane Hoogewerf
Sue Beattie
Donna Russell
Jane Chong
Lauren Overthrow
Catherine Francis
Rebecca Birch
Alex Chong
Richard Wathern
Sally Bunce
Kate Robertson
Miss Lorraine Mills
Sue Beattie
Sandra Sawyer
Lorraine Smith
Nicola Swann
Ben Davies
Rachael Wickett
Leah Jenkinson
Emma Grigg
Sarah Dowling
Alex Sheen
Laura Atkinson
Lauren Overthrow
Jane Chong
Hannah Howling
Victoria Armstrong
Pauline Marney
Sarah Dowling
Sandra Sawyer
Kate Robertson
Jo Minto
Rebecca Pavey
Lucy Martin
Anna Daniels
John Fivash
Josie Steel
Kate Hull
Miss Lorraine Mills
Charlotte Matthews
Sarah Jones
Kate Robertson
Sue Beattie
Louise Leggett
Ben Davies
John Banks
Emily miles
Victoria Armstrong
Annie Smith
Alex Sheen
Kate Hull
Rebecca Woodward
Nicola Gude
Millie Kidson
Ann Gude
Lorraine Smith
Mr Beris N Hanks
Doug Miles
Miss Lorraine Mills
Phoebe Andrews
Hannah Howling
Joanna Martin
Lorraine Smith
Sandra Sawyer
Sarah Dowling
Sue Beattie
Phoebe Andrews
Hannah Waite
Sandra Sawyer
Maggie Mclinden
Gemma James
Katie Chambers
Jessica poole
Emma Robertson
Kate Hull
Rachael Wickett
Sarah Watkins
Natasha Du Rose
Jemma Purcell
Becca Williamson
Alex Chong
Alex Chong
Keeley Ward
Kate Robertson
Lauren Overthrow
Sandra Sawyer
Victoria Hollis
Rebecca Birch
Gemma James
Sandra Sawyer
Richard Wathern
Emma Gant
Jane Hoogewerf
Tracey Hughes
Emma Gant
John Fivash
Abi Hewson
Susan Gryspeerdt
Emma Robertson
Bronwen Bird
Rachael Wickett
Victoria Armstrong
Sarah Dowling
Samantha Beckett
Shirley Ransom
Alex Chong
Lucy Martin
John Banks
Tracey Hughes
Gemma James
Charlotte Matthews
Jane Hoogewerf
Pauline Marney
Millie Kidson
Hannah Howling
Donna Burt
Catherine Francis
Emma Robertson
Ann Gude
Jane Hoogewerf
Nicole Bowler
Victoria Fivash
Liz Marney
Amber Stanley
Liz Bruce
Annie Smith
Katie Chambers
Emily miles
Sharon Balchin
Gillian Lamb
Pauline Marney
Nicole Bowler
Maggie Mclinden
Ann Gude
Amy Seal
Sandra Sawyer
Ben Curtis
Emma Grigg
John Banks
Donna Russell
John Fivash
Lesley Swann
Donna Burt
Rebecca Pavey
Sandra Sawyer
Joanna Martin
Sue Beattie
Tracey Hughes
Lucy Godfrey
Mr Beris N Hanks
Hannah Howling
Amy Clarke
Sarah Kidson
Alex Chong
Jon Neighbour
Ariane Bunce
Hannah Howling
Mrs Lucy Roberts
Charlotte Matthews
Kate Hull
Ann Gude
Lucy Godfrey
Helen Thompson
Sue Beattie
Gillian Lamb
Sue Beattie
Mr Beris N Hanks
Victoria Hollis
Koralea Lemon
Rachael Wickett
Keeley Ward
Ann Gude
Rebecca Birch
Lauren Overthrow
Andrew Roberts
Charlotte Matthews
Hannah Waite
Sarah Dowling
Kate Robertson
Sarah Dowling
Carole Polley
Alex Sheen
Ariane Bunce
Rebecca Woodward
Charlotte Matthews
Sarah Jones
Sandra Sawyer
Alex Chong
Ariane Bunce
Phoebe Andrews
Rachael Wickett
Simon Fortnam
Victoria Fivash
Annie Smith
Donna Russell
Jamie Goode
Jeff Cross
Donna Russell
Lucy Reid
Alison Sampson
Emma Robertson
Gillian Lamb
Alex Sheen
Annie Smith
Sharon Balchin
Nicole Bowler
Liz Bruce
Elspeth Vincent
Gillian Lamb
Alison Sampson
Rachael Wickett
Richard Wathern
Gillian Lamb
Samantha Beckett
Lesley Swann
Pauline Marney
Jon Neighbour
Cara Mansell
John Banks
John Banks
Millie Kidson
Sue Wharton
Susan Gryspeerdt
Sally Bunce
Simon Fortnam
Donna Russell
Sandra Sawyer
Victoria Armstrong
Josie Steel
Abi Hewson
Ben Davies
Jane Chong
Andrew Roberts
Leah Jenkinson
Amy Seal
Doug Miles
Cara Mansell
Sandra Sawyer
Laura Atkinson
Anna Daniels
Emma Grigg
Amy Mobley
John Robertson
Simon James
Jane Chong
Millie Kidson
Amber Stanley
Alex Sheen
Keeley Ward
Alex Chong
Andrew Roberts
Charlotte Matthews
Jane Chong
Sarah Watkins
Mrs Gillian Horner
Amy Clarke
Kate Robertson
Madeleine Lewis
Charlotte Matthews
Jamie Goode
Ann Gude
Ellie Toseland
John Robertson
Jane Chong
Lucy Reid
Tracey Hughes
Wendy hannis
Liz Marney
Nicola Swann
Liz Marney
Hollie Hayes
Mrs Gillian Horner
Gemma James
Donna Burt
Clare Niesigh-Rose
John Fivash
Sally Bunce
Hollie Hayes
Millie Kidson
Elspeth Vincent
Phoebe Andrews
Kate Hull
Koralea Lemon
Sue Beattie
Victoria Hollis
Shirley Ransom
Jon Neighbour
Amy Mobley
Amy Seal
John Banks
Catherine Francis
Alison Sampson
Emma Robertson
Millie Kidson
Julie Fry
Sue Beattie
Susan Gryspeerdt
Gemma James
Sarah Jones
Sue Wharton
Josie Steel
Kate Hull
Victoria Fivash
Jane Hoogewerf
Simon Fortnam
Lesley Swann
Victoria Armstrong
Sandra Sawyer
Ben Curtis
Amy Kingscote
Lorraine Smith
Alex Chong
Kate Robertson
Ben Curtis
Claire Davis
Sally Bunce
Gillian Lamb
Jon Neighbour
Liz Dow-Clark
Sandra Sawyer
Louise Leggett
Sue Wharton
Annie Smith
Victoria Fivash
Sarah Dowling
Elspeth Vincent
Lesley Swann
Tracey Hughes
Lucy Martin
Julie Fry
Lesley Swann
Helen Thompson
Samantha Beckett
Jeff Cross
Sandra Sawyer
Emily miles
Gemma Harvey
Sarah Watkins
Joanna Martin
Tracey Hughes
Lorraine Smith
Kate Hull
Victoria Armstrong
Rebecca Woodward
Nicola Gude
Sandra Sawyer
Sue Beattie
Victoria Armstrong
Alison Sampson
Mrs Lucy Roberts
Victoria Armstrong
Alexandra Slater
Annie Smith
Pauline Marney
Lauren Overthrow
Sue Wharton
Sue Beattie
Susan Gryspeerdt
Catherine Francis
Ellie Toseland
Sarah Read
Sharon Balchin
Angela Clarke
Annie Smith
Kathryn Cleland
Lorraine Smith
Liz Marney
Lucy Reid
Josie Steel
Anna Daniels
Sandra Sawyer
Rachel Lenane-Young
Damien Cooper
Gillian Lamb
Damien Cooper
Alexandra Slater
Rachael Wickett
Tracey Hughes
Rachael Wickett
David Wood
Sandra Sawyer
Victoria Armstrong
Laura Atkinson
Simon Fortnam
Mr Beris N Hanks
Donna Russell
Jane Hoogewerf
Elspeth Vincent
Annie Smith
Kate Hull
Victoria Armstrong
Emily miles
Tracey Hughes
Anna Daniels
Kate Hull
Phoebe Andrews
Sandra Sawyer
Lorraine Smith
Sarah Jones
Sarah Watkins
Rachael Wickett
Sandra Sawyer
Lesley Swann
Emma Grigg
Jane Hoogewerf
Lesley Swann
Helen Thompson
Kate Hull
Sarah Read
Lesley Swann
Victoria Fivash
John Fivash
Charlotte Matthews
Sarah Dowling
Pauline Marney
Susan Gryspeerdt
Jeff Cross
Phoebe Andrews
Simon James
Claire Davis
Sally Bunce
Richard Wathern
Lucy Godfrey
Sue Beattie
Lucy Reid
Pauline Marney
Amy Clarke
Pauline Marney
Ann Gude
Sue Beattie
Miss Lorraine Mills
Lucy Reid
Donna Burt
Sally Bunce
Sarah Dowling
Pauline Marney
Liz Marney
John Banks
Sarah Dowling
Hannah Howling
Beth Stirling jones
Sandra Sawyer
Victoria Armstrong
Emma Robertson
David Wood
John Banks
Millie Kidson
Mr Beris N Hanks
Jeff Cross
Sarah Dowling
Ellie Toseland
Nicola Swann
Rachael Wickett
Sophie Hill
Alison Sampson
Joanna Martin
Victoria Armstrong
Donna Russell
Ziska Dodd
Victoria Armstrong
Becca Williamson
Keeley Ward
Keeley Ward
Amy Clarke
Emma Robertson
Kate Hull
Sarah Dowling
Pauline Marney
Jo Minto
Donna Burt
Angela Clarke
Emma Gant
Donna Burt
Kate Robertson
Donna Russell
Koralea Lemon
Emma Gant
Emma Gant
Sarah Kidson
Annie Smith
Ellie Toseland
Amber Stanley
Ruth Dickson
Annie Smith
Katie Chambers
Mrs Gillian Horner
Beth Stirling jones
Claire Davis
Amber Stanley
Donna Burt
Andrew Roberts
Rebecca Birch
Mrs Gillian Horner
Ziska Dodd
Koralea Lemon
Nicole Bowler
Donna Burt
Maggie Mclinden
Mr Beris N Hanks
Debbie coleman
Angela Clarke
Rebecca Woodward
Sarah Jones
Kate Hull
Lorraine Smith
Louise Leggett
Hollie Hayes
Louise Leggett
Amber Stanley
Hannah Howling
Rachel Lenane-Young
Sue Beattie
Louise Leggett
John Fivash
Holly whitbread
Victoria Fivash
Annie Smith
Phoebe Andrews
Alder-Lundmark Family
Natasha Du Rose
Lorraine Smith
Donna Burt
Victoria Armstrong
Shirley Ransom
Gillian Lamb
Hannah Waite
Miss Lorraine Mills
Kate Robertson
Susan Gryspeerdt
Lorraine Smith
Samantha Beckett
Cara Mansell
Jane Hoogewerf
Kate Robertson
Lucy Martin
Sue Wharton
Simon James
Liz Bruce
Sophie Hill
Victoria Fivash
Amy Seal
Kate Robertson
Annie Smith
Victoria Armstrong
Jane Hoogewerf
Lorraine Smith
Phoebe Andrews
Shirley Ransom
Liz Marney
Angela Clarke
Susan Gryspeerdt
Holly whitbread
John Robertson
Gillian Lamb
Victoria Fivash
Ellie Toseland
Miss Lorraine Mills
Richard Wathern
John Banks
Ben Curtis
Bronwen Bird
Emma Robertson
Alex Chong
Emily miles
Lesley Swann
Susan Gryspeerdt
Lucy Godfrey
Rachael Wickett
Nicola Swann
Victoria Armstrong
Sue Beattie
Simon Fortnam
Simon Fortnam
Liz Bruce
Sandra Sawyer
Louise Leggett
Becca Williamson
Alex Chong
Donna Russell
Leah Jenkinson
Simon James
Nicola Swann
Lesley Swann
Lucy Reid
Emma Gant
Kate Robertson
Millie Kidson
Mr Beris N Hanks
David Wood
Rachael Wickett
Sandra Sawyer
Liz Marney
Donna Burt
Victoria Fivash
Sophie Hill
Josie Steel
Kate Hull
Kate Robertson
Maggie Mclinden
Liz Marney
Sarah Jones
Amy Kingscote
Emma Payne
Liz Bruce
Annie Smith
John Banks
Victoria Fivash
Ann Gude
Helen Thompson
Annie Smith
Jon Neighbour
Sarah Dowling
Liz Marney
Tracey Hughes
Liz Marney
Emma Grigg
Gemma Harvey
Abi Hewson
Hannah Waite
Simon James
Jon Neighbour
Sandra Sawyer
Richard Wathern
Sandra Sawyer
Aneta Stankiewicz
Hollie Hayes
Donna Burt
Josie Steel
David Wood
Andrew Roberts
Claire Davis
Alex Sheen
Emma Gant
Sharon Balchin
Sarah Watkins
Donna Russell
Sue Beattie
Sophie Hill
Nicole Bowler
Donna Russell
Rachael Wickett
John Robertson
Nicole Bowler
Pauline Marney
Lesley Swann
Alex Chong
Annie Smith
Joanna Martin
Katie Chambers
John Banks
Victoria Fivash
Ben Davies
Victoria Armstrong
Sarah Watkins
Sandra Sawyer
Liz Dow-Clark
Helen Thompson
Kate Robertson
Simon James
Joanna Martin
Jon Neighbour
Jane Chong
Lucy Godfrey
Liz Dow-Clark
Ellie Toseland
Gillian Lamb
Victoria Hollis
Kate Hull
Kate Robertson
Jeff Cross
Andrew Roberts
Emma Gant
Nicola Swann
Ellie Toseland
Donna Russell
Annie Smith
Ann Gude
Lorraine Smith
Lesley Swann
Jessica poole
Annie Smith
Ziska Dodd
Ruth Dickson
Annie Smith
Hannah Waite
Ann Gude
Rebecca Woodward
Mrs Gillian Horner
Emily miles
Emma Grigg
Lesley Swann
Annie Smith
John Banks
Angela Clarke
Alex Chong
Jo Minto
Mr Beris N Hanks
Alex Chong
Sandra Sawyer
Lucy Reid
Emma Payne
Simon Fortnam
Lorraine Smith
Laura Atkinson
Annie Smith
Keeley Ward
Lucy Reid
Liz Marney
Ellie Toseland
Sue Beattie
Lucy Godfrey
Emma Gant
Lucy Martin
Sandra Sawyer
Hollie Hayes
Ben Davies
Emma Payne
Alder-Lundmark Family
Hannah Waite
Sue Beattie
Koralea Lemon
Ann Gude
Laura Atkinson
Jeff Cross
Charlotte Matthews
Jane Chong
Rachael Wickett
Rachael Wickett
Nicola Gude
Kate Robertson
Liz Marney
Lorraine Smith
Lucy Martin
Lesley Swann
Alex Chong
Wendy hannis
Helen Thompson
Lesley Swann
Clare Niesigh-Rose
Pauline Marney
Millie Kidson
Liz Dow-Clark
Ann Gude
Charlotte Matthews
Ben Davies
Annie Smith
Charlotte Matthews
Sue Beattie
John Robertson
Ariane Bunce
Donna Burt
Jane Chong
Sue Beattie
Nicola Gude
John Banks
Shirley Ransom
Amber Stanley
Emma Robertson
Lauren Overthrow
Lucy Reid
Nicola Gude
Charlotte Matthews
Damien Cooper
Sandra Sawyer
Sophie Hill
Millie Kidson
Sandra Sawyer
Louise Leggett
Alex Chong
Tracey Hughes
Sue Wharton
Sue Beattie
Jo Minto
Alison Sampson
Jane Hoogewerf
Tracey Hughes
Phoebe Andrews
Lucy Reid
Charlotte Matthews
Mrs Lucy Roberts
Alex Chong
Ben Curtis
Rebecca Birch
Ben Curtis
Lesley Swann
John Robertson
Lucy Reid
Pauline Marney
Alex Chong
Jo Minto
Donna Burt
Charlotte Matthews
Rachael Wickett
Jo Minto
Sandra Sawyer
Jamie Goode
Jamie Goode
John Fivash
Miss Lorraine Mills
Victoria Armstrong
Jane Hoogewerf
John Robertson
Simon Fortnam
Pauline Marney
Amber Stanley
Jane Chong
Sue Beattie
Hannah Howling
Sue Wharton
Lucy Reid
Donna Burt
Koralea Lemon
Simon Fortnam
Sandra Sawyer
Sandra Sawyer
Louise Leggett
Helen Thompson
Rachael Wickett
Jane Chong
Bronwen Bird
Emma Gant
Jane Chong
Alexandra Slater
Sue Beattie
Rachael Wickett
Emma Robertson
Amy Mobley
Richard Wathern
Nicole Bowler
Ann Gude
Jane Hoogewerf
Charlotte Matthews
Rachel Lenane-Young
John Banks
Alex Chong
Rebecca Birch
Gillian Lamb
Sarah Read
Rachael Wickett
Jeff Cross
Hannah Howling
Elspeth Vincent
Gillian Lamb
Sarah Dowling
Anna Daniels
Lucy Godfrey
Jane Chong
Jeff Cross
Sue Beattie
Rachael Wickett
Josie Steel
Helen Thompson
Gemma Harvey
Emma Robertson
Sophie Hill
Sarah Jones
Abi Hewson
Kate Hull
Kathryn Cleland
Simon Fortnam
Simon Fortnam
Sarah Jones
Claire Davis
Rachael Wickett
Emma Austin
Clare Niesigh-Rose
Sue Beattie
Jo Minto
Sarah Read
Kate Hull
Ruth Dickson
Sue Beattie
Rachael Wickett
Sue Beattie
Bronwen Bird
Emma Robertson
Beth Stirling jones
Damien Cooper
Sandra Sawyer
Gemma James
Alex Chong
Abi Hewson
Charlotte Matthews
Rachael Wickett
Rebecca Woodward
Rebecca Woodward
Ben Curtis
Lorraine Smith
Tracey Hughes
Ann Gude
Rebecca Woodward
Donna Russell
Abi Hewson
Victoria Armstrong
Jane Hoogewerf
Jo Minto
Sandra Sawyer
Jo Minto
Sandra Sawyer
Amy Clarke
Emma Robertson
Charlotte Matthews
Victoria Armstrong
Lucy Reid
Susan Gryspeerdt
Hollie Hayes
Josie Steel
Sarah Jones
Sarah Dowling
Nicola Gude
Wendy hannis
Millie Kidson
Sophie Hill
Madeleine Lewis
Samantha Beckett
Liz Bruce
Sarah Kidson
Jane Chong
Liz Dow-Clark
Angela Clarke
Koralea Lemon
Koralea Lemon
Emma Robertson
Alex Chong
Lucy Reid
Alison Sampson
Pauline Marney
Jon Neighbour
Alex Chong
Claire Davis
Annie Smith
Angela Clarke
Sarah Read
Holly whitbread
Natasha Du Rose
Sarah Read
Kathryn Cleland
Millie Kidson
Keeley Ward
Nicola Swann
Clare Niesigh-Rose
Sarah Read
Hannah Howling
Amber Stanley
Lesley Swann
Mrs Gillian Horner
Lucy Martin
Carole Polley
Sarah Read
Sandra Sawyer
Ann Gude
Lucy Martin
Kathryn Cleland
Nicola Gude
Mrs Lucy Roberts
Sue Beattie
Sandra Sawyer
Donna Burt
Lorraine Smith
Alex Chong
John Banks
Victoria Hollis
Rebecca Woodward
Sandra Sawyer
Donna Russell
Donna Russell
Lucy Martin
Liz Dow-Clark
Alex Chong
Abi Hewson
Andrew Roberts
Sarah Dowling
Sue Beattie
Emma Robertson
Gillian Lamb
Ben Curtis
Gillian Lamb
Ellie Toseland
Jessica poole
Emily miles
Simon Fortnam
Lauren Overthrow
Donna Russell
Sandra Sawyer
Gemma James
Victoria Fivash
Amy Mobley
Alex Chong
Catherine Francis
Sandra Sawyer
Abi Hewson
Kate Hull
Emma Grigg
Lucy Reid
Nicola Gude
Lucy Martin
Emma Robertson
Victoria Armstrong
Sandra Sawyer
Jane Hoogewerf
Liz Dow-Clark
Victoria Fivash
Victoria Armstrong
Alex Sheen
Emma Austin
Ariane Bunce
Katie Chambers
Victoria Armstrong
Rachael Wickett
Liz Bruce
Sarah Dowling
Emma Austin
Richard Wathern
Donna Burt
Victoria Armstrong
Koralea Lemon
Emma Gant
Amy Seal
Jane Hoogewerf
Claire Davis
Sally Bunce
Sandra Sawyer
Emily miles
Simon Fortnam
Sarah Watkins
Lucy Martin
Carole Polley
Emma Gant
Lauren Overthrow
Lucy Martin
Annie Smith
Annie Smith
Emma Payne
Victoria Fivash
Victoria Armstrong
Debbie coleman
Victoria Armstrong
Shirley Ransom
Lucy Reid
Kate Robertson
Ariane Bunce
Emma Gant
Ben Curtis
Tracey Hughes
Nicola Swann
Ariane Bunce
Madeleine Lewis
Jane Hoogewerf
Sue Beattie
Gemma Harvey
Sandra Sawyer
Ruth Dickson
Ann Gude
Annie Smith
Simon Fortnam
Sharon Balchin
Charlotte Matthews
Amy Mobley
Elspeth Vincent
Victoria Fivash
Tracey Hughes
Donna Russell
Abi Hewson
Holly whitbread
Mr Beris N Hanks
Sandra Sawyer
Elspeth Vincent
Tracey Hughes
Ruth Dickson
Jemma Purcell
Amy Mobley
Annie Smith
Koralea Lemon
Sue Beattie
Ruth Dickson
Alex Chong
Alison Sampson
Lesley Swann
Sandra Sawyer
Amber Stanley
Millie Kidson
Andrew Roberts
Becca Williamson
Samantha Beckett
Sandra Sawyer
Rachael Wickett
Emma Robertson
Lucy Martin
Lesley Swann
Simon Fortnam
Catherine Francis
Hannah Waite
Sue Beattie
Angela Clarke
Damien Cooper
Catherine Francis
Nicole Bowler
Alex Sheen
Hannah Waite
Sue Beattie
Gillian Lamb
Joanna Martin
Melanie Hankins
Mr Beris N Hanks
Rachel Lenane-Young
Emma Gant
Melanie Hankins
John Banks
Samantha Beckett
Donna Russell
Sarah Watkins
Claire Davis
Amy Seal
Susan Gryspeerdt
Sarah Read
Nicola Gude
Ben Davies
Amy Mobley
Beth Stirling jones
Lauren Overthrow
Pauline Marney
Emma Gant
Emma Gant
Louise Leggett
Ellie Toseland
Emma Austin
Amy Mobley
Alison Sampson
Jane Chong
Gillian Lamb
Hollie Hayes
Lesley Swann
Liz Marney
Joanna Martin
Victoria Fivash
Tracey Hughes
Becca Williamson
Shirley Ransom
Liz Dow-Clark
Rachael Wickett
Jane Chong
Elspeth Vincent
Sarah Jones
Victoria Armstrong
Ben Davies
Rebecca Birch
John Robertson
Rebecca Birch
Liz Dow-Clark
Alex Chong
Bronwen Bird
Julie Fry
Lorraine Smith
Sandra Sawyer
Gemma James
Sarah Watkins
Sandra Sawyer
Sandra Sawyer
Sally Bunce
Emma Gant
Cara Mansell
Pauline Marney
Sandra Sawyer
Lesley Swann
Shirley Ransom
Jon Neighbour
Mrs Gillian Horner
Kate Hull
Lucy Godfrey
Mrs Gillian Horner
Alex Chong
John Banks
Amy Kingscote
Jo Minto
Nicole Bowler
Liz Bruce
Sue Beattie
Emily miles
Elspeth Vincent
Amy Kingscote
Sue Beattie
Ben Curtis
Donna Burt
Miss Lorraine Mills
Lesley Swann
Alder-Lundmark Family
Joanna Martin
Nicola Swann
Jemma Purcell
Donna Burt
Sophie Hill
Lucy Reid
Sarah Jones
Josie Steel
Amy Seal
Ziska Dodd
Gemma Harvey
Jane Chong
Madeleine Lewis
Jane Hoogewerf
Tracey Hughes
Millie Kidson
Miss Lorraine Mills
John Fivash
Sue Beattie
Liz Marney
Jane Hoogewerf
Ariane Bunce
Beth Stirling jones
Victoria Armstrong
Richard Wathern
Millie Kidson
Rebecca Birch
Jeff Cross
Mrs Gillian Horner
Shirley Ransom
Donna Russell
Ruth Dickson
Alex Chong
Cara Mansell
Gillian Lamb
Rachel Lenane-Young
Miss Lorraine Mills
Lucy Reid
Jane Chong
Alexandra Slater
Sally Bunce
Sue Wharton
Angela Clarke
One night stay for two including breakfast at the De Vere, Cotswold Water Park
Voucher for a one night stay in a double room for 2 guests, inclusive of Bed & Breakfast at the De Vere, Cotswold Water Park.
Set among the honey-coloured villages and gently rolling hills of The Cotswolds, De Vere Cotswold Water Park is a hotel as spectacular as its surroundings. In the heart of the 152 lakes that spread across the unique Cotswolds Water Park, this is a place where modern design effortlessly combines with its natural surroundings.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Set among the honey-coloured villages and gently rolling hills of The Cotswolds, De Vere Cotswold Water Park is a hotel as spectacular as its surroundings. In the heart of the 152 lakes that spread across the unique Cotswolds Water Park, this is a place where modern design effortlessly combines with its natural surroundings.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bronze Gliding Flight Experience
Voucher for a Bronze Gliding Flight Experience with the Cotswold Gliding Club valid until 31st December 2025.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Wine tour and tasting voucher at Woodchester Valley Vineyard
Mid-week wine tour and tasting voucher for 2 at Woodchester Valley Vineyard.
A family owned vineyard in the Cotswolds creating award winning English wines. Stay with us, join us for a tour and tasting, or visit our Cellar Door shop.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
A family owned vineyard in the Cotswolds creating award winning English wines. Stay with us, join us for a tour and tasting, or visit our Cellar Door shop.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Two tickets for Cotswold Wildlife Park
Two complimentary tickets (1 x adult and 1 x child) for Cotswold Wildlife Park & Gardens, Burford.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Two tickets for Crocodiles of the World
Two complimentary tickets (1 x adult and 1 x child) for Crocodiles of the World.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family day ticket to Batsford Arbouretum
Family day ticket for 2 adults and up to 4 children to Batsford Arbouretum.
Batsford Arboretum is home to a unique collection of some of the world’s most beautiful and rare trees, shrubs and bamboos spread across 60 acres.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Batsford Arboretum is home to a unique collection of some of the world’s most beautiful and rare trees, shrubs and bamboos spread across 60 acres.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Canvas Bucket bag worth £225, from Hide & Hammer
Large Canvas Bucket Bag - Honey, worth £225, from Hide & Hammer.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Brunch & Mimosas for Two at Roots + Seeds
Voucher for a brunch for 2 and mimosas at Roots + Seeds Kitchen Garden, Cirencester valid until 31.12.24.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for The Fresh Standard Brewery
£20 voucher for The Fresh Standard Brewery, Woodchester.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£15 voucher for Amalfi
£15 gift voucher for Amalfi.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Felt Cafe, Brimscombe
£10 voucher for Felt Cafe, Brimscombe.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Freya Rose
£10 voucher for Freya Rose, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Selection of Gifford Circus Memorabilia
Selection of Gifford Circus Memorabilia.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of red wine from Raffles
Bottle of red wine (Spice Route) from Raffles, Nailsworth
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family voucher for Rococo Gardens, Painswick
Family voucher (2 adults and up to 3 children) for Rococo Gardens, Painswick.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Wreath from Silver Birch Flowers
Christmas wreath from Silver Birch Flowers.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Voucher for Taylor & Sons, Minchinhampton
Voucher for Taylor & Sons, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Wholly Gelato
£10 voucher for Wholly Gelato.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family ticket for Woodchester Mansion
Family (2 x adult & 2 x children) ticket for Woodchester Mansion.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£15 voucher for Brookes Hair & Beauty
£15 voucher for Brookes Hair & Beauty, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
50% off handmade mohair knitwear at Knittedly
50% discount on handmade mohair knitwear in Knittedly's online shop.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£60 voucher from Prestige Oven Clean
£60 voucher towards an oven clean in January 2025.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Four tickets to Clearwell Caves
Four complimentary tickets to Clearwell Caves.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Voucher for 2 seats to a show at Cotswold Playhouse
Voucher for £32 (equivalent of 2 seats) to a show at Cotswold Playhouse. Redeemable against one booking.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Tote bag of Bottle Green products
A tote bag with a selection of Bottle Green products inside.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of red wine, from The Bear of Rodborough
Bottle of red wine (Riebeek Cellars), from The Bear of Rodborough.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cirque du Dance - lucky dip prize 1
One of 5 surprise prizes from Cirque du Dance.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cirque du Dance - lucky dip prize 2
One of 5 surprise prizes from Cirque du Dance.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cirque du Dance - lucky dip prize 3
One of 5 surprise prizes from Cirque du Dance.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cirque du Dance - lucky dip prize 4
One of 5 surprise prizes from Cirque du Dance.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cirque du Dance - lucky dip prize 5
One of 5 surprise prizes from Cirque du Dance.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Sketch book donated by Pegasus Art
Patterned pig square sketch book, donated by Pegasus Art.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
2in1 fibre tip coloured pens donated by Pegasus Art
2in1 fibre tip coloured pens donated by Pegasus Art.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Metallic & fluorescent colour oil pastels donated by Pegasus Art
Metallic & fluorescent colour oil pastels donated by Pegasus Art.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Set of 12 acrylic paints donated by Pegasus Art
Set of 12 acrylic pastel shade paints donated by Pegasus Art
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family day pass to the National Waterways Museum Gloucester
Family day pass to the National Waterways Museum Gloucester (2 adults and up to 3 children).
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for The Chip Shed, Minchinhampton
£10 voucher for The Chip Shed, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cheese Selection from Godsell's Artisan Cheeses
Cheese Selection from Godsell's Artisan Cheeses.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave - Colombia
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave - Italian
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave - Signature
Bag of freshly roasted coffee beans from Rave.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cream tea for two at Hidcote Manor Garden
Cream tea for two at Hidcote Manor Garden, Chipping Campden.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Yellow Lighted Bookshop
£10 voucher for Yellow Lighted Bookshop, Nailsworth (one of two vouchers available).
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Yellow Lighted Bookshop
£10 voucher for Yellow Lighted Bookshop, Nailsworth (one of two vouchers available).
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Hamper of goodies from Henry's
Hamper from Henry's, Minchinhampton, containing a voucher for brunch for 2, t-shirt, tote bag, mug and candle.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Filled planter from Nailsworth Garden Centre
Filled planter from Nailsworth Garden Centre.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Gift box of Charlotte Tilbury products (worth over £250)
Gift box of Charlotte Tilbury products (worth over £250)
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
NEOM scented candle & diffuser (worth over £60)
NEOM scented candle & diffuser (worth over £60)
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Scamp & Dude X Ruby Hammer Swag Bag
Scamp & Dude X Ruby Hammer Swag Bag cosmetics bag (worth £35)
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Elemis Pro-collagen cleansing balm (worth £49)
Elemis Pro-collagen cleansing balm (worth £49)
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Donated by a parent
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Soy Wax Candle from Domestic Science
Rosemary, Sage & Thyme scented Soy Wax Candle from Domestic Science.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
A family voucher to see Forest Green Rovers
A family voucher (2 adults + 2 kids) to a Forest Green Rovers league game.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Forest Green Rovers shirt
Forest Green Rovers shirt.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Voucher for 20% off at House of Zhuzh
Voucher for 20% off your teatment of choice at House of Zhuzh.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Wild Days forest school session with Into the Green
Wild Days forest school session with Into the Green.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£25 voucher for The Weighbridge Inn
£25 voucher for The Weighbridge Inn
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Soothing Aromatic Collection from Neil's Yard
Soothing Aromatic Collection - aromatic foaming bath and body butter - from Neils Yard.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Mini photo session for your dog with Forget Me Not Photography
Mini photo session for your dog in Molly's garden studio in Minchinhampton. Includes 3 x digital images.
If you don't have a dog, please feel free to pass this on.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
If you don't have a dog, please feel free to pass this on.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Block of 6 yoga classes with Joi Yoga
The winner will receive a voucher for a block of 6 yoga classes with Joi Yoga. These classes take place at Bisley Village Hall and the voucher is valid for all weekly classes which include:
Restorative Flow, every Thursday at 9.30am
Vinyasa Flow, every Saturday at 9.30am
Further details can be found on facebook @joiliving
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Restorative Flow, every Thursday at 9.30am
Vinyasa Flow, every Saturday at 9.30am
Further details can be found on facebook @joiliving
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for The Crown
£20 voucher for The Crown, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Voucher for Armed & Gorgeous
Voucher for Armed & Gorgeous, Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of prosecco from The White Room, Minchinhampton (1 of 2)
Bottle of prosecco from The White Room, Minchinhampton (this is 1 of 2 prizes available)
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of prosecco from The White Room, Minchinhampton (1 of 2)
Bottle of prosecco from The White Room, Minchinhampton (this is 1 of 2 prizes available)
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Two tickets to one of Henry Herbert's feasts
Two 'food only' tickets to one of Henry Herbert's feast nights (drinks not included).
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Natural Cookery School cookery book
Natural Cookery School cookery book.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Ladies Dance Course voucher from Dazzle Workshops
Ladies Dance Course voucher valid for a course that starts in January from Dazzle Workshops.
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Please collect from school Festive Friday event on 13th December between 15.30-16.30 or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Maximum amount of 500 per person.
The raffle will end at 13/12/2024 09:00 and automatically drawn at 13/12/2024 09:15 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 1% of ticket sales.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: 1f7f11dc-6784-4bbc-8a70-5df4dbde7820 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 1% of ticket sales. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.
100% of the host's profit goes directly to:
Minchinhampton School PTA
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an important part of the school community. Help us raise money for resources and create exciting events to enrich the lives and learning experiences of our children.