100% of the host's profit goes directly to the charity Minchinhampton School PTA.
Minch Summer Fete 2024
Promoted and organised by our partner @ minchinhampton_pta
per ticket
tickets sold
RESTAURANT VOUCHERS • CIRCUS TICKETS • FAMILY DAYS OUT …and SO MANY MORE fantastic prizes from local businesses! Minchinhampton School PTA are excited to bring you this fantastic range of gifts, treats and services generously donated by local business owners and supporters of Minchinhampton Primary Academy.
Please take the time to read about all the brilliant prizes there are on offer, buy lots of tickets, and get your friends and family to buy some too!
@ minchinhampton_pta
Minchinhampton School PTA
Raising funds, enhancing childhood and building communities for Minchinhampton Primary Academy. Registered charity no. 1118308
103 entrants with 1295 paid tickets and 0 promotion tickets.
Laura Ford
Victoria Fivash
Susan Gryspeerdt
Jon McGinty
Charlotte Lodge
Richard Barrell
Jane Hoogewerf
Rebecca Woodward
Millie Kidson
Matt Meadows
Annie Smith
Richard Barrell
Christopher Heath
Victoria Fivash
Heli Miles
Angela Clarke
Simon Fortnam
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Matt Meadows
Lorraine Mills
Sophia Banks
sarah waite
Susan Gryspeerdt
Kate Robertson
Julia Stitt
Gillian Horner
Nicole Bowler
Rhiain Wickens
Heli Miles
Lorraine Mills
Molly Bruton-Cox
Tom Godfrey
sarah waite
Ann Gude
Nicole Bowler
Jane Chong
Tom Godfrey
hannah waite
Amelie Lloyd
Leah Jenkinson
Marc Avery
Lucy Martin
Richard Barrell
Melissa Bailey
Heli Miles
Simon Fortnam
Debbie coleman
Ann Gude
Patrick Swift
Debbie Chong
Jennifer Thorne
Richard Barrell
Millie Kidson
Neil Clarke
Amy Clarke
Kate Hull
Ann Gude
Liz Dow-Clark
Claire Davis
Donna Russell
Alice Banks
Victoria Fivash
Amelie Lloyd
Keeley Ward
Claire Smith
Pauline Dodd
Debbie coleman
Rebecca Draper
Millie Kidson
Leah Jenkinson
Julia Stitt
Millie Kidson
Jon McGinty
Lorraine Mills
Kaylee Hankins
Emma Robertson
Lucy Roberts
Amelie Lloyd
Mandy Curtis
Richard Barrell
Gillian Horner
Jane Hoogewerf
Rebecca Draper
Matt Meadows
Caroline Downey
Ruth Dickson
Emma Gant
Kate Robertson
Ben curtis
Kate Robertson
Victoria Armstrong
Jessica Bryan
Katie chambers
Alice Banks
Keeley Ward
Alice Banks
Ruth Dickson
Alice Banks
Emma Robertson
Steve G Cawlley
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Gillian Lamb
Natasha Du Rose
Claire Davis
Alice Banks
Gillian Horner
Rebecca Woodward
Sarah Jones
Pauline Dodd
Gillian Horner
Julia Stitt
Gillian Horner
Rhiain Wickens
Lucy Martin
Beth Stirling-Jones
David Harcourt
Molly Bruton-Cox
Tara Patterson
Charlotte Lodge
Sarah Jones
Lorraine Mills
Liz Dow-Clark
Jon McGinty
Heli Miles
Heli Miles
Sarah Jones
Lucy Godfrey
Jessica Bryan
Lorraine Mills
Gillian Lamb
Hannah Saunders
Simon Fortnam
Victoria Armstrong
Claire Davis
Lucy Martin
Marc Avery
Ben Davies
Tara Patterson
Rhiain Wickens
Millie Kidson
David Harcourt
Shadia Doerfel
Nicole Bowler
Heli Miles
Jessica Bryan
Nicky Hugginson
Lorraine Mills
Emma Robertson
Ben curtis
Marc Avery
Kate Hull
Victoria Armstrong
Rhiain Wickens
Tara Sweetman
Jon McGinty
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Alice Banks
Ben Davies
Debbie Chong
Emma Robertson
Ben Davies
Julia Stitt
Heli Miles
Kate Bruhl
Jessica Bryan
Claire Davis
Neil Clarke
Annie Smith
Alex Chong
Melanie hankins
Katie O'Donovan
Ruth Dickson
Millie Kidson
Jennifer Thorne
Ann Gude
Melanie hankins
David Harcourt
David Harcourt
Steve G Cawlley
Tara Patterson
Gillian Lamb
Gillian Horner
Jo Minto
Keeley Ward
Tom Godfrey
Katherine Meredith
Patrick Swift
Julia Stitt
Tara Patterson
Melissa Bailey
Gemma James
Charlotte Lodge
Jennifer Thorne
David Harcourt
helen dowds
Marc Avery
Gillian Horner
Luke marsh (Ruby/Elsie Marsh)
Rhiain Wickens
Gemma James
Jennifer Thorne
Annie Smith
Claire Davis
Lucy Martin
Steve G Cawlley
Laura Ford
Kate Robertson
Amelie Lloyd
Wendy Hannis
Victoria Armstrong
Amy Clarke
Gillian Horner
Lucy Roberts
Tara Patterson
Emma Gant
Andrew Coleman
Samantha Beckett
Rachael Wickett
Steve G Cawlley
Ruth Dickson
Keeley Ward
Richard Barrell
Richard Barrell
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Simon Fortnam
Sophie jay macefield
Emma Gant
Kate Bruhl
Ann Gude
Angela Clarke
Lucy Martin
Neil Clarke
Emma Austin
Jon McGinty
Louise Leggett
Hannah Saunders
Ann Gude
Richard Barrell
Kate Bruhl
Ruth Dickson
Emma Robertson
Jennifer Thorne
Kate Bruhl
Emily Skinstad
Emma Gant
Suzie Buckley
David Harcourt
sarah waite
Lucy wood
Emma Gant
Ann Gude
Hannah Saunders
Christopher Heath
Laura Ford
Richard Barrell
sarah waite
Maria DF
Heli Miles
Katherine Meredith
Marc Avery
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Mandy Curtis
Amy Clarke
Jennifer Thorne
Ruth Dickson
Rachael Wickett
Becca Williamson
Rhiain Wickens
Julia Stitt
Rachael Wickett
Rebecca Woodward
Claire Davis
Rachael Wickett
Amanda Clarke
Matt Meadows
Beth Stirling-Jones
Nicky Hugginson
Marie Beltram
helen dowds
Kate Robertson
Gillian Horner
Debbie Chong
Claire Smith
Debbie Chong
sarah waite
Rachel Lenane-Young
Andrew Coleman
Nicole Bowler
Neil Clarke
Heli Miles
Angela Clarke
Gemma James
Tara Patterson
Kaylee Hankins
Matt Meadows
Emma Payne
Jon McGinty
Lucy Godfrey
Andrew Coleman
Annie Smith
Gillian Horner
Emma Austin
Tom Godfrey
Jennifer Thorne
Rachel Lenane-Young
Victoria Fivash
Ben curtis
Neil Clarke
Amy Clarke
Victoria Fivash
Charlotte Lodge
Alex Chong
Annie Smith
Charlotte Lodge
Luke marsh (Ruby/Elsie Marsh)
Tom Godfrey
Rachael Wickett
Alex Chong
Alex Rose
Tara Patterson
Nicole Bowler
Victoria Fivash
Caroline Downey
hannah waite
Ruth Dickson
Becca Williamson
Leah Jenkinson
Gemma James
Lucy wood
Kate Bruhl
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Rhiain Wickens
Alice Banks
David Harcourt
Ziska Dodd
Rebecca Woodward
Kate Hull
Charlotte Lodge
Rebecca Draper
Kate Bruhl
David Harcourt
Mandy Curtis
Laura Ford
Millie Kidson
Ruth Dickson
Rachel Lenane-Young
Jessica Bryan
Alex Rose
Richard Barrell
Alice Banks
Ruth Dickson
Tara Patterson
Gillian Horner
Amelie Lloyd
Gemma James
Yvonne Heffernan
Victoria Armstrong
Hannah Saunders
Sarah Jones
Rebecca Draper
Amber Dymond
Kaylee Hankins
David Harcourt
Ben curtis
Maureen jones
Kate Hull
Susan Gryspeerdt
Tara Sweetman
Alex Rose
Millie Kidson
Rebecca Woodward
Neil Clarke
Angela Clarke
Simon Fortnam
Marc Avery
Ruth Dickson
Julia Stitt
David Harcourt
Sarah Jones
Victoria Armstrong
sarah waite
hannah waite
Richard Barrell
Victoria Fivash
Alice Banks
Jennifer Thorne
Ann Gude
Simon Fortnam
Lucy Martin
Matt Meadows
Maureen jones
Donna Russell
Richard Barrell
Tara Patterson
Charlotte Lodge
Jane Hoogewerf
Ann Gude
Clara Hudson
Gemma James
Charlotte Lodge
Rachael Wickett
Maria DF
Suzie Buckley
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Andrew Coleman
Emma Austin
Claire Davis
Ruth Dickson
Rebecca Draper
Gillian Lamb
Alice Banks
Alex Rose
Laura Ford
Amy Clarke
Patrick Swift
Gemma James
Emma Robertson
Richard Barrell
Maureen jones
Liz Bruce
Charlotte Lodge
Marc Avery
Rachel Lenane-Young
Rhiain Wickens
David Harcourt
Nicky Hugginson
Wendy Hannis
Charlotte Lodge
Kate Hull
Tara Patterson
Alex Rose
Becca Williamson
Tara Patterson
Ben curtis
Julia Stitt
Rebecca Woodward
Tara Sweetman
Claire Davis
Gillian Horner
Lucy Godfrey
Alice Banks
Maria DF
Rachael Wickett
Rachael Wickett
Alice Banks
Heli Miles
Richard Barrell
Jennifer Thorne
Marc Avery
Tara Sweetman
Lorraine Mills
Alex Rose
Kaylee Hankins
Maureen jones
Rhiain Wickens
Liz Dow-Clark
Claire Smith
Lucy Godfrey
Julia Stitt
Emma Robertson
Maureen jones
Emma Robertson
Emily Skinstad
Ruth Dickson
Claire Smith
Gillian Horner
Sarah Jones
Alice Banks
Gillian Horner
Kate Robertson
Jessica Bryan
Richard Barrell
Liz Dow-Clark
Jessica Bryan
Matt Meadows
Tom Godfrey
Ann Gude
Ben Davies
Sophie jay macefield
Julia Stitt
Amelie Lloyd
Katherine Meredith
Donna Russell
Jo Minto
Sarah Jones
Richard Barrell
Suzie Buckley
Liz Dow-Clark
Liz Bruce
Katie O'Donovan
Heli Miles
Luke marsh (Ruby/Elsie Marsh)
Richard Barrell
Alice Banks
Clara Hudson
Pauline Dodd
Ruth Dickson
Richard Barrell
Jennifer Thorne
Andrew Coleman
Claire Smith
Susan Gryspeerdt
Molly Bruton-Cox
Patrick Swift
Neil Clarke
Jessica Bryan
Rhiain Wickens
Andy Bryan
Jennifer Thorne
Lucy Martin
Jo Minto
Liz Bruce
Rebecca Woodward
Andrew Coleman
Marc Avery
Victoria Fivash
Becca Williamson
Kate Hull
Gillian Horner
Tara Patterson
Victoria Armstrong
Sarah Jones
Alice Banks
Tom Godfrey
Liz Bruce
Simon Fortnam
Tara Sweetman
Ben Davies
Victoria Fivash
Alex Chong
Ann Gude
Rebecca Woodward
Ann Gude
Lucy Martin
Rachel Lenane-Young
Jessica Bryan
Rachael Wickett
Andrew Coleman
Jane Chong
Victoria Fivash
Clara Hudson
Simon Fortnam
Ben curtis
Alice Banks
Liz Dow-Clark
Kaylee Hankins
Tara Patterson
sarah waite
Sarah Kidson
Jo Minto
Tara Patterson
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Heli Miles
Alice Banks
Millie Kidson
Marc Avery
Victoria Fivash
Rebecca Draper
Emma Payne
Alice Banks
Alice Banks
Steve G Cawlley
sarah waite
Tara Sweetman
Jon McGinty
hannah waite
Victoria Armstrong
Ben Davies
Rhiain Wickens
Emma Austin
Jo Minto
Rachel Lenane-Young
Steve G Cawlley
Annie Smith
Rebecca Draper
Rebecca Draper
Katherine Meredith
Lucy Martin
Ruth Dickson
Jessica Bryan
Steve G Cawlley
Angela Clarke
Katie O'Donovan
Lucy Roberts
Jennifer Thorne
Lucy Godfrey
Lorraine Mills
Caroline Downey
Rebecca Draper
Jo Minto
Julia Stitt
Ann Gude
Katie chambers
Amanda Clarke
Julia Stitt
Richard Barrell
Amanda Clarke
Victoria Armstrong
Emma Robertson
Richard Barrell
Melissa Bailey
Victoria Fivash
Alice Banks
Tara Patterson
Jessica Bryan
Simon Fortnam
Rebecca Draper
Amelie Lloyd
Claire Smith
Lucy Martin
Richard Barrell
Claire Smith
Richard Barrell
helen dowds
Ann Gude
Melanie hankins
Amber Dymond
Molly Bruton-Cox
Rebecca Woodward
Andy Bryan
Marc Avery
Lucy Martin
Liz Bruce
Gillian Horner
Lucy Roberts
Debbie Chong
Rhiain Wickens
Rebecca Woodward
Alex Rose
Victoria Fivash
Rachael Wickett
Rhiain Wickens
Katie chambers
Emma Gant
Heli Miles
Beth Stirling-Jones
Ziska Dodd
Richard Barrell
Jane Chong
Annie Smith
Rachel Lenane-Young
Rhiain Wickens
Patrick Swift
Susan Gryspeerdt
Tara Patterson
Ruth Dickson
Molly Bruton-Cox
Wendy Hannis
Rebecca Woodward
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Patrick Swift
Susan Gryspeerdt
Simon Fortnam
Andy Bryan
Victoria Fivash
Emily Skinstad
Ben Davies
Debbie coleman
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Millie Kidson
Jennifer Thorne
Emma Austin
Jessica Bryan
Rhiain Wickens
Kaylee Hankins
Laura Ford
Pauline Dodd
hannah waite
Millie Kidson
Neil Clarke
Ruth Dickson
Millie Kidson
Nicky Hugginson
Lucy Roberts
Katherine Meredith
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Victoria Armstrong
Claire Smith
Jessica Bryan
Heli Miles
Charlotte Lodge
Lucy Martin
Jessica Bryan
Emma Robertson
Tara Patterson
Annie Smith
Matt Meadows
Charlotte Lodge
Alice Banks
Jon McGinty
Ruth Dickson
Alex Chong
Rebecca Woodward
Emma Austin
Millie Kidson
Debbie coleman
Patrick Swift
Victoria Armstrong
Gillian Horner
Lucy Roberts
Jennifer Thorne
Maria DF
Amanda Clarke
Millie Kidson
Molly Bruton-Cox
Sophia Banks
Emma Robertson
Victoria Fivash
Molly Bruton-Cox
Tara Patterson
Jennifer Thorne
Jon McGinty
Victoria Armstrong
Richard Barrell
Charlotte Lodge
Jennifer Thorne
Gillian Lamb
Katie O'Donovan
Tara Sweetman
Simon Fortnam
Katherine Meredith
Rebecca Draper
Kate Robertson
Becca Williamson
Caroline Downey
Samantha Beckett
Emma Gant
Alex Chong
Ann Gude
Maria DF
Claire Smith
Rebecca Woodward
Claire Smith
Jane Chong
Ann Gude
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Yvonne Heffernan
Louise Leggett
Amber Dymond
Charlotte Lodge
Beth Stirling-Jones
Annie Smith
Marie Beltram
Kaylee Hankins
David Harcourt
Julia Stitt
Heli Miles
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Simon Fortnam
Sarah Jones
Jane Chong
Rhiain Wickens
Annie Smith
Katherine Meredith
Claire Smith
Clara Hudson
Richard Barrell
helen dowds
Andrew Coleman
Richard Barrell
Simon Fortnam
Shadia Doerfel
Rebecca Woodward
Heli Miles
Rebecca Draper
Angela Clarke
Debbie Chong
Beth Stirling-Jones
Jane Chong
Ziska Dodd
Victoria Fivash
Natasha Du Rose
Samantha Beckett
Richard Barrell
Liz Bruce
Claire Smith
Julia Stitt
Jo Minto
Liz Dow-Clark
Marc Avery
Lorraine Mills
Richard Barrell
Julia Stitt
Victoria Armstrong
Rebecca Woodward
Matt Meadows
Katherine Meredith
Susan Gryspeerdt
Melissa Bailey
Tara Sweetman
David Harcourt
Rebecca Draper
Richard Barrell
Gillian Horner
Ruth Dickson
Patrick Swift
Caroline Downey
Leah Jenkinson
Luke marsh (Ruby/Elsie Marsh)
Emma Gant
Alex Rose
Emma Robertson
Hannah Saunders
Kate Robertson
Ann Gude
Heli Miles
Pauline Dodd
Tara Sweetman
Gemma James
Sarah Kidson
Charlotte Lodge
Alice Banks
Victoria Armstrong
Sarah Jones
Louise Leggett
David Harcourt
Claire Davis
Rachael Wickett
Alice Banks
Julia Stitt
Natasha Du Rose
Tara Patterson
Beth Stirling-Jones
Christopher Heath
Richard Barrell
Amelie Lloyd
Alice Banks
Amanda Clarke
Ann Gude
Leah Jenkinson
Yvonne Heffernan
Gemma James
Charlotte Lodge
Jane Hoogewerf
Annie Smith
Victoria Fivash
Marc Avery
Rebecca Draper
Sarah Kidson
Victoria Armstrong
helen dowds
Rachel Lenane-Young
David Harcourt
Gillian Lamb
Rachel Lenane-Young
Beth Stirling-Jones
Charlotte Lodge
Amelie Lloyd
Lucy Godfrey
Ann Gude
Ann Gude
Annie Smith
Andrew Coleman
Lucy Martin
Alex Rose
Millie Kidson
Emma Robertson
Marc Avery
Laura Ford
Sarah Kidson
Lorraine Mills
Rhiain Wickens
Rachael Wickett
Amelie Lloyd
Tara Patterson
Richard Barrell
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Lucy Roberts
Ben Davies
Simon Fortnam
Jane Hoogewerf
Jennifer Thorne
Wendy Hannis
Beth Stirling-Jones
Simon Fortnam
Simon Fortnam
Tara Patterson
Kate Bruhl
Millie Kidson
Alex Chong
Tara Patterson
Jane Hoogewerf
David Harcourt
Rebecca Draper
Simon Fortnam
Richard Barrell
Kate Robertson
Simon Fortnam
Amanda Clarke
Alex Chong
sarah waite
Sarah Jones
Sophia Banks
Amelie Lloyd
Rebecca Draper
Ruth Dickson
Amelie Lloyd
Jessica Bryan
Lucy Godfrey
Millie Kidson
Jane Hoogewerf
Amanda Clarke
helen dowds
Heli Miles
Nicole Bowler
Jennifer Thorne
Liz Dow-Clark
Simon Fortnam
Gillian Lamb
Alex Chong
Emma Gant
Liz Bruce
sarah waite
David Harcourt
Nicky Hugginson
Laura Ford
Millie Kidson
Marc Avery
Julia Stitt
Jennifer Thorne
Tara Patterson
Alex Chong
Lucy Godfrey
Jane Chong
Alice Banks
Liz Dow-Clark
Alice Banks
Victoria Armstrong
Lorraine Mills
Marie Beltram
Victoria Armstrong
Claire Smith
Debbie Chong
Emma Gant
Richard Barrell
Emma Gant
Jennifer Thorne
Alice Banks
Claire Davis
Samantha Beckett
Samantha Beckett
Shadia Doerfel
Gillian Lamb
Alice Banks
Ann Gude
Alex Rose
Richard Barrell
Gillian Horner
Rebecca Draper
Heli Miles
Angela Clarke
Nicole Bowler
Molly Bruton-Cox
Amanda Clarke
Annie Smith
Kate Hull
Tara Patterson
Jane Chong
Ruth Dickson
Samantha Beckett
David Harcourt
Jane Hoogewerf
Rhiain Wickens
Alex Chong
Angela Clarke
Melissa Bailey
Angela Clarke
Jane Hoogewerf
Sarah Jones
Laura Ford
Jo Minto
Wendy Hannis
Alice Banks
Donna Russell
Claire Smith
Nicole Bowler
Alice Banks
Katherine Meredith
Nicole Bowler
Heli Miles
Christopher Heath
Tom Godfrey
Samantha Beckett
Debbie Chong
Katie chambers
Debbie coleman
Sarah Kidson
Gillian Lamb
Neil Clarke
Kate Bruhl
Gemma James
Amelie Lloyd
Kaylee Hankins
Victoria Armstrong
Molly Bruton-Cox
Christopher Heath
Katie O'Donovan
Jessica Bryan
Richard Barrell
Natasha Du Rose
Ann Gude
Victoria Fivash
helen dowds
Richard Barrell
Victoria Fivash
Rebecca Draper
Marie Beltram
Kate Robertson
Angela Clarke
Lucy Roberts
Shadia Doerfel
Emily Skinstad
Alice Banks
Amy Clarke
Claire Smith
Alice Banks
Samantha Beckett
Alice Banks
Emma Robertson
Rachel Lenane-Young
Amber Dymond
Sophie jay macefield
Susan Gryspeerdt
Marc Avery
Lucy Godfrey
Julia Stitt
Kaylee Hankins
Emma Payne
Sarah Jones
Alice Banks
Millie Kidson
Emma Robertson
Ben curtis
hannah waite
Annie Smith
Claire Smith
Louise Leggett
Sarah Jones
Annie Smith
Lorraine Mills
Jane Chong
Emma Gant
Julia Stitt
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Alex Chong
Alice Banks
Liz Bruce
Susan Gryspeerdt
Suzie Buckley
Amanda Clarke
Amelie Lloyd
Emma Austin
Annie Smith
Rebecca Draper
Steve G Cawlley
Katherine Meredith
Susan Gryspeerdt
Lorraine Mills
Samantha Beckett
Jessica Bryan
Ben Davies
Emma Robertson
Tara Patterson
Simon Fortnam
Richard Barrell
Matt Meadows
Ann Gude
Emma Austin
Richard Barrell
Louise Leggett
Ben curtis
Clara Hudson
Donna Russell
Andy Bryan
Patrick Swift
Katie chambers
Tom Godfrey
Emma Gant
Lucy Godfrey
Kate Bruhl
Marc Avery
Jo Minto
Alex Chong
Tara Sweetman
Alex Chong
Lucy Roberts
helen dowds
Ben curtis
Emily Skinstad
Marc Avery
hannah waite
Jane Chong
Emma Robertson
Alex Chong
Alice Banks
Marc Avery
Luke marsh (Ruby/Elsie Marsh)
Kate Hull
Charlotte Lodge
Julia Stitt
Emma Gant
Alex Chong
David Harcourt
Emma Payne
Debbie Chong
Emma Austin
Andy Bryan
Liz Bruce
Ziska Dodd
Rachael Wickett
Ann Gude
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Annie Smith
Steve G Cawlley
Debbie Chong
Annie Smith
Rachael Wickett
Beth Stirling-Jones
Laura Ford
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Suzie Buckley
Amanda Clarke
Kate Hull
Emma Gant
David Harcourt
Emma Robertson
Kaylee Hankins
Marie Beltram
Gillian Horner
Jo Minto
Rachael Wickett
Gillian Lamb
Rebecca Draper
Rhiain Wickens
Claire Smith
Jon McGinty
Annie Smith
Liz Dow-Clark
Liz Bruce
Jessica Bryan
Alice Banks
Patrick Swift
Marc Avery
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Jane Hoogewerf
Lucy Martin
hannah waite
Amy Clarke
Victoria Armstrong
helen dowds
Kate Bruhl
Emma Robertson
Lucy Martin
Jessica Bryan
hannah waite
Samantha Beckett
Lorraine Mills
Richard Barrell
Alice Banks
helen dowds
Emma Payne
Richard Barrell
Alex Chong
Sophia Banks
Victoria Armstrong
Victoria Fivash
Alex Chong
Alice Banks
Ziska Dodd
Shadia Doerfel
Ben curtis
Lucy Roberts
Alice Banks
Claire Smith
Lorraine Mills
Steve G Cawlley
Millie Kidson
Sophia Banks
Lorraine Mills
Claire Smith
Andrew Coleman
Lorraine Mills
Charlotte Lodge
Emma Robertson
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Beth Stirling-Jones
Claire Smith
Keeley Ward
Sarah Jones
Nicole Bowler
hannah waite
Jessica Bryan
Neil Clarke
Emma Austin
Charlotte Lodge
Ben Davies
Ann Gude
Sarah Dowling-Wilkinson
Molly Bruton-Cox
Alex Chong
Tom Godfrey
Kate Hull
Amber Dymond
Amelie Lloyd
Annie Smith
Rhiain Wickens
Alex Chong
Family ticket to Giffords Circus
A visit to the magical world of the circus could be yours if you're the lucky winner of this family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) to Giffords Circus.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family ticket to Forest Green Rovers
Family ticket to Forest Green Rovers home game
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Meal for 2 at The Stroud Hotel
Voucher for dinner for two at the Stroud Hotel.
The newly revived historic grade II listed hotel, bar and restaurant has been designed with a contemporary and rustic charm. Situated in the Cotswold market town of Stroud and conveniently located opposite the Railway Station.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
The newly revived historic grade II listed hotel, bar and restaurant has been designed with a contemporary and rustic charm. Situated in the Cotswold market town of Stroud and conveniently located opposite the Railway Station.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£25 Vinotopia Voucher
£25 voucher for Vinotopia.
Vinotopia are an online Wine Merchant providing handpicked wines sourced direct from the vineyards, delivered to you at wholesale prices. They also have a Wine Barn in Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Vinotopia are an online Wine Merchant providing handpicked wines sourced direct from the vineyards, delivered to you at wholesale prices. They also have a Wine Barn in Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 Yellow Lighted Book Shop Voucher
£20 voucher for Yellow Lighted Book Shop, Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Wine tour and tasting voucher at Woodchester Valley Vineyard
Wine tour and tasting voucher for 1 at Woodchester Valley Vineyard.
A family owned vineyard in the Cotswolds creating award winning English wines. Stay with us, join us for a tour and tasting, or visit our Cellar Door shop.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
A family owned vineyard in the Cotswolds creating award winning English wines. Stay with us, join us for a tour and tasting, or visit our Cellar Door shop.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Free family entry to Rococo Gardens
A voucher for free entry to Rococo Gardens for 2 adults and up to 3 children during normal opening hours.
Painswick Rococo Garden is quirky and pretty unique. Designed in the 1740s as a fanciful pleasure garden for the owner of Painswick House and his guests, today it’s a place to roam free, to get up close and personal with nature, or to feel the warmth of the sun on your face as you take in the spectacular views of the Cotswold countryside and magical follies.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Painswick Rococo Garden is quirky and pretty unique. Designed in the 1740s as a fanciful pleasure garden for the owner of Painswick House and his guests, today it’s a place to roam free, to get up close and personal with nature, or to feel the warmth of the sun on your face as you take in the spectacular views of the Cotswold countryside and magical follies.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Cream Tea for 2 at Burleigh Court
Take a break from the mundane and unwind over a cream tea for two in beautiful settings at Burleigh Court. Tucked away in a peaceful haven with stunning views over the Golden Valley, Burleigh Court is the perfect place to sit back and indulge.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£15 Freya Rose Voucher
£15 voucher for Freya Rose, Minchinhampton.
Treatments available include facials and skincare, A Lift – an age reversal electrical treatment, manicures and pedicures, lash extensions and lifts, massage, waxing and everything in between.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Treatments available include facials and skincare, A Lift – an age reversal electrical treatment, manicures and pedicures, lash extensions and lifts, massage, waxing and everything in between.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
4 Class Pass to Yoga with Emily
4 class pass worth £36 to Yoga with Emily.
Come and practice with me in a welcoming and relaxed space where we will explore poses creatively, connect with the breath and make space for relaxation. All levels welcome including complete beginners!
Contact Emily for more information about her classes in Minchinhampton: emilyhewitt1315@gmail.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Come and practice with me in a welcoming and relaxed space where we will explore poses creatively, connect with the breath and make space for relaxation. All levels welcome including complete beginners!
Contact Emily for more information about her classes in Minchinhampton: emilyhewitt1315@gmail.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Baked by Beth
£10 voucher for Baked by Beth to use online or in store at Nailsworth.
A plant based cake and coffee shop in the vibrant town of Nailsworth, offering vegan, gluten & refined sugar free treats, along with locally roasted coffee and a range of blended teas.
Baked by Beth creates beautiful cakes, brownies, raw bars & cheesecakes that are full of natural goodness and taste divine, proving that plant based can be the ultimate treat.
Bespoke cakes decorated with edible flowers can be ordered for local collection, or order a box of letterbox brownies to be delivered within the UK. Come and browse the range of locally made ceramics, artisan chocolate and more or visit the online shop.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
A plant based cake and coffee shop in the vibrant town of Nailsworth, offering vegan, gluten & refined sugar free treats, along with locally roasted coffee and a range of blended teas.
Baked by Beth creates beautiful cakes, brownies, raw bars & cheesecakes that are full of natural goodness and taste divine, proving that plant based can be the ultimate treat.
Bespoke cakes decorated with edible flowers can be ordered for local collection, or order a box of letterbox brownies to be delivered within the UK. Come and browse the range of locally made ceramics, artisan chocolate and more or visit the online shop.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Clifton Photographic Photoshoot Voucher
Win one of two Clifton Photographic Photoshoot Vouchers.
Clifton Photographic has been creating quintessential portraits for your home for the past 20 years. Across our Family, Makeover, Themed and Boudoir sessions, our talented team create a diverse range of timeless portraits that speak for themselves.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Clifton Photographic has been creating quintessential portraits for your home for the past 20 years. Across our Family, Makeover, Themed and Boudoir sessions, our talented team create a diverse range of timeless portraits that speak for themselves.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Clifton Photographic Photoshoot Voucher
Win one of two Clifton Photographic Photoshoot Vouchers.
Clifton Photographic has been creating quintessential portraits for your home for the past 20 years. Across our Family, Makeover, Themed and Boudoir sessions, our talented team create a diverse range of timeless portraits that speak for themselves.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Clifton Photographic has been creating quintessential portraits for your home for the past 20 years. Across our Family, Makeover, Themed and Boudoir sessions, our talented team create a diverse range of timeless portraits that speak for themselves.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for Taylor & Sons
£20 voucher for Taylor & Sons, Minchinhampton.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Domestic Science
£10 voucher for Domestic Science, Nailsworth
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Annual family pass for the National Waterways Museum, Gloucester
Annual family pass for the National Waterways Museum, Gloucester.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Takeaway for 2 from the Natural Cookery School
Voucher that is redeemable for a takeaway for 2 (value of £40) from the Natural Cookery School. They do takeaways every couple of weeks; more information available on their website www.naturalcookeryschool.com/takeaways
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of rose wine from Raffles
Bottle of rose wine (La Bette Etoile) from Raffles, Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Afternoon tea for 2 at The Bear, Rodborough
Voucher for afternoon tea for 2 at The Bear, Rodborough.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Hot drinks voucher for Henry's
Voucher for coffee or tea for two at Henry's, Minchinhampton
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Family ticket to Woodchester Mansion
Family entry ticket to Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Marvin's Amazing Magic Pens from Pegasus Art
Set of 25 amazing magic pens kindly donated by Pegasus Art. Write secret messages, create stunning 3D lettering and make your art vanish, all with no mess and no fuss. This crafty collection of 25 Amazing Magic Pens can be used to learn magical techniques and create unique patterns and pictures.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bronze Gliding Flight Experience
Voucher for a Bronze Gliding Flight Experience with the Cotswold Gliding Club valid until June 14th 2025.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for Amalfi, Nailsworth
£20 voucher for Amalfi, Nailsworth
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for Armed & Gorgeous
£10 voucher for Armed & Gorgeous, Nailsworth.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bouquet of flowers from Silver Birch Flowers
Bouquet of flowers from Silver Birch Flowers, to be collected on the day from the fete by the winner.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fair on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Afternoon tea for 2 at Cucina di Amalfi
Voucher for afternoon tea for 2 at Cucina di Amalfi
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Katy Walton Summer Workshop Day voucher
Voucher for a Katy Walton Summer Workshop Day
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Mimosas and meal for 2 at Roots + Seeds
Voucher for a meal for 2 and mimosas at Roots + Seeds Kitchen Garden, Cirencester.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Stroud Brewery Tour for 2
Vouchers for 2 people to have a tour of Stroud Brewery
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Specialized Cycle Helmet, from Ark Cycles
Specialized Cycle Helmet, from Ark Cycles
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£50 voucher for after-school sports clubs with Kick Off Stroud
Voucher for £50 off a Minchinhampton Primary after-school sports club with Kick Off Stroud.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for The Crown, Minchinhampton
£20 voucher for The Crown, Minchinhampton
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£20 voucher for Brutons, Nailsworth
£20 voucher for Brutons, Nailsworth
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£100 voucher for Coco Chic Beauty, Nailsworth
£100 voucher for Coco Chic Beauty, Nailsworth.
Expires 7/12/24
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Expires 7/12/24
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of Valdo Rosé Brut from The White Room, Minchinhampton
Bottle of Valdo Rosé Brut from The White Room, Minchinhampton
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Bottle of La Gioiosa Rosea Brut from The White Room, Minchinhampton
Bottle of La Gioiosa Rosea Brut from The White Room, Minchinhampton
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£10 voucher for The Chip Shed, Minchinhampton
£10 voucher for The Chip Shed, Minchinhampton
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
6 bottles of wine from wine merchant, Andrew Nicholls
6 bottles of wine selected by local wine merchant, Andrew Nicholls.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
£15 voucher for Wholly Gelato
£15 voucher for Wholly Gelato
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Free interior design consultation from Wellness Interiors
Free interior design consultation from Wellness Interiors valid between 3/9/24-25/10/24
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
20% off interior design consultation from Wellness Interiors
20% off interior design consultation from Wellness Interiors valid between 3/9/24-25/10/24
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
A5 giclee print by Alice Brisland
A5 giclee print by Alice Brisland.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Half-day voucher for Cirque du Dance
Voucher for a half-day summer camp with Cirque du Dance on specific dates this summer.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Kid's Forest Green Rovers home shirt
Kid's Forest Green Rovers home shirt
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
League replica football from Forest Green Rovers
League replica football from Forest Green Rovers.
This is one of two football prizes available.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
This is one of two football prizes available.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
League replica football from Forest Green Rovers
League replica football from Forest Green Rovers.
This is one of two football prizes available.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
This is one of two football prizes available.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at Summer Fete on 15th June or email enquiries@minchpta.com
Maximum amount of 500 per person.
The raffle will end at 15/06/2024 09:30 and automatically drawn at 15/06/2024 09:45 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 1% of ticket sales.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: e0912689-3a73-40d2-88ef-1666eeb344ad If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 1% of ticket sales. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.
100% of the host's profit goes directly to:
Minchinhampton School PTA
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an important part of the school community. Help us raise money for resources and create exciting events to enrich the lives and learning experiences of our children.