100% of the host's profit goes directly to the charity Riversdale PTC.
Riversdale Summer Raffle
Promoted and organised by our partner @ riversdale_school_ptc
per ticket
tickets sold
Minimum tickets sales apply. See "Details".
All funds raised at the fair will go towards improving the education and experience of the children at their school. In the last few years our fundraising efforts helped to improve the early years reading corner, repairs to the school stage, support educational trips, classroom supplies, planting trees in the school playground and much more.
This year we are focusing on upgrading the school astroturf and full refurb of the school
Prizes will be drawn at 13:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024 at the Riversdale School Fair. Please be aware that prizes must be collected on the day between 13:00 and 16:00!
@ riversdale_school_ptc
Riversdale Primary School PTC
Your PTC is run by an elected committee of mums, dads and carers and supported by all parents in the school community. We exist to create experiences for our little ones, raise money to support the school and promote a sense of community across all parents and carers. All the money raised goes to improving the experiences of our children.
71 entrants with 1270 paid tickets and 46 promotion tickets.
James Endersby
Ruth Denyer
John Hawkes
Miranda Dawson
Helen Wade
Robert van Venrooij
Craig McLellan
Jossy Pilgrim
Cordelia Forth
Estrella Corral
Robert van Venrooij
Robert van Venrooij
Craig Royle
Liz Symonds
Lucy Price
James Edaburn
David Maguire
Csilla Bartus
Csilla Bartus
Enzo Flores
Tamlin Brandon
Lucy Price
Katherine Smart
Annabelle Spink
Juliet Moger
Stephanie Cogdell
Alex Fu
Loreto Vicent
Jess Kirby
Mr Sohail Azhar
Jelena Lloyd
Harriet Jones
Alexandra Rickerby
Craig Royle
Lucy Price
Alex Fu
Stephanie Cogdell
Jonny Tansley
Loreto Vicent
Lucy Price
James Edaburn
Rebecca Gifford
Caroline Mabon
Alexandra Rickerby
Jossy Pilgrim
Mr Sohail Azhar
Alexandra Rickerby
Mr Sohail Azhar
Larissa Martins Brunel Zanette
Helen Wade
Karolina Drozek
Larissa Martins Brunel Zanette
Harriet Jones
Alison Ryan
James Endersby
Lucy Vaughan
Esther Sanchez
Kerisha Chambers
Maren Welch
Vanessa L Spillecke
David Carry
Jess Kirby
Milla Tomblin
Lucy Price
Estrella Corral
Alexandra Rickerby
Craig Royle
Lucy Vaughan
Jossy Pilgrim
Estrella Corral
Lucy Price
Ada Wong
Tamlin Brandon
Helen Wade
Jelena Lloyd
Kerisha Chambers
Csilla Bartus
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jossy Pilgrim
Cordelia Forth
Erica Loi
James Endersby
Alex Fu
Vanessa L Spillecke
Alison Ryan
Mr Sohail Azhar
Kate Ashby
Estrella Corral
James Edaburn
David Maguire
Katherine Smart
Ali Tomblin
Kate Carter
Estrella Corral
Maren Welch
Harriet Jones
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Robert van Venrooij
Jess Kirby
Jeanine East
Larissa Martins Brunel Zanette
Janine Harion
Caroline van Venrooij
Maria fearon
Rebecca Gifford
Craig Royle
Helen Wade
Mr Sohail Azhar
James Endersby
Lucy Vaughan
Ada Wong
Kate Carter
David Carry
Estrella Corral
Craig McLellan
Helen Wade
Alex Fu
David Maguire
Liz Symonds
Lucy Price
Harriet Jones
Alexandra Rickerby
Craig McLellan
Paola Campos
Robert van Venrooij
Leyah Knight
Esther Sanchez
Alison Ryan
Craig McLellan
James Edaburn
Ada Wong
Liz carr
James Endersby
Craig Royle
Juliet Moger
Jelena Lloyd
Robert van Venrooij
Tamlin Brandon
Maren Welch
Jossy Pilgrim
Kate Carter
Kate Ashby
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Craig McLellan
Caroline Mabon
James Edaburn
Alison Ryan
Kerisha Chambers
Robert van Venrooij
Ruth Denyer
Michael Murphy
Vanessa L Spillecke
Liz carr
Maren Welch
Craig Royle
James Edaburn
Ruth Denyer
Esther Sanchez
Lucy Vaughan
Lucy Price
Caroline van Venrooij
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Lucy Price
Tamlin Brandon
Craig Royle
Alex Fu
Janine Harion
María isabel
Katherine Smart
Ruth Denyer
Vanessa L Spillecke
Tamlin Brandon
Lucy Price
Alex Fu
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jelena Lloyd
Janine Harion
Katherine Smart
Ruth Denyer
Joseph Sisarello
Alexandra Rickerby
Lucy Price
Caroline Mabon
Jossy Pilgrim
Lisa constable
Kate Ashby
Milla Tomblin
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Lucy Vaughan
Milla Tomblin
Lucy Vaughan
Katherine Smart
Liz carr
Ada Wong
Ruth Denyer
Liz carr
Lucy Price
Jelena Lloyd
John Hawkes
Tamlin Brandon
Katherine Smart
Liz Symonds
Ruth Denyer
Jossy Pilgrim
Vanessa L Spillecke
Juliet Moger
James Edaburn
Janine Harion
James Edaburn
Caroline van Venrooij
Alex Fu
Craig Royle
Jeanine East
Katy Brock
Robert van Venrooij
Kate Carter
Lucy Price
Kerisha Chambers
Ali Tomblin
Vanessa L Spillecke
Michael Murphy
Miranda Dawson
Enzo Flores
Jelena Lloyd
Miranda Dawson
Maria fearon
Lucy Vaughan
Lucy Price
Maria fearon
Helen Wade
Ruth Denyer
Cordelia Forth
Annabelle Spink
Kate Carter
Loreto Vicent
Tamlin Brandon
Maren Welch
Caroline Mabon
Alexandra Rickerby
Mr Sohail Azhar
Craig Royle
Jelena Lloyd
James Endersby
Kerisha Chambers
Maren Welch
Jeanine East
Stephanie Cogdell
David Maguire
Csilla Bartus
Lucy Price
Craig Royle
Jelena Lloyd
Paola Campos
Jeanine East
Stephanie Cogdell
Janine Harion
Katherine Smart
Juliet Moger
Harriet Jones
Miranda Dawson
Maria fearon
Vicki Nash
Liz carr
Caroline van Venrooij
Stephanie Cogdell
Erica Loi
Tamlin Brandon
Csilla Bartus
Alex Fu
Caroline van Venrooij
Alexandra Rickerby
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Caroline Mabon
Joseph Sisarello
Ada Wong
Caroline van Venrooij
David Romani
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Alex Fu
Miranda Dawson
Michael Murphy
Janine Harion
Caroline van Venrooij
Craig Royle
Rebecca Gifford
David Maguire
Mr Sohail Azhar
Caroline Mabon
Jeanine East
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Rebecca Gifford
Helen Wade
David Carry
Ali Tomblin
James Endersby
Stephanie Cogdell
Liz Symonds
Craig McLellan
Ali Tomblin
Milla Tomblin
Estrella Corral
Cordelia Forth
Csilla Bartus
Craig McLellan
Annabelle Spink
Erica Loi
Ada Wong
Kate Carter
Jelena Lloyd
Craig Royle
Jelena Lloyd
Eula Flores
Alexandra Rickerby
Tamlin Brandon
Alex Fu
Lucy Price
Tamlin Brandon
Caroline Mabon
David Carry
James Endersby
Lucy Price
Vanessa L Spillecke
James Edaburn
James Edaburn
Jossy Pilgrim
Enzo Flores
Kate Ashby
Liz carr
Vanessa L Spillecke
Robert van Venrooij
Csilla Bartus
Tamlin Brandon
Alex Fu
Jonny Tansley
Vicki Nash
Jelena Lloyd
Liz carr
Mr Sohail Azhar
Vicki Nash
Michael Murphy
Milla Tomblin
Alison Ryan
Ali Tomblin
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Vanessa L Spillecke
Ruth Denyer
Lucy Price
Vicki Nash
Liz carr
Miranda Dawson
Vanessa L Spillecke
Caroline Mabon
Craig Royle
Robert van Venrooij
Joseph Sisarello
Alison Ryan
Vanessa L Spillecke
Helen Wade
Ruth Denyer
Helen Wade
Rebecca Gifford
Craig Royle
Loreto Vicent
Michael Murphy
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Miranda Dawson
James Endersby
Lucy Vaughan
Helen Wade
Freya Cioffi
Maren Welch
Alison Ryan
Rebecca Gifford
Esther Sanchez
Lucy Price
James Endersby
Erica Loi
Ada Wong
Vanessa L Spillecke
Caroline van Venrooij
John Hawkes
María isabel
Liz Symonds
Caroline van Venrooij
Rebecca Gifford
Craig Royle
Jelena Lloyd
Annabelle Spink
Vanessa L Spillecke
Lucy Vaughan
Milla Tomblin
Helen Wade
Lucy Vaughan
Jossy Pilgrim
Ada Wong
Janine Harion
Lisa constable
Caroline van Venrooij
Harriet Jones
Katherine Smart
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Jess Kirby
Kate Carter
Alison Ryan
Robert van Venrooij
Ada Wong
Ali Tomblin
Loreto Vicent
Vanessa L Spillecke
Miranda Dawson
Helen Wade
David Maguire
Lucy Vaughan
Maren Welch
Katy Brock
Annabelle Spink
Caroline Mabon
Caroline Mabon
Jeanine East
Maren Welch
Alex Fu
Helen Wade
Harriet Jones
Rebecca Gifford
Kate Ashby
Caroline van Venrooij
James Endersby
Ada Wong
Alex Fu
Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
Harriet Jones
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Alison Ryan
Caroline van Venrooij
Mr Sohail Azhar
Craig McLellan
Liz Symonds
Annabelle Spink
David Romani
Viktoriia Lytvynova
Robert van Venrooij
Ruth Denyer
Caroline van Venrooij
Alex Fu
Mr Sohail Azhar
Ruth Denyer
Viktoriia Lytvynova
Estrella Corral
James Edaburn
Enzo Flores
Robert van Venrooij
Lucy Vaughan
Annabelle Spink
Jossy Pilgrim
Caroline Mabon
Jelena Lloyd
Caroline Mabon
Michael Murphy
Helen Wade
Vanessa L Spillecke
Lisa constable
Janine Harion
Alexandra Rickerby
Robert van Venrooij
James Endersby
Estrella Corral
Mr Sohail Azhar
James Edaburn
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Craig Royle
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jeanine East
Caroline van Venrooij
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Alex Fu
Loreto Vicent
Liz Symonds
Jeanine East
Vanessa L Spillecke
Leyah Knight
Kate Carter
Ruth Denyer
Robert van Venrooij
Lucy Price
Robert van Venrooij
Alex Fu
Jelena Lloyd
Lucy Price
Caroline van Venrooij
James Endersby
Alison Ryan
Helen Wade
Liz carr
Estrella Corral
Robert van Venrooij
Miranda Dawson
Katherine Smart
Csilla Bartus
Kate Carter
Kate Carter
Rebecca Gifford
Estrella Corral
James Endersby
Jess Kirby
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Lucy Price
Mr Sohail Azhar
Robert van Venrooij
Miranda Dawson
James Endersby
Katherine Smart
Annabelle Spink
Juliet Moger
Craig Royle
Lucy Vaughan
Freya Cioffi
Kate Ashby
Larissa Martins Brunel Zanette
Ruth Denyer
Lucy Price
Alex Fu
Mr Sohail Azhar
Alexandra Rickerby
Robert van Venrooij
Alexandra Rickerby
Juliet Moger
Alexandra Rickerby
James Edaburn
David Romani
David Carry
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Freya Cioffi
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Ruth Denyer
Caroline Mabon
Vicki Nash
James Endersby
Annabelle Spink
Stephanie Cogdell
Alexandra Rickerby
Harriet Jones
Kate Ashby
Maria fearon
Ruth Denyer
Caroline Mabon
Ali Tomblin
Miranda Dawson
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Caroline van Venrooij
Vanessa L Spillecke
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Katherine Smart
Miranda Dawson
Jeanine East
Maren Welch
Robert van Venrooij
Katherine Smart
Helen Wade
James Endersby
Maren Welch
James Endersby
David Carry
Katherine Smart
Ruth Denyer
Katherine Smart
Liz carr
Jeanine East
Annabelle Spink
María isabel
Ali Tomblin
Alexandra Rickerby
Kate Carter
Michael Murphy
Estrella Corral
Craig McLellan
Ada Wong
Liz carr
Caroline Mabon
Ali Tomblin
Janine Harion
Jelena Lloyd
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Miranda Dawson
Estrella Corral
Kate Ashby
Ada Wong
Estrella Corral
Liz carr
Lucy Price
Vicki Nash
Estrella Corral
Loreto Vicent
David Romani
Mr Sohail Azhar
James Edaburn
Katy Brock
James Endersby
Alex Fu
David Maguire
Annabelle Spink
Loreto Vicent
Vanessa L Spillecke
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Maren Welch
Alexandra Rickerby
Harriet Jones
David Carry
Tamlin Brandon
Juliet Moger
Leyah Knight
Kate Carter
Alexandra Rickerby
Milla Tomblin
Lucy Vaughan
Harriet Jones
Cordelia Forth
Liz carr
Kate Ashby
Estrella Corral
Milla Tomblin
John Hawkes
Rebecca Gifford
Helen Wade
Milla Tomblin
Alex Fu
Jelena Lloyd
Stephanie Cogdell
John Hawkes
Karolina Drozek
Vanessa L Spillecke
James Endersby
Milla Tomblin
David Carry
Maren Welch
Michael Murphy
Janine Harion
Jossy Pilgrim
Jonny Tansley
Csilla Bartus
Juliet Moger
David Romani
Mr Sohail Azhar
James Edaburn
Lucy Price
Rebecca Gifford
Annabelle Spink
Robert van Venrooij
Lucy Price
Ali Tomblin
Katherine Smart
Loreto Vicent
Robert van Venrooij
Estrella Corral
Csilla Bartus
Eula Flores
Alex Fu
Milla Tomblin
Csilla Bartus
Helen Wade
Estrella Corral
Ali Tomblin
Lucy Price
Milla Tomblin
Alex Fu
Craig McLellan
Paola Campos
Michael Murphy
Kate Ashby
Alison Ryan
Vanessa L Spillecke
Juliet Moger
Juliet Moger
John Hawkes
Lucy Price
Jeanine East
Erica Loi
James Endersby
Craig McLellan
Vicki Nash
James Endersby
Kate Ashby
Estrella Corral
Janine Harion
Lucy Price
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Milla Tomblin
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Jess Kirby
Jelena Lloyd
James Edaburn
Paola Campos
Katherine Smart
Rebecca Gifford
James Endersby
Liz carr
Caroline Mabon
Ali Tomblin
James Endersby
Mr Sohail Azhar
Harriet Jones
Estrella Corral
Katy Brock
Jelena Lloyd
Ali Tomblin
Jeanine East
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Harriet Jones
Erica Loi
John Hawkes
Michael Murphy
Ada Wong
Jeanine East
Maria fearon
Eula Flores
Ada Wong
Robert van Venrooij
Jossy Pilgrim
Craig McLellan
Alex Fu
Juliet Moger
Mr Sohail Azhar
María isabel
James Edaburn
John Hawkes
David Romani
Robert van Venrooij
Katherine Smart
Loreto Vicent
Janine Harion
Lucy Price
Harriet Jones
Tamlin Brandon
Jeanine East
James Edaburn
Jo & Freddie Corlett
James Endersby
Craig Royle
Harriet Jones
Cordelia Forth
Rebecca Gifford
Katherine Smart
Erica Loi
Helen Wade
Robert van Venrooij
Maren Welch
Paola Campos
Rebecca Gifford
Kate Ashby
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Leyah Knight
Lucy Price
Vanessa L Spillecke
Craig Royle
Helen Wade
Alexandra Rickerby
Csilla Bartus
Caroline van Venrooij
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Helen Wade
Alison Ryan
Milla Tomblin
Lucy Price
James Endersby
Csilla Bartus
Joseph Sisarello
Kate Carter
Mr Sohail Azhar
Lucy Vaughan
Alex Fu
Juliet Moger
Mr Sohail Azhar
Jelena Lloyd
Jonny Tansley
Katherine Smart
Craig Royle
Ruth Denyer
Milla Tomblin
Vanessa L Spillecke
Lucy Price
Harriet Jones
Vicki Nash
Lucy Price
Paola Campos
Ali Tomblin
James Edaburn
Liz carr
Robert van Venrooij
Ali Tomblin
Kate Carter
Ruth Denyer
Miranda Dawson
Janine Harion
Jossy Pilgrim
Janine Harion
Erica Loi
Alison Ryan
Annabelle Spink
Ali Tomblin
Robert van Venrooij
Alex Fu
Rebecca Gifford
Ada Wong
Jossy Pilgrim
Viktoriia Lytvynova
Miranda Dawson
Vanessa L Spillecke
Lucy Price
Robert van Venrooij
Jossy Pilgrim
Maren Welch
Robert van Venrooij
James Endersby
Katy Brock
Alex Fu
Jelena Lloyd
Jossy Pilgrim
Liz carr
Annabelle Spink
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Vanessa L Spillecke
Alex Fu
James Endersby
James Edaburn
Tamlin Brandon
James Endersby
Vanessa L Spillecke
Ali Tomblin
Robert van Venrooij
Katherine Smart
Michael Murphy
Jelena Lloyd
Jossy Pilgrim
Viktoriia Lytvynova
María isabel
Lucy Price
Helen Wade
Milla Tomblin
Maria fearon
Lucy Price
Ada Wong
Vanessa L Spillecke
Lucy Price
Alex Fu
Tamlin Brandon
Lucy Price
Annabelle Spink
Alison Ryan
Kate Carter
Estrella Corral
Tamlin Brandon
Kate Ashby
Jess Kirby
Lucy Price
Juliet Moger
Jelena Lloyd
Estrella Corral
Craig Royle
Mr Sohail Azhar
Csilla Bartus
Stephanie Cogdell
Harriet Jones
Robert van Venrooij
Maria fearon
Freya Cioffi
Liz Symonds
Vanessa L Spillecke
Liz carr
David Romani
Alex Fu
Cordelia Forth
Alison Ryan
Craig McLellan
Craig Royle
David Maguire
Tamlin Brandon
Craig McLellan
Cordelia Forth
Miranda Dawson
David Romani
Jelena Lloyd
Michael Murphy
Paola Campos
Milla Tomblin
Mr Sohail Azhar
Lucy Price
Janine Harion
Csilla Bartus
Lucy Vaughan
Caroline Mabon
Janine Harion
Harriet Jones
Alison Ryan
Cordelia Forth
Estrella Corral
Alex Fu
Alison Ryan
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Miranda Dawson
Alex Fu
James Endersby
Janine Harion
Robert van Venrooij
Robert van Venrooij
Craig Royle
Craig Royle
Alexandra Rickerby
María isabel
Rebecca Gifford
Milla Tomblin
Kate Carter
Craig Royle
Craig Royle
Alexandra Rickerby
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Lucy Vaughan
Annabelle Spink
Lucy Price
Vanessa L Spillecke
Janine Harion
Maren Welch
Jeanine East
Juliet Moger
Alex Fu
John Hawkes
Jelena Lloyd
Alison Ryan
Ali Tomblin
Michael Murphy
Erica Loi
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Paola Campos
Alex Fu
Csilla Bartus
Katherine Smart
Vicki Nash
Alex Fu
Craig Royle
Rebecca Gifford
Alex Fu
David Romani
Esther Sanchez
Jelena Lloyd
Jelena Lloyd
Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
James Endersby
Ruth Denyer
Csilla Bartus
Ruth Denyer
Kate Ashby
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Helen Wade
Juliet Moger
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Maren Welch
Craig Royle
James Edaburn
Maren Welch
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jelena Lloyd
James Edaburn
Jeanine East
Liz carr
Miranda Dawson
Mr Sohail Azhar
Michael Murphy
James Edaburn
Maren Welch
Jossy Pilgrim
Jelena Lloyd
Robert van Venrooij
James Endersby
Jeanine East
Liz Symonds
Csilla Bartus
Robert van Venrooij
Michael Murphy
Craig Royle
Caroline van Venrooij
Alex Fu
Lucy Vaughan
Annabelle Spink
Paola Campos
Annabelle Spink
Csilla Bartus
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jo & Freddie Corlett
James Edaburn
Larissa Martins Brunel Zanette
Caroline van Venrooij
Ada Wong
John Hawkes
María isabel
Vanessa L Spillecke
Kate Carter
Annabelle Spink
Tamlin Brandon
Lucy Price
David Carry
Lisa constable
Milla Tomblin
Alex Fu
Lucy Vaughan
Caroline Mabon
María isabel
Jess Kirby
Alison Ryan
Joseph Sisarello
Freya Cioffi
Kate Carter
Miranda Dawson
Karolina Drozek
Miranda Dawson
Katherine Smart
James Endersby
Lucy Price
Ruth Denyer
Lucy Price
Caroline Mabon
Michael Murphy
Jeanine East
Vanessa L Spillecke
Helen Wade
James Endersby
Estrella Corral
Kate Ashby
Kate Ashby
Janine Harion
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Lucy Price
Juliet Moger
James Endersby
Mr Sohail Azhar
Caroline van Venrooij
Ruth Denyer
James Endersby
Juliet Moger
Ali Tomblin
Rebecca Gifford
Caroline Mabon
Kate Ashby
Robert van Venrooij
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Milla Tomblin
Craig McLellan
Tamlin Brandon
Alex Fu
Robert van Venrooij
Juliet Moger
Erica Loi
Lucy Vaughan
Csilla Bartus
Robert van Venrooij
Lucy Price
Jonny Tansley
Vanessa L Spillecke
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
James Endersby
Alison Ryan
Katherine Smart
David Maguire
Alex Fu
Harriet Jones
Kate Carter
James Edaburn
Liz carr
Ada Wong
David Carry
Eula Flores
Vanessa L Spillecke
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Kate Ashby
Jeanine East
Mr Sohail Azhar
David Maguire
Mr Sohail Azhar
Vicki Nash
Jossy Pilgrim
Helen Wade
Tamlin Brandon
Leyah Knight
Jelena Lloyd
Jess Kirby
Stephanie Cogdell
Robert van Venrooij
Maria fearon
Jeanine East
Jelena Lloyd
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Jossy Pilgrim
Maren Welch
Kate Ashby
Jo & Freddie Corlett
María isabel
Cordelia Forth
Rebecca Gifford
Lucy Price
Ruth Denyer
Maria fearon
James Endersby
Enzo Flores
Liz carr
María isabel
Juliet Moger
Katherine Smart
Jess Kirby
Alex Fu
Liz Symonds
Ada Wong
Juliet Moger
Kate Carter
Annabelle Spink
Katherine Smart
Vanessa L Spillecke
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Paola Campos
Craig Royle
Ada Wong
Ali Tomblin
Ruth Denyer
Janine Harion
James Endersby
Rebecca Gifford
Lucy Price
Robert van Venrooij
Lucy Price
Eula Flores
Alex Fu
Harriet Jones
Kate Ashby
Estrella Corral
David Romani
James Endersby
Viktoriia Lytvynova
Ada Wong
Alexandra Rickerby
Miranda Dawson
Lucy Price
Lucy Price
Helen Wade
Robert van Venrooij
Robert van Venrooij
Kate Ashby
Janine Harion
Liz carr
Jo & Freddie Corlett
Csilla Bartus
Caroline Mabon
James Edaburn
Tamlin Brandon
Ali Tomblin
Milla Tomblin
Estrella Corral
Annabelle Spink
Vanessa L Spillecke
Vanessa L Spillecke
Jelena Lloyd
Alison Ryan
Jossy Pilgrim
Ruth Denyer
Harriet Jones
Rebecca Gifford
Michael Murphy
Kate Carter
Alex Fu
Alex Fu
James Endersby
James Endersby
Katherine Smart
Christelle Manning-Degobertiere
Caroline van Venrooij
Craig Royle
Mr Sohail Azhar
Jeanine East
Juliet Moger
Maren Welch
Voucher for a full body massage at The Massage Company - Putney
Voucher for a full body massage donated by The Massage Company - Putney, worth £60
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Photography Experience with Venture Photography
Bronze Photography Experience donated by Venture Photography, worth £245
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
One week holiday camp with Bop Stars or Sports Stars
One week holiday camp for 1 child aged 4-9 years old donated by Bop Stars/Sports Stars, worth £240
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Forest camp day for 2 children with Forest Freedom
One day of forest camp for 2 children donated by Forest Freedom, worth £60
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 tickets to Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts at Polka Theatre
2 tickets to Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts donated by Polka Theatre, worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for Hounds of Health gym
£100 voucher donated by Hounds of Health gym
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for 5 swimming lessons with The Sarah Harris School of swimming
Voucher for 5 swimming lessons donated by The Sarah Harris School of swimming
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hour art workshop at art-K Wimbledon Central
2 hour art workshop donated by art-K Wimbledon Central, worth £28
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for 60 minute float
60 minute float voucher donated by Yue Float, worth £60
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Dinner for 2 at Theo Randall at the InterContinental
Dinner for 2 at Theo Randall donated by the InterContinental, worth £170
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Manicure at Illumin8 Beauty
Manicure voucher donated by Illumin8 Beauty, worth £65
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
1 month membership for Gymboree Putney
1 month membership donated by Gymboree Putney, worth £80
Includes 4 teacher led classes
Unlimited Open Gym
Suitable baby - 5yrs
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Includes 4 teacher led classes
Unlimited Open Gym
Suitable baby - 5yrs
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Family Coached Climbing Session at The Font
Family Coached Climbing Session voucher donated by The Font, worth £65
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
1 month free membership to Gymnasium Wandsworth
1 month free membership donated by Gymnasium Wandsworth, worth £70
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Family Intro climbing session at Parthian Climbing Wandsworth
4 spaces on Family Intro climbing session donated by Parthian Climbing Wandsworth, worth £80
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Photo shoot with Light by Lexi
30 minute family or portrait photo shoot and one digital image donated by Light by Lexi, worth £150
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
1 day multi sports holiday camp for 2 children at AM Sports Academy
1 day voucher for 2 children for mutil sports camp donated by AM Sports Academy, worth£90
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Tenpin Bowling for 6 people at Strike
A voucher that entitles the bearer, and up to 5 others, to a free game of Tenpin Bowling, Duckpin Bowling, Darts and Shuffleboard donated by Strike, worth £120
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Paintballing experience for up to 10 players at Delta Force Paintball
Voucher for a 3 hour paintballing experience for up to 10 players donated by Delta Force Paintball, worth £100
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£30 voucher for Cook
£30 voucher donated by Cook
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 boxes of Freddie's Flowers
2 boxes of flowers donated by Freddie's Flowers, worth £50
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£20 voucher for Original Tapas Sabores Southfields
£20 voucher donated by Original Tapas Sabores Southfields
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
4 hot drinks from Caffè Nero
Voucher for 4 hot drinks donated by Caffè Nero
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
3 hour cooking experience for 2 at School of Wok
3 hour cooking experience for 2 donated by School of Wok, worth £320
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Book and activity pack from Parrot Street
Book and activity pack for readers age 8-11 donated by Parrot Street
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
5 sessions with Try Time Rugby
5 sessions donated by Try Time Rugby, worth £55
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Wimbledon 2023 Annual and four tickets to the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum
Wimbledon 2023 Annual and four tickets to the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum donated by Wimbledon Foundation, worth £60
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
5 sessions with Try Time Rugby
5 sessions donated by Try Time Rugby, worth £55
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for a full body massage at The Massage Company - Putney
Voucher for a full body massage donated by The Massage Company - Putney, worth £60
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
A week of half day drama camp at Boss Acting School
A voucher for a week of half day drama camp donated by Boss Acting School, worth £150
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Beautiful Alex Max scarf from Florentina Boutique
Beautiful green cotton Alex Max scarf donated by Florentina Boutique
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
1 week holiday camp at Little Foxes
1 week holiday camp voucher donated by Little Foxes, worth £150
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Two days squash holiday camp at The Wimbledon Club
Two days squash holiday camp (8-16 years old) donated by The Wimbledon Club, worth £62
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Celebration cake by One Cake
An amazing celebration cake handmade by One Cake
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Coffee gift from London School of Coffee
Coffee gift donated by London School of Coffee
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Handmade pottery by Studio Qualia
Handmade pottery donated Studio Qualia
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£25 gift card for Elys Wimbledon
£25 gift card donated by Elys Wimbledon
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£15 voucher for high street stores
£15 voucher, donated by Tesco Southfields
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£15 voucher for Well Kneaded Pizza Earlsfield
£15 voucher donated by Well Kneaded Pizza Earlsfield
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Hot drinks and pastry at El Cafetal Southfields
Vouchers for 5 hot drinks and pastries donated by El Cafetal Southfields
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Plant from SW Blooms
Plant donated by SW Blooms
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Ultimate cookie creator kit
Ultimate cookie creator kit donated by Crumbs and Doilies, worth £22
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£25 voucher for Bosa Kitchen
£25 voucher donated by Bosa Kitchen
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£25 voucher for Your Creative Space
£25 gift credit to be used in store for any of our classes or pottery painting sessions donated by Your Creative Space
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Bocketts Farm entry for 2
Voucher for entry for 2 people donated by Bocketts Farm
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Mix and Munch cooking class
1 day cooking camp for 6-12 year old donated by Mix and Munch, worth £36
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 week of hot yoga
Voucher for unlimited yoga for 2 weeks donated by Hot Pod Yoga Putney, worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 week of hot yoga
Voucher for unlimited yoga for 2 weeks donated by Hot Pod Yoga Putney, worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 week of yoga and pilates
Voucher for unlimited yoga and pilated for 2 weeks donated by Serenity Space, worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£20 voucher for Oliver Bonas
£20 voucher donated by Oliver Bonas
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Straw tote bag from Phase 8
Straw tote bag donated by Phase 8, worth £45
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
6 week fitness transformation program with Hounds of Health
6 week fitness transformation program donated by Hounds of Health, worth £377
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for Hounds of Health gym
£100 voucher donated by Hounds of Health gym
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Voucher for Hounds of Health gym
£100 voucher donated by Hounds of Health gym
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 week of yoga and pilates
Voucher for unlimited yoga and pilated for 2 weeks donated by Serenity Space, worth £20
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
£45 cooking class voucher for The Avenue Cooking School
£45 cooking class voucher donated by The Avenue Cooking School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 tickets for World Heart Beat Music
2 tickets to a concert of the winner's choice donated by World Heart Beat Music, worth £45
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
2 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 2 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £70.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Tenpin Bowling for 6 people at Strike
A voucher that entitles the bearer, and up to 5 others, to a free game of Tenpin Bowling, Duckpin Bowling, Darts and Shuffleboard donated by Strike, worth £120
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Tenpin Bowling for 6 people at Strike
A voucher that entitles the bearer, and up to 5 others, to a free game of Tenpin Bowling, Duckpin Bowling, Darts and Shuffleboard donated by Strike, worth £120
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
4 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 4 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £140.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
4 hours of tutoring from Step Up Teaching
A voucher for 4 1 hour tutoring sessions donated by Step Up Teaching, worth £140.
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Sessions available for children in KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 and GCSE
Subjects available include English, Maths, 11+, 13+, Creative writing, LAMDA (drama) and Interview techniques and training.
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Tenpin Bowling for 6 people at Strike
A voucher that entitles the bearer, and up to 5 others, to a free game of Tenpin Bowling, Duckpin Bowling, Darts and Shuffleboard donated by Strike, worth £120
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Tenpin Bowling for 6 people at Strike
A voucher that entitles the bearer, and up to 5 others, to a free game of Tenpin Bowling, Duckpin Bowling, Darts and Shuffleboard donated by Strike, worth £120
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
Collection only
Collection from Riversdale Primary School
This competition has a minimum ticket sales of 1. If this isn't reached, each prize winner will instead receive 1% of ticket sales.
Maximum amount of 500 per person.
The raffle will end at 29/06/2024 08:00 and automatically drawn at 29/06/2024 08:15 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 1% of ticket sales.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: afd84ad6-a025-4847-be62-175ccd28b508 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 1% of ticket sales. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.
100% of the host's profit goes directly to:
