100% of the host's profit goes directly to the charity St John Fisher PTFA.
St John Fisher PTFA Summer Fair Raffle 2024
St John Fisher PTFA are excited that the Online Raffle is back! Bigger and better than ever!
Our local community have been so generous and we have some amazing fantastic prizes including GYM AND SPORTS PASSES, RESTAURANT VOUCHERS, BEAUTY VOUCHERS, FAMILY DAYS OUT and many many more.
Please take a look, buy lots of tickets and send the link onto all your friends and family to buy some too!
The St John Fisher PTFA is a Registered Charity (no. 1105886) which aims to raise money and foster closer links between staff, parents, children and friends in the community. All money raised goes to help provide resources and experiences for all children of St John Fisher.
@ sjfptfa
St John Fisher PTFA
The St John Fisher PTFA is a Registered Charity (no. 1105886) which aims to raise money and foster closer links between staff, parents, children and friends in the community. All money raised goes to help provide resources and experiences for all children of St John Fisher. Tens of thousands of pounds have been raised over the past few years, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to provide a wider and richer experience for our children.
169 entrants with 2561 paid tickets and 0 promotion tickets.
Hayley Gorman
Nicholas Hodgson
Clare Brierly
Agnes Honour
Kerry Jones
Virginia McCluskie
Sonia Pombo
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Tom Banning
Dee Radford
Martin Shiderov
Sophie Beck
Nathalie Tipler
leila farhangi-farrell
Amelia lew davies
Lisa Sloan
Sarah Richmond
Sophie Beck
Lynne Bailey
Agnes Honour
Julia Mazery
Louise Olivier
Elieza Hever
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Krystyna Swider
Krystyna Swider
Michelle Hosier
Alice Provenzano
Julia Mazery
Louise Olivier
Helen Vosper
Louise Crane
Louise Olivier
Martin Shiderov
Gemma Connolly
Lucie Gee
Barrie brown
Yvonne Cherry
Pauline Phillips
Matt de Freitas
Sarah Richmond
Alison Caraccio
Pauline Phillips
Laura Gunaratnam
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Pauline Phillips
Lucie Gee
Gemma Connolly
Nicholas Hodgson
Grahame Rigg
Laura Whiteman
Bridget O'Sullivan
Luca Palmer
Constança de Miranda
Richard Harris
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Ed Constable
Dee Radford
Lucy Tankard
Rimma Monk
Sarah Richmond
Maria Tinker
Tom Banning
Matt de Freitas
Ed Constable
Louise Olivier
Sophie Beck
Megan Makin
Louisa Asgill
Anne-Marie Dobson
Lucie Gee
Josephine Morrison
Kirsty Townsend
Louise Olivier
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Jeremy Bateman
Constable ;Ed
Chris Bartlett
Mark Pearce
Louise Olivier
Constable ;Ed
Samuel Ellerker
Ian Cowper
Hazel Pucino
Tom Banning
Joey Coombes
Louise Olivier
Bridget O'Sullivan
Mr Fergal Diver
Matt de Freitas
Virginia McCluskie
Maja P
Ian Cowper
Christian D’Cruz
Tom Banning
Bina King
Andreea Popa
Rimma Monk
Chris Glynn
Constable ;Ed
Pauline Phillips
Sarah Richmond
Tom Banning
Lauren Doughty
Matt de Freitas
Constança de Miranda
Amelia lew davies
Tom Banning
Nick Barr
Amy Hill
Lucy elphick
Margaret Lever
Megan Makin
Bina King
alana velasco-cahour
Robert Cummins
Chris Bartlett
Joao Duarte
Julie Dobson
Dominique Bailao
Monika Baran
Anita Benoit
Sarah Richmond
Sonia Pombo
Louise Olivier
Dee Radford
Kerry Jones
Robert Cummins
Constança de Miranda
Virginia McCluskie
Michelle Weelson
Karol Machnik
Claire Crowther
Louisa Asgill
Constable ;Ed
Nicola Moriarty
Maria Tinker
Tara Lynch
Kathleen louch
Maria Tinker
Andrzej Brzozowski
Ela McCabe
Lynne Bailey
Louise Olivier
Michelle Weelson
Georgina davies
Constable ;Ed
St John Fisher PTFA
Chris Glynn
Lynne Bailey
Jessica Doyle
Sarah Richmond
Nick Barr
Sarah Richmond
Aleksandra Soliman
Chris Bartlett
Alexander Nowak
leila farhangi-farrell
Alexander Nowak
Nora Eccles
Dominic Boyes
Danielle Katz
Danielle Katz
Tom Connolly
Jeremy Bateman
Daren King
Robert Cummins
Mrs Reuss
Julia Mazery
Irena Jarocka
Constança de Miranda
Lauren Doughty
Sarah Richmond
Lynne Bailey
Grahame Rigg
Christian D’Cruz
Catherine Constable
Nadia Jorge
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Nevissa Dsouza
Pauline Phillips
Anita Benoit
Louise Olivier
Pauline Phillips
Clare Brierly
Julie Dobson
Lucie Gee
Louise Olivier
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Kathleen louch
Karol Machnik
Virginia McCluskie
Sarah Richmond
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Constable ;Ed
Rimma Monk
Ann Bennett
Chris Bartlett
Monika Baran
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Sarah Richmond
Lucie Gee
Lynne Bailey
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Tom Connolly
Tom Banning
Victoria Willmott
Ed Constable
Lisa Sloan
Charlotte Beckett
Lauren Doughty
Maria Tinker
Arrieanne bolt
Gemma Connolly
Amy Adamson
Laura Gunaratnam
Tom Banning
Amy Lumsden
Bridget O'Sullivan
Anita Benoit
Ann Bennett
Laura Harper
leila farhangi-farrell
Ann Bennett
Roberta Gee
Julia Goteni
Anita Benoit
Irena Jarocka
Nathalie Tipler
Dominique Bailao
Lynne Bailey
Mr Fergal Diver
Anne Lloyd
Dave Power
Ela McCabe
Chris Glynn
Constança de Miranda
Dee Radford
Dominic Boyes
Victoria Willmott
Nora Eccles
Kirsty Townsend
Amelia lew davies
Elieza Hever
Alexander Nowak
Simon Bateman
Maria Tinker
Gary R-M
Marzena Tracewicz
Louise Olivier
Noreen hughes
Virginia McCluskie
Virginia McCluskie
Louise Olivier
Nicola Moriarty
Simon Bateman
Catherine Constable
Constable ;Ed
Helen Vosper
Joao Duarte
Rimma Monk
Megan Makin
Louise Olivier
Aleksandra Soliman
Maria Tinker
Mr Fergal Diver
Steve Markey
Charlotte Beckett
Nicola Moriarty
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Clare Fisher
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Pauline Phillips
Dominic Boyes
Jeremy Bateman
Barbara Halls
Clare Fisher
Lynne Bailey
Krystyna Swider
Bina King
Chris Bartlett
Monika Szymanska
Claire Crowther
Sarah Richmond
Jeremy Bateman
Lisa Sloan
Dianne Readings
Alexander Nowak
Megan Makin
Nick Barr
Catherine Constable
Dave Power
Louise Olivier
diana rowe
Julie Dobson
Alexander Nowak
Louisa Asgill
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Sarah Richmond
Anne Foster
Kirsty Townsend
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Danielle Katz
Dhruva Tandon
Noreen Gordon
St John Fisher PTFA
Jessica B
Barrie brown
Nick Barr
Susie Dawson
Helen Vosper
Tara Lynch
Lynne Bailey
Nicola Moriarty
Monika Baran
Terri Lyndon
Chris Bartlett
Susan Harris
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Maria Tinker
Susie Dawson
Charlie Norman
Bina King
Lucie Gee
Louise Olivier
Luca Palmer
Nick Barr
Nicola Moriarty
Anita Benoit
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Ian Cowper
Laura Miranda
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Lisa Sloan
Dhruva Tandon
Maria Tinker
Chris Glynn
Nicholas Hodgson
leila farhangi-farrell
Nicholas Hodgson
Julia Mazery
Monika Baran
Monique Knaapen
Chris Bartlett
Lisa Sloan
Tara Creedon
Helen Vosper
Zoe Pate
Sarah Richmond
Julia Mazery
Maria Tinker
Louise Olivier
Amy Lumsden
Tania de Wouters
alana velasco-cahour
Bina King
Alexander Nowak
Dominic Boyes
Amy Hill
Louise Olivier
Dianne Readings
Andreea Popa
Bina King
Louise Olivier
leila farhangi-farrell
Bridget O'Sullivan
Tara Lynch
Clare Fisher
Anita Benoit
Nicola Moriarty
Tara Lynch
Louisa Asgill
Sophie Beck
Monika Baran
Alexander Nowak
Alison Caraccio
Nora Eccles
Jessica Swan
Debi Hohls
Jack Astill
Louise Olivier
Mark Pearce
Michael kinirons
Mark Pearce
St John Fisher PTFA
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Mark Pearce
Kathleen louch
Tara Lynch
Amy Adamson
Mark Pearce
Kathleen louch
Bridget O'Sullivan
Louise Olivier
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Grahame Rigg
Louisa Asgill
Simon Bateman
Bianca Larch
Dianne Readings
Annah Blair
Dianne Readings
Ela McCabe
Joao Duarte
diana rowe
Michael kinirons
Amy Hill
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Anthony Kujawa
Dhruva Tandon
Michael kinirons
Karol Machnik
Ed Constable
St John Fisher PTFA
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Zoe Pate
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Louise Olivier
Nick Barr
Susie Dawson
Monika Baran
Aleksandra Soliman
Julia Mazery
Annah Blair
Sarah Kinirons
Renia Simon
Ed Constable
Christian D’Cruz
Michelle Hosier
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Roberta Gee
leila farhangi-farrell
Josephine Morrison
Jeremy Bateman
Louise Olivier
Sarah Richmond
Pauline Phillips
Linda Kujawa
Megan Makin
Ralitza Shiderova
Karol Machnik
Andreea Popa
Emily finch
Louise Olivier
Virginia McCluskie
Anne Foster
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Barbara Halls
Louise Olivier
Laura Gunaratnam
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Chris Glynn
Simon Bateman
Linda Kujawa
Joao Duarte
Nathalie Tipler
Virginia McCluskie
Aleksandra Soliman
Roberta Gee
Louise Olivier
Louise Olivier
Sarah Richmond
Sonia Pombo
Stella Moriarty
Lisa Faulkner
Laura Whiteman
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Megan Makin
Meghanne Hughes
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Virginia McCluskie
Claire Crowther
St John Fisher PTFA
Virginia McCluskie
Laura Whiteman
Gemma Connolly
Virginia McCluskie
Jennifer Costa
Amy Lumsden
Laura Gunaratnam
Tom Banning
Rimma Monk
Emily finch
Nicola Moriarty
Frances Keohane
Mark Pearce
Grahame Rigg
Sarah Richmond
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Linda Kujawa
Dominique Bailao
Tara Lynch
Noreen Gordon
Richard Harris
Maria Tinker
Lauren Doughty
Lucie Gee
Louise Olivier
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Tom Connolly
Chris Bartlett
Karol Machnik
Anne Foster
Robert Cummins
Tom Banning
Gemma Connolly
Ian Cowper
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Anita Benoit
Meghanne Hughes
St John Fisher PTFA
Bridget O'Sullivan
Terri Lyndon
Noreen Gordon
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Tom Banning
Dianne Readings
Monika Baran
Pauline Phillips
Yvonne Cherry
Ed Constable
Robert Cummins
Sarah Richmond
Julie Dobson
Michelle Weelson
Ian Cowper
Maria Tinker
Anne-Marie Dobson
Louise Olivier
Lynne Bailey
Sarah Richmond
Noreen Gordon
Michael kinirons
Anthony Kujawa
Pauline Phillips
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Louise Olivier
Helen Vosper
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Aidan Peck
Zoe Pate
Louise Olivier
Maria Tinker
Louise Olivier
Dhruva Tandon
Lynne Bailey
Amy Adamson
Ian Cowper
Nevissa Dsouza
Sarah Kinirons
Dave Power
Sophie Warnars
Michelle Hosier
Dawit Debesu
Tom Banning
Charlie Norman
Charlotte Beckett
Nicola Moriarty
Louise Olivier
Gemma Connolly
Gary R-M
Claire Crowther
Margaret Lever
Kathleen louch
Anne Foster
Clare Brierly
Gemma Connolly
Grahame Rigg
Pauline Phillips
Amelia lew davies
Jessica Swan
Kevin Arora
Susie Dawson
Sarah Kinirons
Noreen Gordon
Yvonne Cherry
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Gary R-M
Michelle Weelson
Sarah Richmond
Gemma Connolly
Susie Dawson
Monika Baran
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Charlotte Beckett
Sophie Warnars
Kevin Arora
Hazel Pucino
Lisa Sloan
leila farhangi-farrell
St John Fisher PTFA
Tara Lynch
Ian Cowper
Aidan Peck
Jeremy Bateman
Constable ;Ed
Dave Power
Noreen hughes
Sarah Kinirons
Claire Higgins
alana velasco-cahour
Lynne Bailey
Louisa Asgill
Jeremy Bateman
Nicholas Hodgson
Anthony Kujawa
Lucy Tankard
Louisa Asgill
Laura Gunaratnam
Julia Goteni
Debi Hohls
Monika Baran
Kevin Arora
Rimma Monk
Danielle Katz
Maria Tinker
Tom Banning
Yvonne Cherry
Constable ;Ed
Andreea Popa
Debi Hohls
Jessica Swan
Josephine Morrison
Meghanne Hughes
Dhruva Tandon
Susie Dawson
Ian Cowper
Robert Cummins
Jessica B
St John Fisher PTFA
Robert Cummins
Louisa Asgill
Constable ;Ed
Lisa Sloan
Zoe Pate
Louise Olivier
Jeremy Bateman
Pauline Phillips
Harriet Donovan
Sarah Richmond
Lucy elphick
Jacqueline Beale
Tom Banning
Nicola Moriarty
Constable ;Ed
Luca Palmer
Kirsty Townsend
Yvonne Cherry
Noreen hughes
Gemma Connolly
Robert Cummins
Ralitza Shiderova
Dominic Boyes
St John Fisher PTFA
Linda Kujawa
Lynne Bailey
Frances Keohane
Ed Constable
Krystyna Swider
Anne Lloyd
Sarah Richmond
Tom Banning
Alexander Nowak
Sarah Richmond
Karol Machnik
Karol Machnik
Louise Olivier
Louise Olivier
Victoria Willmott
Andrzej Brzozowski
Meghanne Hughes
Sophie Beck
Lynne Bailey
St John Fisher PTFA
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Stella Moriarty
Dominic Boyes
Lucy Tankard
Sophie Beck
Charlotte Beckett
Dominic Boyes
Roberta Gee
Bridget O'Sullivan
Noreen Gordon
Kevin Arora
Tania de Wouters
Ralitza Shiderova
sylvia wilamowska
Maja P
Nadia Jorge
Julia Mazery
Laura Gunaratnam
Alexander Nowak
Linda Kujawa
Megan Makin
Martin Shiderov
diana rowe
Teresa Russell
Anne Foster
Victoria Brown
Margaret Lever
Ela McCabe
Teresa Russell
Nora Eccles
Yvonne Cherry
Bianca Larch
Kirsty Townsend
Louise Olivier
Lynne Bailey
Linda Kujawa
Susie Dawson
Joao Duarte
Agnes Honour
Martin Shiderov
Nathalie Tipler
leila farhangi-farrell
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Maja P
Ian Cowper
Sophie Warnars
Tom Banning
Josephine Morrison
Claire Higgins
Tom Banning
Frances Keohane
Constable ;Ed
Louisa Asgill
Matt de Freitas
Laura Gunaratnam
Krystyna Swider
Chris Glynn
Karol Machnik
Louise Olivier
Simon Bateman
Matt de Freitas
Maria Tinker
Laura Miranda
Jessica Swan
alana velasco-cahour
Elieza Hever
Louise Olivier
Julia Mazery
leila farhangi-farrell
Constable ;Ed
Lucy elphick
Aleksandra Soliman
Lynne Bailey
Dawit Debesu
Louisa Asgill
Monika Baran
Frances Keohane
Nick Barr
Charlie Norman
Pauline Phillips
Alice Provenzano
Georgina davies
Michael kinirons
Mark Pearce
Dee Radford
Pauline Phillips
Clare Fisher
Karol Machnik
Louise Olivier
Hazel Pucino
Louise Olivier
Pauline Phillips
Kirsty Townsend
Sonia Pombo
Sarah Richmond
Andrzej Brzozowski
Martin Shiderov
Danielle Katz
Tara Lynch
Tom Banning
Sarah Richmond
Chris Bartlett
James Fong
Monique Knaapen
Sonia Pombo
Andreea Popa
Dave Power
Dhruva Tandon
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Dominic Boyes
Dianne Readings
Lisa Sloan
St John Fisher PTFA
Laura Gunaratnam
Helen Bywater-Smith
Margaret Lever
Kirsty Townsend
Nicola Moriarty
Roberta Gee
Nicola Moriarty
Teresa Russell
Ann Bennett
Sarah Richmond
Karol Machnik
Dee Radford
St John Fisher PTFA
Barbara Halls
Mrs Reuss
Constable ;Ed
Dawit Debesu
Roberta Gee
Zoe Pate
Nora Eccles
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Anita Benoit
Chris Glynn
Gemma Connolly
Teresa Russell
Dave Power
Charlie Norman
Louise Olivier
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Julia Goteni
Bianca Larch
Grahame Rigg
Patricia Bowers
Simon Bateman
Jack Astill
St John Fisher PTFA
Tom Banning
Amy Adamson
Terri Lyndon
St John Fisher PTFA
Joao Duarte
Nadia Jorge
Sophie Warnars
Sarah Richmond
Louisa Asgill
Andreea Popa
Susan Harris
Matt de Freitas
Amelia lew davies
Louise Olivier
Pauline Phillips
Nora Ecclea
Meghanne Hughes
Debi Hohls
Steve Markey
Sarah Richmond
Sarah Kinirons
Maria Tinker
Noreen Gordon
Louise Olivier
Nathalie Tipler
Julie Dobson
Susie Dawson
Claire Higgins
Monika Szymanska
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Maja P
Andreea Popa
Louisa Asgill
Tom Connolly
Bina King
Hazel Pucino
Nora Eccles
Mark Pearce
Sarah Richmond
Laura Miranda
Dhruva Tandon
Nicola Moriarty
Nathalie Tipler
Pauline Phillips
Debi Hohls
Louise Olivier
Nora Ecclea
Mr Fergal Diver
Claire Higgins
Aidan Peck
Jessica B
Andreea Popa
Constable ;Ed
Jacques de Wouters
Amy Adamson
Maria Tinker
Louise Olivier
Hazel Pucino
Sarah Richmond
Dhruva Tandon
Sarah Kinirons
Lisa Sloan
Claire Higgins
Debi Hohls
Emily finch
Sarah Richmond
Dominic Boyes
Martin Shiderov
Michael kinirons
Emily finch
Karol Machnik
Sarah Richmond
Josephine Morrison
Louise Olivier
Martin Shiderov
Helen Vosper
Gemma Connolly
Aleksandra Soliman
Karol Machnik
Luca Palmer
Tom Banning
Yvonne Cherry
Danielle Katz
Anita Benoit
Louise Olivier
Louise Olivier
Maria Tinker
Rimma Monk
Mrs Reuss
Roberta Gee
Harriet Donovan
Dominika Debinska
Lucie Gee
Amy Adamson
Lisa Faulkner
Julia Mazery
Anthony Kujawa
sylvia wilamowska
Elieza Hever
Agnes Honour
Claire Crowther
Alice Provenzano
Danielle Katz
Nathalie Tipler
Hazel Pucino
Andreea Popa
Robert Cummins
Frances Keohane
Laura Gunaratnam
Tania de Wouters
Nora Eccles
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Virginia McCluskie
Yvonne Cherry
leila farhangi-farrell
Dominique Bailao
alana velasco-cahour
Anne-Marie Dobson
Louise Olivier
Ralitza Shiderova
Nick Barr
Jeremy Bateman
Laura Whiteman
Tom Banning
Laura Whiteman
Nora Eccles
Dominika Debinska
Amy Lumsden
Jessica Doyle
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Ela McCabe
Alexander Nowak
Constable ;Ed
Matt de Freitas
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
leila farhangi-farrell
Robert Cummins
Gemma Connolly
Kirsty Townsend
Frances Keohane
Andreea Popa
Dominique Bailao
Monika Baran
Chris Glynn
Sophie Beck
Tom Banning
Ralitza Shiderova
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Jessica B
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Dominic Boyes
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Gemma Connolly
Jack Astill
Amy Lumsden
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Tom Banning
Nadia Jorge
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Nicola Moriarty
Kirsty Townsend
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Louise Olivier
Virginia McCluskie
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Matt de Freitas
Monika Baran
Kirsty Townsend
Kirsty Townsend
Louise Olivier
Irena Jarocka
Martin Shiderov
Christian D’Cruz
Lynne Bailey
Josephine Morrison
Victoria Brown
Susie Dawson
Angela Filsell
Nick Barr
Michael kinirons
Nora Eccles
Hayley Gorman
Louise Olivier
Constança de Miranda
Kirsty Townsend
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Charlie Norman
Kirsty Townsend
Lisa Sloan
Tania de Wouters
Lucie Gee
Tom Connolly
Louisa Asgill
Nicola Moriarty
Charlie Norman
Sarah Richmond
Dhruva Tandon
Nadia Jorge
leila farhangi-farrell
Angela Filsell
Sarah Richmond
Emily finch
Laura Gunaratnam
Nick Barr
Sarah Kinirons
Michelle Hosier
Anne Lloyd
Margaret Lever
Dominique Bailao
Daren King
Michelle Hosier
Mark Pearce
Noreen Gordon
St John Fisher PTFA
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Lucy Tankard
Elieza Hever
Monika Baran
Nadia Jorge
James Fong
Julia Mazery
Constable ;Ed
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Pauline Phillips
Yvonne Cherry
Helen Vosper
Amy Lumsden
Louisa Asgill
Maria Tinker
Dave Power
Monique Knaapen
Anita Benoit
Pauline Phillips
Anne Lloyd
Chris Glynn
Sarah Richmond
Alexander Nowak
Louise Olivier
Andrzej Brzozowski
Louise Olivier
Jessica Swan
Dhruva Tandon
Lisa Faulkner
Bianca Larch
Anita Benoit
Anita Benoit
Margaret Lever
Monika Baran
Anita Benoit
Noreen Gordon
leila farhangi-farrell
Chris Bartlett
Ed Constable
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Nathalie Tipler
Sarah Richmond
Jack Astill
Richard Harris
Louise Olivier
Constable ;Ed
Sarah Richmond
Grahame Rigg
Elieza Hever
Ian Cowper
Danielle Katz
Gemma Connolly
Ralitza Shiderova
Amy Adamson
Monika Szymanska
Tara Lynch
Sophie Beck
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Lynne Bailey
Lucy elphick
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Sonia Pombo
Elieza Hever
Nick Barr
sylvia wilamowska
Tom Banning
Jessica B
Aleksandra Soliman
Noreen Gordon
Elieza Hever
Jessica B
Lynne Bailey
Lucie Gee
Victoria Brown
Tom Banning
Arrieanne bolt
Joao Duarte
Constança de Miranda
Lisa Sloan
Chris Glynn
Sarah Kinirons
Louise Olivier
Ian Cowper
Bridget O'Sullivan
Tom Banning
Michael kinirons
Sophie Warnars
Ed Constable
Nicholas Hodgson
Chris Glynn
Bina King
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Louise Olivier
Barrie brown
Mr Fergal Diver
Claire Crowther
Nick Barr
Lisa Sloan
Nora Eccles
Clare Brierly
Laura Miranda
Susie Dawson
Sarah Richmond
Daren King
Dhruva Tandon
Pauline Phillips
Joey Coombes
Michelle Hosier
Sarah Richmond
Dhruva Tandon
Anthony Kujawa
St John Fisher PTFA
Louise Crane
Charlie Norman
Tom Connolly
Ed Constable
Andreea Popa
Tom Connolly
Anthony Kujawa
Ian Cowper
Nathalie Tipler
Constable ;Ed
Dee Radford
Tom Banning
Daren King
Constable ;Ed
Nick Barr
Alison Caraccio
Hazel Pucino
Arrieanne bolt
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Mr Fergal Diver
Lynne Bailey
Louise Olivier
Dianne Readings
Terri Lyndon
Roberta Gee
Margaret Lever
Michael kinirons
Pauline Phillips
Louise Olivier
Simon Bateman
Michael kinirons
Patricia Bowers
Tara Lynch
Catherine Constable
Clare Brierly
Chris Bartlett
Bianca Larch
Yvonne Cherry
Mrs Reuss
Nevissa Dsouza
Dominique Bailao
Tara Creedon
Andreea Popa
Ed Constable
Nicola Moriarty
Lucie Gee
alana velasco-cahour
Louise Olivier
Georgina davies
Laura Harper
Monika Baran
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Jessica B
Tania de Wouters
Louise Olivier
Claire Crowther
Anita Benoit
Dominique Bailao
Virginia McCluskie
Maria Tinker
Virginia McCluskie
Renia Simon
Angela Filsell
Robert Cummins
Louise Olivier
Pauline Phillips
Catherine Constable
Noreen Gordon
Nicola Moriarty
Lucie Gee
Angela Filsell
Kirsty Townsend
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Lucie Gee
Hayley Gorman
Tara Creedon
Steve Markey
Pauline Phillips
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Charlie Norman
Grahame Rigg
Lynne Bailey
diana rowe
Gemma Connolly
Pauline Phillips
Jacques de Wouters
Christina Pombo
Jeremy Bateman
Bridget O'Sullivan
Noreen hughes
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Ian Cowper
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Christina Pombo
Karol Machnik
Mrs Reuss
Catherine Constable
Ela McCabe
Amelia lew davies
Michelle Hosier
Gemma Connolly
Nick Barr
Margaret Lever
Amy Hill
Jessica B
Amy Hill
Matt de Freitas
Rimma Monk
Alison Caraccio
Mark Pearce
Lucy Tankard
Terri Lyndon
Nadia Jorge
Amy Hill
Danielle Katz
Stella Moriarty
Anne Foster
Mrs Reuss
Josephine Morrison
Sarah Richmond
Michael kinirons
alana velasco-cahour
Kirsty Townsend
Debi Hohls
Louise Olivier
Louise Olivier
Claire Higgins
Charlie Norman
Linda Kujawa
Mark Pearce
Richard Harris
Jacques de Wouters
Andrzej Brzozowski
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Helen Vosper
Renia Simon
Nicholas Hodgson
Constable ;Ed
Ian Cowper
Michelle Hosier
Megan Makin
Alison Caraccio
Claire Crowther
Monika Baran
Nevissa Dsouza
Renia Simon
Sarah Richmond
Pauline Phillips
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Meghanne Hughes
Tara Creedon
Gemma Connolly
Kirsty Townsend
Virginia McCluskie
Louise Olivier
Dhruva Tandon
Nick Barr
Nevissa Dsouza
Yvonne Cherry
Virginia Celis
Julie Dobson
Jeremy Bateman
Lynne Bailey
Krystyna Swider
Laura Miranda
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Lynne Bailey
Pauline Phillips
Jack Astill
Ian Cowper
Nathalie Tipler
Nick Barr
Catherine Constable
Bina King
Emily finch
Pauline Phillips
Matt de Freitas
Yvonne Cherry
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Nicola Moriarty
Tania de Wouters
Kirsty Townsend
St John Fisher PTFA
Anne-Marie Dobson
Kathleen louch
Lucy Tankard
Constable ;Ed
Sarah Richmond
Tom Banning
Karol Machnik
Lucie Gee
Nathalie Tipler
Jessica Swan
Laura Gunaratnam
Susie Dawson
Michelle Weelson
Lynne Bailey
Anne-Marie Dobson
Louise Olivier
Charlie Norman
Claire Higgins
Karol Machnik
Helen Bywater-Smith
Sarah Richmond
Noreen Gordon
Matt de Freitas
Yvonne Cherry
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Barrie brown
Robert Cummins
Laura Gunaratnam
Virginia Celis
Dhruva Tandon
Aidan Peck
Nick Barr
Danielle Katz
Michelle Weelson
Amelia lew davies
Jeremy Bateman
Tara Lynch
Yvonne Cherry
Christian D’Cruz
Dee Radford
Monique Knaapen
Louisa Asgill
Sophie Warnars
Constable ;Ed
Patricia Bowers
Gemma Connolly
Chris Bartlett
Nathalie Tipler
Louise Olivier
Clare Fisher
Noreen Gordon
St John Fisher PTFA
Louise Olivier
Chris Glynn
Sarah Richmond
Lynne Bailey
Laura Gunaratnam
Sarah Richmond
leila farhangi-farrell
Tom Banning
Pauline Phillips
Hayley Gorman
Debi Hohls
Amy Adamson
Louise Olivier
Lucie Gee
Tara Lynch
Grahame Rigg
Tara Lynch
Maria Tinker
Ed Constable
Charlotte Beckett
Pauline Phillips
Luca Palmer
St John Fisher PTFA
Nevissa Dsouza
Helen Bywater-Smith
Clare Fisher
Terri Lyndon
Kirsty Townsend
Anne-Marie Dobson
Helen Bywater-Smith
Victoria Brown
Constable ;Ed
Sonia Pombo
Dominic Boyes
Ed Constable
Ralitza Shiderova
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Frances Keohane
Julia Mazery
Anne Foster
Robert Cummins
Kirsty Townsend
Irena Jarocka
Amy Adamson
Monika Baran
Karol Machnik
Alexander Nowak
Joao Duarte
Tom Connolly
Mark Pearce
Zoe Pate
Sophie Warnars
Charlotte Beckett
Victoria Brown
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Laura Whiteman
Hazel Pucino
Noreen Gordon
St John Fisher PTFA
Krystyna Swider
Robert Cummins
Bianca Larch
Chris Glynn
Andreea Popa
Aidan Peck
Tania de Wouters
Virginia McCluskie
Debi Hohls
Sarah Richmond
Maria Tinker
Laura Gunaratnam
Nathalie Tipler
Ralitza Shiderova
Charlie Norman
Lisa Sloan
Kathleen louch
St John Fisher PTFA
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Amy Adamson
Joao Duarte
Hazel Pucino
Mark Pearce
Nathalie Tipler
Louise Olivier
Jacques de Wouters
Alexander Nowak
Louise Olivier
Monique Knaapen
Sarah Richmond
Pauline Phillips
Louisa Asgill
Dominic Boyes
Lynne Bailey
Sarah Richmond
Debi Hohls
Nevissa Dsouza
Daren King
Michael kinirons
Chris Bartlett
Michael kinirons
Amy Adamson
Sonia Pombo
Nicholas Hodgson
Kirsty Townsend
Meghanne Hughes
Sarah Richmond
Virginia McCluskie
Debi Hohls
Louise Crane
Monika Baran
Lynne Bailey
Nick Barr
Matt de Freitas
Jacques de Wouters
Susie Dawson
Ed Constable
Krystyna Swider
leila farhangi-farrell
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Sarah Richmond
Renia Simon
Catherine Constable
Hazel Pucino
Michael kinirons
Tom Banning
Lucy Tankard
Louise Crane
leila farhangi-farrell
Dhruva Tandon
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Marzena Tracewicz
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Megan Makin
Pauline Phillips
Alison Caraccio
Tara Lynch
Louisa Asgill
Charlotte Beckett
Tara Lynch
Mrs Reuss
Alexander Nowak
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Laura Gunaratnam
Aleksandra Soliman
Tara Creedon
Sarah Richmond
Amy Lumsden
Jessica Swan
Julie Dobson
Charlie Norman
Charlie Norman
Nathalie Tipler
Sarah Richmond
Pauline Phillips
Dave Power
Jeremy Bateman
Nick Barr
Laura Gunaratnam
Lisa Faulkner
Virginia Celis
Marzena Tracewicz
Joey Coombes
Charlie Norman
Michael kinirons
Christian D’Cruz
Chris Glynn
Josephine Morrison
Amy Adamson
Kirsty Townsend
Agnes Honour
Dave Power
Yvonne Cherry
Hazel Pucino
Mark Pearce
Sonia Pombo
Louise Olivier
Nick Barr
Sarah Richmond
St John Fisher PTFA
Dianne Readings
Monika Baran
Debi Hohls
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Jessica Doyle
Sophie Beck
Tom Banning
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Maria Tinker
Constança de Miranda
Virginia McCluskie
Joey Coombes
Annah Blair
St John Fisher PTFA
Kathleen louch
Ed Constable
Helen Vosper
Constable ;Ed
Monika Baran
Amelia lew davies
Marzena Tracewicz
Michael kinirons
Amy Adamson
Louisa Asgill
leila farhangi-farrell
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Patricia Bowers
Jeremy Bateman
Chris Glynn
Louisa Asgill
Kirsty Townsend
Anthony Kujawa
Amy Lumsden
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Nicholas Hodgson
Alison Caraccio
Amy Adamson
Karol Machnik
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Susan Harris
Louisa Asgill
Nathalie Tipler
Louisa Asgill
Sarah Richmond
Monika Baran
Victoria Willmott
Dominic Boyes
Nevissa Dsouza
Steve Markey
Pauline Phillips
Tom Banning
Jennifer Costa
Danielle Katz
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Steve Markey
Anne-Marie Dobson
Julia Mazery
Dave Power
Alice Provenzano
Julia Mazery
Lisa Sloan
alana velasco-cahour
Monika Baran
Lynne Bailey
Tom Banning
Amy Lumsden
St John Fisher PTFA
Chris Bartlett
Lynne Bailey
Louise Olivier
Josephine Morrison
Frances Keohane
Louise Olivier
Alexander Nowak
Karol Machnik
Claire Crowther
Tom Banning
Tom Banning
Claire Higgins
Lisa Sloan
Gemma Connolly
Michelle Weelson
Virginia McCluskie
Noreen Gordon
Bianca Larch
Julie Dobson
Sophie Warnars
Tom Banning
Chris Glynn
Lucie Gee
Pauline Phillips
Pauline Phillips
Anne Lloyd
Tom Banning
Nadia Jorge
Tara Lynch
Laura Gunaratnam
Dhruva Tandon
Frances Keohane
Susie Dawson
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Julia Mazery
Lisa Sloan
Yvonne Cherry
Jessica B
Patricia Bowers
Linda Kujawa
Noreen Gordon
Pauline Phillips
Constable ;Ed
Amelia lew davies
alana velasco-cahour
Patricia Bowers
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Tara Lynch
Nadia Jorge
Anne Lloyd
Lauren Doughty
Danielle Katz
Roberta Gee
Kathleen louch
Anita Benoit
Teresa Russell
Bianca Larch
Matt de Freitas
Lynne Bailey
Hazel Pucino
Annah Blair
Debi Hohls
Ela McCabe
Louise Olivier
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Jessica Swan
Anthony Kujawa
Dominique Bailao
Anita Benoit
Debi Hohls
Yvonne Cherry
Tom Banning
Noreen Gordon
Nick Barr
Anthony Kujawa
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Michael kinirons
Sarah Richmond
Susan Harris
Nick Barr
Laura Gunaratnam
Ian Cowper
Jessica Swan
Susie Dawson
Lynne Bailey
Kathleen louch
Dominic Boyes
Monika Baran
Matt de Freitas
Jennifer Costa
Lucy elphick
Steve Markey
Helen Bywater-Smith
Sonia Pombo
Louise Olivier
Debi Hohls
alana velasco-cahour
Margaret Lever
Christina Pombo
Kirsty Townsend
Mr Fergal Diver
Kirsty Townsend
Hazel Pucino
Zoe Pate
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Julia Mazery
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Sarah Richmond
Anne Foster
Chris Glynn
Alexander Nowak
Nora Ecclea
Nick Barr
Gary R-M
Kirsty Townsend
Pauline Phillips
Sarah Richmond
Robert Cummins
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Harriet Donovan
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Catherine Constable
Charlie Norman
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Frances Keohane
Monika Szymanska
Ed Constable
St John Fisher PTFA
Gemma Connolly
Virginia McCluskie
Monika Szymanska
Debi Hohls
Grahame Rigg
Karol Machnik
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Tom Banning
Matt de Freitas
Virginia McCluskie
Lucie Gee
Lynne Bailey
Andreea Popa
Ian Cowper
Constable ;Ed
Annah Blair
Dee Radford
Frances Keohane
Alexander Nowak
Tara Creedon
Pauline Phillips
Karol Machnik
Susie Dawson
Irena Jarocka
Sarah Richmond
Sophie Beck
Matt de Freitas
Maria Tinker
Louisa Asgill
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Lisa Sloan
Danielle Katz
Aleksandra Soliman
leila farhangi-farrell
Chris Bartlett
Emily finch
Bridget O'Sullivan
Lynne Bailey
Teresa Russell
Pauline Phillips
Danielle Katz
Virginia Celis
Renia Simon
Ed Constable
Michelle Hosier
Louise Olivier
Monika Szymanska
Clare Brierly
Tom Banning
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Clare Fisher
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Clare Fisher
Julia Mazery
Meghanne Hughes
Chris Bartlett
Jessica B
Victoria Willmott
Amy Adamson
Jessica B
Sarah Richmond
Jennifer Costa
Hazel Pucino
Lucy Tankard
Michelle Weelson
leila farhangi-farrell
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Alexander Nowak
Charlie Norman
Chris Glynn
leila farhangi-farrell
Susan Harris
Julia Mazery
leila farhangi-farrell
Lynne Bailey
Christina Pombo
Sarah Richmond
Gemma Connolly
Tara Lynch
Elieza Hever
Jeremy Bateman
Louise Olivier
St John Fisher PTFA
Amy Lumsden
Amy Adamson
Anne Lloyd
Aleksandra Soliman
Louise Olivier
Steve Markey
leila farhangi-farrell
Louise Olivier
Charlie Norman
Linda Kujawa
sylvia wilamowska
Mark Pearce
Danielle Katz
Irena Jarocka
Nevissa Dsouza
Louisa Asgill
Frances Keohane
Charlie Norman
Bianca Larch
Renia Simon
Jeremy Bateman
Victoria Willmott
Alison Caraccio
Anita Benoit
Alexander Nowak
Tom Banning
Sarah Richmond
Hazel Pucino
Frances Keohane
Noreen hughes
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Susie Dawson
Louise Olivier
Alexander Nowak
Amy Hill
Dianne Readings
Robert Cummins
Louise Olivier
Sonia Pombo
Victoria Brown
Pauline Phillips
Sonia Pombo
Stella Moriarty
Richard Harris
Jessica Doyle
Lucie Gee
Louisa Asgill
Michael kinirons
Rimma Monk
Helen Bywater-Smith
Louise Olivier
Sarah Richmond
Georgina davies
Claire Crowther
Dominic Boyes
Anne-Marie Dobson
Tom Connolly
Clare Brierly
Sarah Kinirons
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Lucy elphick
Nick Barr
Robert Cummins
Jessica B
Michael kinirons
Maria Tinker
Ela McCabe
Tom Connolly
Teresa Russell
Louise Olivier
Jeremy Bateman
Maria Tinker
Nicola Moriarty
Christian D’Cruz
Georgina davies
Martin Shiderov
Kirsty Townsend
Mr Fergal Diver
Tom Banning
Jessica Doyle
Claire Crowther
Monika Szymanska
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Laura Gunaratnam
Renia Simon
Lisa Sloan
Victoria Willmott
Nicholas Hodgson
Amy Adamson
Nick Barr
sylvia wilamowska
Robert Cummins
Gemma Connolly
Sarah Richmond
Jacqueline Beale
Mark Pearce
Laura Gunaratnam
Chris Glynn
Tom Banning
Clare Brierly
Andreea Popa
Emily finch
Laura Whiteman
Ann Bennett
Irena Jarocka
Gemma Connolly
Danielle Katz
Jeremy Bateman
Barbara Halls
Helen Vosper
Constança de Miranda
Charlie Norman
Noreen Gordon
leila farhangi-farrell
Amy Hill
Victoria Brown
Julie Dobson
Lucy Tankard
Emily finch
Amy Adamson
Kirsty Townsend
Dhruva Tandon
Susie Dawson
Josephine Morrison
Clare Fisher
Monika Baran
Karol Machnik
Nathalie Tipler
Jessica Swan
Tom Banning
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Jessica B
Jessica B
Ian Cowper
Kirsty Townsend
Clare Brierly
Robert Cummins
Monika Baran
diana rowe
Terri Lyndon
Constable ;Ed
Gemma Connolly
Irena Jarocka
Jessica B
Anne Lloyd
Jacques de Wouters
Lynne Bailey
Anne Foster
Dominique Bailao
Karol Machnik
Annah Blair
Emily finch
Anne Lloyd
Andreea Popa
Roberta Gee
Lucy elphick
Virginia McCluskie
Terri Lyndon
Aleksandra Soliman
Barrie brown
Hayley Gorman
Karol Machnik
Ed Constable
Lucy Tankard
Krystyna Swider
Louisa Asgill
Meghanne Hughes
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Sarah Richmond
Victoria Brown
Aleksandra Soliman
leila farhangi-farrell
Steve Markey
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Dhruva Tandon
Lucy elphick
Nick Barr
Louise Olivier
Debi Hohls
Terri Lyndon
Monika Baran
Tara Lynch
Teresa Russell
Steve Markey
Terri Lyndon
Zoe Pate
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Patricia Bowers
Lisa Sloan
Kirsty Townsend
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Helen Bywater-Smith
Dee Radford
Danielle Katz
Noreen Gordon
Laura Whiteman
Rimma Monk
Julia Mazery
Patricia Bowers
Sarah Richmond
Lisa Faulkner
Stella Moriarty
Simon Bateman
Danielle Katz
Simon Bateman
Victoria Brown
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Lyudmyla Moskalyk
Susie Dawson
Yvonne Cherry
Krystyna Swider
Andreea Popa
Aleksandra Soliman
Constable ;Ed
Jacqueline Beale
Julie Dobson
Louise Olivier
Constable ;Ed
Louise Olivier
Catherine Constable
Andreea Popa
Louise Olivier
Louise Olivier
Frances Keohane
Helen Bywater-Smith
Jacques de Wouters
Annah Blair
Claire Higgins
Claire Crowther
Victoria Willmott
Andreea Popa
Chris Bartlett
Karol Machnik
Lynne Bailey
Frances Keohane
Sarah Richmond
Lucie Gee
Jacques de Wouters
Victoria Willmott
Ela McCabe
Pauline Phillips
Charlie Norman
Helen Bywater-Smith
Clare Brierly
Claire Higgins
Mark Pearce
Annah Blair
Sarah Richmond
Michelle Weelson
Laura Whiteman
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Claire Crowther
Kerry Jones
Pauline Phillips
Gemma Connolly
Louise Olivier
Debi Hohls
Frances Keohane
Ela McCabe
Anne Lloyd
Michelle Hosier
Renia Simon
Julia Goteni
Louise Crane
Pauline Phillips
Susie Dawson
Anita Benoit
Monika Baran
Kirsty Townsend
Tara Creedon
Anne-Marie Dobson
Megan Makin
Nevissa Dsouza
Jacques de Wouters
Chris Glynn
Lynne Bailey
Laura Whiteman
Sonia Pombo
Virginia McCluskie
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Anne Foster
Mrs Reuss
Mark Pearce
Gemma Connolly
Nicola Moriarty
Karol Machnik
Susie Dawson
Lucy elphick
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Michelle Weelson
Nick Barr
Mrs Reuss
Sarah Richmond
James Fong
Simon Bateman
Sarah Richmond
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Pauline Phillips
Lisa Sloan
St John Fisher PTFA
Nathalie Tipler
Louisa Asgill
Sarah Richmond
Teresa Russell
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Annah Blair
Frances Keohane
Pauline Phillips
Karol Machnik
Dominic Boyes
Yvonne Cherry
Pauline Phillips
Dominic Boyes
Pauline Phillips
Maria Tinker
Tom Banning
Alison Caraccio
Amy Hill
Dawit Debesu
St John Fisher PTFA
Amy Hill
Sylwia Kimborowicz
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Rimma Monk
Dhruva Tandon
Anne-Marie Dobson
Elieza Hever
Helen Bywater-Smith
Nick Barr
Amy Adamson
Anita Benoit
Bina King
Mr Fergal Diver
Kirsty Townsend
Tom Banning
Victoria Brown
Ian Cowper
Dominic Boyes
Sarah Richmond
Charlotte Beckett
Louisa Asgill
Harriet Donovan
Jeremy Bateman
J&G Pratt (c/o Vicky brown)
Julia Mazery
Gemma Connolly
Gemma Connolly
Ed Constable
Kirsty Townsend
Matt de Freitas
leila farhangi-farrell
Karol Machnik
Karol Machnik
Margaret Lever
Christian D’Cruz
Anita Benoit
Martin Shiderov
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Hazel Pucino
Virginia McCluskie
Tania de Wouters
Jeremy Bateman
Louise Olivier
Clare Fisher
Ian Cowper
Lynne Bailey
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Dominic Boyes
Sarah Richmond
Patricia Bowers
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Sylwia Labecka-Czarnik
Nicola Moriarty
Harriet Donovan
Sarah Richmond
leila farhangi-farrell
Zoe Pate
Danielle Katz
Alexander Nowak
Andreea Popa
Kirsty Townsend
Constança de Miranda
Nick Barr
Renia Simon
Matt de Freitas
Maria Tinker
Kerry Jones
Mrs Reuss
Mark Pearce
Hazel Pucino
Alexander Nowak
Zoe Pate
Kirsty Townsend
Tom Banning
Steve Markey
Aleksandra Soliman
Claire Crowther
Tania de Wouters
Sonia Pombo
Sarah Richmond
Gary R-M
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Patricia Bowers
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
St John Fisher PTFA
Tara Lynch
Louisa Asgill
Barbara Halls
Lucie Gee
Janet Brown (c/0 Victoria Brown)
Michael kinirons
Irena Jarocka
Pauline Phillips
Karol Machnik
Ralitza Shiderova
Joey Coombes
Jacqueline Beale
Kirsty Townsend
Virginia Celis
Sophie Warnars
Victoria Willmott
Christian D’Cruz
leila farhangi-farrell
Teresa Russell
Tom Banning
Debi Hohls
Louise Olivier
Louisa Asgill
Dominic Boyes
Nick Barr
Frances Keohane
Nathalie Tipler
Marzena Tracewicz
Sarah Kinirons
Maria Tinker
Robert Cummins
Ed Constable
Tom Banning
Sarah Richmond
Louise Olivier
Gemma Connolly
Hazel Pucino
Claire Crowther
Lynne Bailey
Jacques de Wouters
Charlotte Beckett
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Lucy elphick
Dominika Debinska
Aleksandra Soliman
Hazel Pucino
Karol Machnik
Joao Duarte
Michaela Kacmarova-Madarova
Danielle Katz
Gemma Connolly
Maria Tinker
Chris Bartlett
Maria Tinker
leila farhangi-farrell
Agata Kitlinska-Gawle
Dawit Debesu
Sylwia Kimborowicz
Alison Caraccio
Tania de Wouters
Kerry Jones
Tara Creedon
Chris Bartlett
Alice Provenzano
Noreen Gordon
leila farhangi-farrell
Alexander Nowak
Julia Mazery
Mr Fergal Diver
Pauline Phillips
Linda Kujawa
Alexander Nowak
Christian D’Cruz
Dianne Readings
Lynne Bailey
Louisa Asgill
Sophie Warnars
Mark Pearce
Monika Baran
Jennifer Costa
Matt de Freitas
Louise Olivier
Yvonne Cherry
Indtalingam Janarthanan
Monika Baran
leila farhangi-farrell
Pauline Phillips
Tara Creedon
Alexander Nowak
Sarah Richmond
Ralitza Shiderova
Nathalie Tipler
Hazel Pucino
Julia Goteni
Sonia Pombo
Kevin Arora
Amy Adamson
Monika Baran
Tara Creedon
Meghanne Hughes
Nora Ecclea
Jacqueline Beale
Chris Bartlett
Dhruva Tandon
Frances Keohane
St John Fisher PTFA
Debi Hohls
Angela Filsell
Frances Keohane
Bianca Larch
Anthony Kujawa
Tom Banning
Annah Blair
Irena Jarocka
Nadia Jorge
Lynne Bailey
Amelia lew davies
Nora Ecclea
AELTC Community Tennis Centre, Raynes Park - 1 week holiday camp or 1-1 coaching session
AELTC Community Tennis Centre in Raynes Park. They run run adult and junior coaching courses, drop-in Pay & Play sessions and junior camps during school holidays.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Raynes Park Vale Football Club - 1 Family ticket plus 2 friends to a home game of your choice.
Raynes Park Vale Football Club, St George's Playing Fields, SW20 9HA. https://www.raynesparkvale.com.
Includes a free drink and burger/hotdog per person
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Includes a free drink and burger/hotdog per person
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
David Lloyd, Raynes Park - 1 Family Day Guest Pass (2)
David Lloyd Leisure, Raynes Park, SW20 8TE.
This is the perfect place for both solo workouts and quality time together. Expect everything you could want for top-to-toe wellness, from heated indoor and outdoor pools to a kids' club with a wide range of activities.
Voucher worth £140.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
This is the perfect place for both solo workouts and quality time together. Expect everything you could want for top-to-toe wellness, from heated indoor and outdoor pools to a kids' club with a wide range of activities.
Voucher worth £140.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
David Lloyd, Raynes Park - 1 Family Day Guest Pass (1)
David Lloyd Leisure, Raynes Park, SW20 8TE.
This is the perfect place for both solo workouts and quality time together. Expect everything you could want for top-to-toe wellness, from heated indoor and outdoor pools to a kids' club with a wide range of activities.
Voucher worth £140.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
This is the perfect place for both solo workouts and quality time together. Expect everything you could want for top-to-toe wellness, from heated indoor and outdoor pools to a kids' club with a wide range of activities.
Voucher worth £140.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
RHS Wisley - 1 Family Ticket
RHS Gardens Wisley, GU236QB.
Wisley is one of the world's great gardens, packed with horticultural inspiration.
Voucher valid for a year and worth £40.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Wisley is one of the world's great gardens, packed with horticultural inspiration.
Voucher valid for a year and worth £40.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sticks 'n' Sushi - 1 Children's sushi making workshop ticket (1)
"Sticks 'n' Sushi, Wimbledon, SW19 7PA.
It's never too early to learn some serious sushi skills!
Classes are suitable for ages 8-12years.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
It's never too early to learn some serious sushi skills!
Classes are suitable for ages 8-12years.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching - 1 term of Super Saturday sessions
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching is one of the leading youth sports organisations in South West London.
The Super Saturday sessions are competitive, exciting and progressive and will keep children of all ages, abilities and genders active and entertained.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
The Super Saturday sessions are competitive, exciting and progressive and will keep children of all ages, abilities and genders active and entertained.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching - 1 week of holiday camp (1)
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching is one of the leading youth sports organisations in South West London.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching - 1 term of Super Saturday Little Strikers
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching is one of the leading youth sports organisations in South West London.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Raynes Barbers - Voucher for child's haircut (3)
Raynes Barbers is a barbershop located on Lambton Road in Raynes Park
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Co-op - Food Hamper
Co-op Luxury Food Hamper
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Elys Wimbledon: £25 gift voucher
Elys Luxury department store, Wimbledon, SW19 4DP. Stocking the latest fashion, beauty, accessories, homewares and more. https://www.elyswimbledon.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Giggling Squid: 1 x £30 voucher
Giggling Squid Thai Restaurant, Wimbledon Village, SW19 5BY. https://www.gigglingsquid.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Beam Yoga: Private Family Yoga session in Winners home
Beam Academy Yoga. Early Years Yoga, Children's Yoga, Teen Yoga, Mindfulness, SEN Yoga & Wellbeing. https://www.beam.academy/home
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Inner Drive Golf: 1 x voucher for up to 6 people for 2 hours in 1 simulation bay. Use by April 2025
Inner Drive Golf, New Malden, KT3 4HE. Unleash your potential where serious fun meets top-notch technology. Experience the thrill of our cutting-edge Golf Simulator. Voucher valid until April 2025. https://www.innerdrivegolf.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Hartbeeps: 1 term of baby/toddler class
Hartbeeps (Worcester Park, Stoneleigh, New Malden, Motspur Park, Epsom, Ewell, Surbiton, Kingston, Chessington, Banstead & Kingswood) experience the amazing world of Hartbeeps, supporting your child's development with classes to complement and enhance every stage of your child's early years - from pre-birth to school. Voucher worth £50.
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
St. John Fisher School - 3 hour hall hire
St John Fisher Primary School, Grand Drive, SW20 9NA. 1x 3hr Hall Booking, Valid until 29th June 2025
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Art-K - 1 Holiday Workshop at Art-K, Wimbledon Chase
Art- K, Wimbledon Chase, Sw19 3PZ. Art-K provides children with a rounded art education in drawing, painting and 3D modelling. Our art class environment is encouraging, inclusive and non-competitive. www.art-k.co.uk
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Raynes Barbers - 1 voucher for child's haircut (1)
Raynes Barbers is a barbershop located on Lambton Road in Raynes Park
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Bounce Gym: 1 Month membership for 2 people
Bounce Gym & Injury Clinic, New Malden, KT3 4HE. Bounce is set up to accommodate those who are new to exercise all the way through to professional athletes. https://bouncegym.co.uk/#bounce-gyms
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Mindfulness for Children - 1⁄2 term of free classes Yoga, Movement & Mindfulness for Children
Yoga, Movement & Mindfulness for Children, through games, play & movement. Age 7-11. www.danceandyogainschools.co.uk
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Luxe Barbers - 1 voucher for shave or haircut (1)
Luxe Barbers, Raynes Park, SW20 OLA. Luxe Barbers offers top-notch hair care services in Raynes Park; providing a relaxing and healthy experience that make them a standout point of interest in the area. https://www.instagram.com/luxebarbers2022/?utm_medium=copy_link. Voucher only valid for boys / men's haircut
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Albortz Fitness Boxing Gym: 1 voucher for 2 weeks of free gym (1)
Albortz Fitness, Raynes Park, SW20 0LA. Boutique gym opposite Raynes Park station with a specialised class model based on strength and boxing. https://www.alborzfitness.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Babylon - 1 voucher for breakfast for 2 people (including drinks)
Babylon, Raynes Park, SW20 0AX. Great Food And Drinks In A Refined But Relaxed Setting In The Heart Of Raynes Park. https://babylon76-78.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Lime and Thyme - 1 voucher for breakfast for 2 people
Lime and Thyme, Raynes Park, SW20 0LA. Delicious Mediterranean Food. https://www.thelimeandthyme.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching - 1 week of holiday camp (2)
Sean McInnes Sports Coaching is one of the leading youth sports organisations in South West London. https://seanmcinnessportscoaching.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Allium - Plant worth £20
Allium Florist, Grand Drive, SW20 9NQ. Creative floristry for all occasions. https://www.alliumflorist.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
St. John Fisher School Fisher Fun Club: 1 Breakfast club session
St John Fisher Primary School, Grand Drive, SW20 9NA. Email: finance@st-johnfisher.merton.sch.uk
Expiry - 29 June 2025
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Expiry - 29 June 2025
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
St. John Fisher School Fisher Fun Club: 1 after-school session
St John Fisher Primary School, Grand Drive, SW20 9NA. Email: finance@st-johnfisher.merton.sch.uk
Expiry - 29 June 2025
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Expiry - 29 June 2025
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Village Sports: Training cricket bat and ball
Village Sport, Raynes Park, SW20 8QY. A small friendly independent shop in Raynes Park, selling school uniform, school shoes, sports shoes and sports equipment. www.village-sports.co.uk
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
1 x Leon book and a bottle of mango'ed ketchup
LEON is a healthy and fast restaurant chain. They have also published a number of popular food and cookery books. https://leon.com
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
The Click Studios - voucher for a fun family session and 1x 10”x8” and 2x 5”x7” same image (1)
Portrait studio in Richmond, Surrey and Radlett, Hertfordshire.Portrait studio in Richmond, Surrey and Radlett, Hertfordshire Expiry: 31 January 2025. Voucher worth £270
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Community Advantages Sports Coaching: Six weeks of Free Street Dance Lessons or six weeks of Free Football Coaching Sessions on Saturday (1)
Voucher worth £60 http://www.ca-sportscoaching.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Sticks 'n' Sushi - 1 Children's sushi making workshop ticket (2)
Sticks 'n' Sushi, Wimbledon, SW19 7PA. It's never too early to learn some serious sushi skills!
Our classes are suitable for ages 8-12years. https://sticksnsushi.com/en/restaurants/london/wimbledon
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Our classes are suitable for ages 8-12years. https://sticksnsushi.com/en/restaurants/london/wimbledon
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Raynes Barbers - Voucher for child's haircut (2)
Raynes Barbers is a barbershop located on Lambton Road in Raynes Park
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Luxe Barbers - 1 voucher for shave or haircut (2)
Luxe Barbers, Raynes Park, SW20 OLA. Luxe Barbers offers top-notch hair care services in Raynes Park; providing a relaxing and healthy experience that make them a standout point of interest in the area. https://www.instagram.com/luxebarbers2022/?utm_medium=copy_link. Voucher only valid for boys / men's haircut
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Albortz Fitness Boxing Gym: 1 x voucher for 2 week of free gym (2)
Albortz Fitness, Raynes Park, SW20 0LA. Boutique gym opposite Raynes Park station with a specialised class model based on strength and boxing. https://www.alborzfitness.com/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Luxe Barbers - 1 voucher for shave or haircut (3)
Luxe Barbers, Raynes Park, SW20 OLA. Luxe Barbers offers top-notch hair care services in Raynes Park; providing a relaxing and healthy experience that make them a standout point of interest in the area. https://www.instagram.com/luxebarbers2022/?utm_medium=copy_link. Voucher only valid for boys / men's haircut
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Raynes Barbers - Voucher for child's haircut (4)
Raynes Barbers is a barbershop located on Lambton Road in Raynes Park
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
The Click Studios - voucher for a fun family session and 1x 10”x8” and 2x 5”x7” same image (2)
Portrait studio in Richmond, Surrey and Radlett, Hertfordshire. Portrait studio in Richmond, Surrey and Radlett, Hertfordshire Expiry: 31 January 2025. Voucher worth £270
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Community Advantages Sports Coaching: Six weeks of Free Street Dance Lessons or six weeks of Free Football Coaching Sessions on Saturday (2)
Voucher worth £60 http://www.ca-sportscoaching.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Community Advantages Sports Coaching: Six weeks of Free Street Dance Lessons or six weeks of Free Football Coaching Sessions on Saturday (3)
Voucher worth £60 http://www.ca-sportscoaching.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Community Advantages Sports Coaching: Six weeks of Free Street Dance Lessons or six weeks of Free Football Coaching Sessions on Saturday (4)
Voucher worth £60 http://www.ca-sportscoaching.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Community Advantages Sports Coaching: Six weeks of Free Street Dance Lessons or six weeks of Free Football Coaching Sessions on Saturday (5)
Voucher worth £60 http://www.ca-sportscoaching.co.uk/
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@sjf-johnfisherpta.org
Clubeady - 1 free morning session on Monday the 29th July 2024 (9am-12pm)
Clubbeady is an arts and crafts club at St John Fisher School. Get ready for popsicle art, painting, sewing, to learn finger-knitting, work with hammer and nails, create no-bake treats and enjoy many more exciting materials, tools and techniques.
Session worth £30
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@st-johnfisherpta.org
Session worth £30
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@st-johnfisherpta.org
Clubeady - 1 free morning session on Tuesday the 30th July 2024 (9am - 12pm)
Clubbeady is an arts and crafts club at St John Fisher School. Get ready for popsicle art, painting, sewing, to learn finger-knitting, work with hammer and nails, create no-bake treats and enjoy many more exciting materials, tools and techniques.
Session worth £30
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@st-johnfisherpta.org
Session worth £30
Collection only
Collection from Collect at the Summer Fair on Saturday 29th June or contact SJF PTFA: info@st-johnfisherpta.org
Maximum amount of 500 per person.
The raffle will end at 29/06/2024 09:45 and automatically drawn at 29/06/2024 10:00 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 1% of the hosts "take-home" pay.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: 1928fa98-de82-4ef3-bca1-202c302b6577 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 1% of the hosts "take-home" pay. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.
100% of the host's profit goes directly to: