100% of the host's profit goes directly to the charity Beaudesert Lower School PTA.
Win £100 and lots more!
Promoted and organised by our partner @ ptabeaudesert
per ticket
tickets sold
Minimum tickets sales apply. See "Details".
@ ptabeaudesert
Beaudesert Lower School PTA
The PTA is a team of parent and teacher volunteers who run events in conjunction with the school to raise much needed funds that help to purchase items that the school budget cannot stretch to. We try to make the children’s school experience extra special and fun! The PTA is a registered charity, with registration no: 1042060
56 entrants with 435 paid tickets and 120 promotion tickets.
Sophie King
Chris Standing
Clare Brunton
Ina Paluszevska
Hannah Flynn
Thais Ortiz
Sarah Hulbert
David Pope
Sophie David
Katie de Souza
Claire Miller
Tia Deakin
Jenny Regan
Claire Miller
Jane Moore
Francesca valenti
Jo Bucki
Frances poole
Heidi Marks
Jane Moore
Robert wolson
Heidi Marks
Christine Murton
Sarah Hulbert
Frances poole
Robert wolson
Leonie Newman
Charlotte May
Lauren Baker
Frances prescott
Kate Hardy
Belle Palmer
Chris Standing
Hannah Vidler
Elizabeth Baldwin
Katie de Souza
Sarah Mason
Christina Manassa
Frances poole
Stuart Golding
Claire Miller
Christine Murton
Ross Lasseter
Hannah smith
Laura Smith
Christina Manassa
Hannah Blades
Kate Hardy
Francesca valenti
Kate Hardy
Sophie David
sophie Pope
Hannah smith
Hannah smith
Francesca valenti
David Pope
Frances poole
Sarah Mason
Sharon Thorne
Francesca valenti
Katie de Souza
Hannah Blades
Darren Hulbert
Esme jones
Bert Newman
Hannah Blades
Belle Palmer
Heidi Sandifer
Stuart Golding
Sarah Hulbert
Esme jones
Belle Palmer
Robert wolson
Hannah Vidler
Frances poole
Katie de Souza
Chris Cupit
Chris Standing
Kate Hardy
Catherine tidbury
Hannah Vidler
Jenny Regan
Lyndsey Pitchford
Clare Brunton
Alex Plesa
Robert wolson
Charlotte May
Chris Standing
Chris Standing
Robert wolson
sophie Pope
Ross Lasseter
Yihang Davies
Charlotte May
Chris Cupit
Frances poole
Heidi Sandifer
Francesca valenti
Charlotte May
Sandra West
Rudy Matthew Wilson-Evans
Christina Manassa
Hannah Weed
Sarah Mason
Robert wolson
Darren Hulbert
Stuart Golding
Belle Palmer
Hannah Isom
Elizabeth Baldwin
Stuart Golding
Claire Miller
Leonie Newman
Darren Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Hannah Weed
Charlotte May
Francesca valenti
Isabel Burgin
Robert wolson
Claire Miller
Hannah Vidler
Clare Brunton
Hannah Weed
Hannah smith
Christina Manassa
Darren Hulbert
Leonie Newman
Elizabeth Baldwin
Christine Murton
Hannah Vidler
Hannah jackson
Leonie Newman
Frances prescott
Sandra West
Chris Standing
Francesca valenti
Hannah Isom
Alex Plesa
Christine Murton
Ross Lasseter
Tia Deakin
Jo Bucki
Robert wolson
Francesca valenti
Esme jones
Christina Manassa
Charlotte May
Darren Hulbert
Leonie Newman
Robert wolson
Ina Paluszevska
Cosmina Crivat
Robert wolson
Sharon Thorne
Frances poole
Christine Murton
Belle Palmer
Bert Newman
Cosmina Crivat
Clare Brunton
Frances poole
Sarah Mason
David Pope
Frances poole
Bert Newman
Leonie Newman
Hannah Vidler
Sharon Thorne
Frances prescott
Hannah Weed
Cosmina Crivat
Jane Moore
Hannah Blades
Katie de Souza
sophie Pope
Esme jones
Hannah Vidler
Hannah jackson
Christine Murton
Robert wolson
Bert Newman
Zoe Taylor
Sandra West
Chris Cupit
Belle Palmer
sophie Pope
Christina Manassa
Zoe Taylor
Catherine tidbury
Jane Moore
Leonie Newman
Thais Ortiz
Belle Palmer
Christina Manassa
Darren Hulbert
Robert wolson
Frances poole
Katie de Souza
Sandra West
Chris Cupit
Christina Manassa
Sarah Mason
Frances poole
Isabel Burgin
Jenny Regan
Robert wolson
Robert wolson
Elizabeth Baldwin
Belle Palmer
Lyndsey Pitchford
Francesca valenti
Thais Ortiz
Hannah Vidler
Heidi Sandifer
Frances poole
Bert Newman
Sharon Thorne
Robert wolson
Chris Standing
Sophie King
Hannah Weed
Heidi Marks
Alex Plesa
Lauren Baker
Cosmina Crivat
Hannah Weed
Thais Ortiz
sophie Pope
Sandra West
Kate Hardy
Sophie King
Bert Newman
Cosmina Crivat
Thais Ortiz
Chris Cupit
Frances prescott
Cosmina Crivat
Hannah Isom
Tia Deakin
Hannah Weed
Hannah Isom
Robert wolson
Claire Miller
Sandra West
Heidi Marks
Leonie Newman
Bert Newman
Elizabeth Baldwin
Frances poole
Sarah Mason
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Jenny Regan
Kate Hardy
Cosmina Crivat
Ross Lasseter
Katie de Souza
Thais Ortiz
Zoe Taylor
Heidi Marks
Hannah Flynn
Katie de Souza
Christine Murton
Thais Ortiz
Claire Miller
Rudy Matthew Wilson-Evans
Heidi Sandifer
Christina Manassa
Robert wolson
Rudy Matthew Wilson-Evans
Elizabeth Baldwin
Christine Murton
Elizabeth Baldwin
Charlotte May
Kate Hardy
Sandra West
Claire Miller
Isabel Burgin
Rudy Matthew Wilson-Evans
Sharon Thorne
Alex Plesa
Cosmina Crivat
Heidi Sandifer
Sarah Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Hannah Isom
Darren Hulbert
Darren Hulbert
sophie Pope
Heidi Sandifer
Laura Smith
Belle Palmer
Frances poole
Jenny Regan
Isabel Burgin
Robert wolson
Hannah Weed
Esme jones
Catherine tidbury
Sandra West
Laura Smith
Jane Moore
Hannah Blades
Bert Newman
Katie de Souza
Zoe Taylor
Sarah Mason
Chris Standing
David Pope
Frances poole
Kate Hardy
Thais Ortiz
sophie Pope
Sarah Hulbert
Francesca valenti
Sarah Mason
Hannah Vidler
Sophie King
Sarah Hulbert
Frances poole
Sandra West
Darren Hulbert
Thais Ortiz
Bert Newman
Hannah Flynn
Christina Manassa
Charlotte May
Sarah Hulbert
Yihang Davies
Sandra West
Chris Standing
Frances poole
Jane Moore
Hannah Weed
Sarah Hulbert
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Jane Moore
Robert wolson
Jane Moore
Jane Moore
Frances poole
Ina Paluszevska
Hannah Isom
Bert Newman
Sarah Mason
Chris Standing
David Pope
Hannah Vidler
Claire Miller
Kate Hardy
Leonie Newman
Hannah Weed
Isabel Burgin
Frances poole
Elizabeth Baldwin
Hannah Isom
Hannah Isom
sophie Pope
Hannah Isom
Christine Murton
Katie de Souza
Clare Brunton
Cosmina Crivat
Alex Plesa
Rudy Matthew Wilson-Evans
Leonie Newman
Yihang Davies
Sophie King
Darren Hulbert
Charlotte May
Robert wolson
Laura Smith
Frances prescott
Zoe Taylor
Hannah Flynn
Sarah Mason
Belle Palmer
Lauren Baker
Claire Miller
Christina Manassa
Ross Lasseter
Cosmina Crivat
Elizabeth Baldwin
Lauren Baker
Gemma Kent
Hannah smith
Lauren Baker
Frances poole
Charlotte May
Christina Manassa
Hannah Flynn
Sophie David
Hannah Isom
Elizabeth Baldwin
sophie Pope
Kate Hardy
Christine Murton
Lyndsey Pitchford
Jane Moore
sophie Pope
Thais Ortiz
Laura Smith
Stuart Golding
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Heidi Sandifer
Thais Ortiz
Thais Ortiz
Thais Ortiz
Thais Ortiz
Thais Ortiz
Alex Plesa
Leonie Newman
Leonie Newman
Leonie Newman
Leonie Newman
Leonie Newman
Jane Moore
Jane Moore
Jane Moore
Jane Moore
Jane Moore
Hannah Isom
Hannah Isom
Hannah Isom
Hannah Isom
Hannah Isom
Kate Hardy
Kate Hardy
Kate Hardy
Kate Hardy
Kate Hardy
Isabel Burgin
Sarah Mason
Sarah Mason
Sarah Mason
Sarah Mason
Sarah Mason
Bert Newman
Bert Newman
Bert Newman
Bert Newman
Bert Newman
Sharon Thorne
Sarah Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Sarah Hulbert
Christine Murton
Christine Murton
Christine Murton
Christine Murton
Christine Murton
sophie Pope
sophie Pope
sophie Pope
sophie Pope
sophie Pope
Hannah Vidler
Hannah Vidler
Hannah Vidler
Hannah Vidler
Hannah Vidler
Sandra West
Sandra West
Sandra West
Sandra West
Sandra West
Darren Hulbert
Darren Hulbert
Darren Hulbert
Darren Hulbert
Darren Hulbert
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Frances poole
Sophie King
Stuart Golding
Laura Smith
Elizabeth Baldwin
Elizabeth Baldwin
Elizabeth Baldwin
Elizabeth Baldwin
Elizabeth Baldwin
Christina Manassa
Christina Manassa
Christina Manassa
Christina Manassa
Christina Manassa
Heidi Marks
Hannah Blades
Zoe Taylor
Hannah Flynn
Charlotte May
Charlotte May
Charlotte May
Charlotte May
Charlotte May
Esme jones
Frances prescott
Chris Standing
Chris Standing
Chris Standing
Chris Standing
Chris Standing
Lauren Baker
Clare Brunton
The PTA are donating £100 cash to a lucky winner!
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Little summer hamper worth £15 donated by Tesco
Thank you Tesco Appenine way for your donation.
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Free Valet donated by Headturners detailing
Thank you Headturners detailing for your donation.
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Family ticket for ZSL Whipsnade zoo
2 adults, 2 children ticket for ZSL Whipsnade zoo
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
2x 30 minutes music lessons by SAM music service worth £37
Donated by SAM music service for the Christmas raffle and the winner re-gifted them to us.
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
1 month Everyone Active gym membership at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre
Donated by Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre.
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£10 gift voucher for DJs Play
Donated by DJs Play, Expiry date 12/05/2025
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£10 gift voucher for DJs Play
Donated by DJs Play, Expiry date 12/05/2025
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£10 gift voucher for DJs Play
Donated by DJs Play, Expiry date 28/10/2024
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Use a desk for a day or meeting room for 2 hours at Borrow My Office
Donated by Borrow My Office, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Half term of dance classes with Little Luvvies
Donated by Little Luvvies, choose from baby ballet (2-4 years), ballet (4 years to adult), tap (4 years to adult) or drama (4 to 15 years)
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
4 tickets to Peter Pan at Ascott House on Tuesday 27th August
Donated by The Immertion Theatre Company.
Winner will need to email us their details for us to forward to the company. Tickets will then be left aside at the Box Office
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Winner will need to email us their details for us to forward to the company. Tickets will then be left aside at the Box Office
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
1 adult 1 child ticket to Mead Open Farm
Donated by Mead Open Farm
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Family Ticket to Woodside Animal Farm
2 adults 2 children ticket entry to Woodside Animal Farm kindly donated by the farm.
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Family portrait session with Oakley studios worth £150 that includes a framed image.
Framed 7'' x 5'' image from the session
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Family portrait session with Oakley studios worth £150 that includes a framed image.
Framed 7'' x 5'' image from the session
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Family portrait session with Oakley studios worth £150 that includes a framed image.
Framed 7'' x 5'' image from the session
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Donated by Oakley Studios
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
A Happy Self Journal book for children worth £25
HappySelf are on a mission to create happier futures by encouraging positive habits today and have given away 300 journals to schools. Here's one of them!
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£25 cash donated by Bath Road Tesco Express
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£50 Family meal voucher for The Clay Pipe, Leighton Buzzard
Donated by The Clay Pipe
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£22 Stamptastic Voucher
The voucher entitles the winner to buy 1 Stamptastic Ink Pad and 1 Stamptastic Name Stamp, donated by Stamptastic
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
£10 Gift voucher for Adrienne's flowers
Donated by Adrienne's flowers
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
Collection only
Collection from Beaudesert Lower School, Leighton Buzzard
This competition has a minimum ticket sales of 100. If this isn't reached, each prize winner will instead receive 3% of the hosts "take-home" pay.
Maximum amount of 250 per person.
The raffle will end at 14/06/2024 21:30 and automatically drawn at 14/06/2024 21:45 unless all tickets are sold prior to the end date. In this case, the end and draw date and time will be brought forward.
The winner(s) of the raffle will be notified via email as soon as the draw has been done.
All ticket numbers are allocated at random. You can view your ticket numbers in your account once your entry is complete.
Or if you checked out as a guest, you will get a link via email, where you can view and manage your tickets
Entering the raffle or successfully answering the question will not guarantee a prize.
If after the draw the host fails to provide the prize, the winner will instead win 3% of the hosts "take-home" pay.
By entering you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and are over 18 years old.
Raffaly ID: 0293241e-bda0-499c-a5f4-48f0328029d1 If the host fails to provide the prize, the winners will instead win 3% of the hosts "take-home" pay. This percentage is based on how many prizes are offered. Raffaly guarantees and pays all compensation payouts directly.
100% of the host's profit goes directly to: